
Michigan School Shooting

Woulda, coulda, shoulda... None of those thing done in and of themselves are criminal. There is no law in Mich requiring that firearms be locked up as is there no law against a 15 year old owning a handgun. They can't purchase one at that age but they can own one and use one to hunt with if accompanied by an adult. Legal pundits and talking heads are already pointing out the challenges of a conviction on the particular statue they are charging. You can definately make a case for negligence BUT does it rise to the level of criminal within the confines of the law? Me thinks not. I still concede that the parents are horrible parents but there is no law against being horrible parents.

Thing is the moral culpability aspect needs to be removed, it needs to be looked at purely from a legal perspective.
so then under that state's laws, he can not own a gun, got it, but he can hunt with one, IF accompanied by an adult, got it.

so an adult was supposed to be with him, when he cold bloody murdered..???

i mean after all, he did take the gun out of the house right..?? or did it "magically appear" in his hand when he got to the school..??

parents are responsible for the actions of thier KIDS, especially when they are under the legal age of adult.

even though he is a child, he committed an adult crime, with intent...

the parents are as involved as all hell.

there were warnings.
so then under that state's laws, he can not own a gun, got it, but he can hunt with one, IF accompanied by an adult, got it.

so an adult was supposed to be with him, when he cold bloody murdered..???

i mean after all, he did take the gun out of the house right..?? or did it "magically appear" in his hand when he got to the school..??

parents are responsible for the actions of thier KIDS, especially when they are under the legal age of adult.

even though he is a child, he committed an adult crime, with intent...

the parents are as involved as all hell.

there were warnings.
This so should not have happened.
Parents are culpable.
Ok, the parents were hiding in a warehouse, they were trying to get to Canada, they withdrew $4,000.00 and had a BOLA issued for them nationwide, there guilty of something or they wouldn’t have gone to this extreme, just what I have read and saw on news.
Ok, the parents were hiding in a warehouse, they were trying to get to Canada, they withdrew $4,000.00 and had a BOLA issued for them nationwide, there guilty of something or they wouldn’t have gone to this extreme, just what I have read and saw on news.
Speaks volumes to there character, running away to leave their son to deal with this alone. 🤬 no wonder he grew up the way he did. Reprehensible behavior for parents to do something like that, they knew they were in trouble. Low life’s.
Based on the whole familys' mug shots they don't look like paragons of virtue.

My .02
Did anyone else read the letter published that the mother wrote to then president Trump? Total moron.
Most of the letter is her bemoaning the current administration and government then she says how much she respected Trump and finished by saying “I would rather be grabbed in the crotch then f$$ked in the a$$”

Pond scum.
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Back in the day Bonanza and "Have gun - will travel" was about as rough as it got and Elvis the Pelvis was about as vulgar as it got. Today, all manner of digital rot is available and Mommy & Daddy are consuming it too and how can they know what the children are feeding on? Often enough, argument/revenge is the example of relationship skills the parents teach the children so "getting even" is the fix for a slight.

And (some) educators today are part of the problem; not sure of their gender or which outhouse to use, teaching CRT and having regret at the race they were born and the schools providing services the parents don't know about so I don't think it is the function of the Institutions/educators to be the custodians/moral judge of which parents don't measure up and report them for "mental health" services. Additionally, the schools assist in the family breakdown by giving the delinquent leverage by going against and reporting corporal punishment by the parents when a child gets what he has earned.