It's still more cost effective to reload for most rifle calibers and even most pistol calibers depending on the caliber.Except I have yet to invest in was a plan to do it at some point...just not yet. The price of components right now makes it a wash to reload or buy new for many of my preferred I was putting it off.
I guess that case goes into long-storage until I do...
I load subsonic 220gr .300blk for roughly 50¢ a round which this normally goes for almost $2.00 a round.
Collecting your brass saves a lot of the cost. My range allows us to collect any brass on the range or in the buckets.
I also load 9mm 147gr subsonic rounds for half the cost as factory ammo.
Just look for deals on reloading components from places like Midway USA and you'll be loading for less.
Here's a link to a few reloading press kits for short money.