

Treat a gun like a car.

would you just walk around the outside of a car and plop thousands or tens of thousands down on that vehicle by just looking at the outside and buying just on the 1 walk around ?

gun is same way.

you want to take it for a ride, open it up, check it out.

take your time and research

you’ll make the right decision for you in the proper time
Captive though, thats like comparing Vin Diesel to John Wayne. If I knew I was going to be fed and cared for I wouldnt rush into a fight, but if I had to fight for every meal, you might be on the menu.

I mentioned real-life. Reading is fundamental.

Car companies use dummies for crash tests. Should real people be used first?

Many non-captive encounters have proved the stuff a deterrent when used properly.

News just reported two griz were put down in West Yellowstone because they became habituated to human attractants. And the news have been reminding folks in general to be bear aware since fall is coming and Black and griz are trying to put on their fat reserves for the winter, so the risk of encounters goes up from now until they den up.

It's humorous when out-of-state/Region folks that don't live in places where folks have to be bear aware as SOP become bear experts.

There's plenty of valid scientific research done, over years, that has proven it works on bears.

Developed and tested out west on captive bears by the primary two main companies that make it (UDAP & Counter Assault), & has been proven as an effective deterrent (nothing is 100%) in that testing and in real life use.



NatGeo article

Which wild bears were the control group and which the variable?

It's scientifically impossible to prove bear spray efficacy. Setting aside control and variable groups, how the heck could scientists eliminate all confounding factors leaving only bear spray as causal of stopping a bear attack?

Here's how it works: concoct anything, vinegar and salt, and spray it in a caged bear's face. Watch it run away inside of its cage. Buy political influence in exchange for a law forcing Americans visiting national parks and forests that have bear populations to buy your bear repellent, and watch your wealth grow.
I mentioned real-life. Reading is fundamental.

Car companies use dummies for crash tests. Should real people be used first?

Many non-captive encounters have proved the stuff a deterrent when used properly.

News just reported two griz were put down in West Yellowstone because they became habituated to human attractants. And the news have been reminding folks in general to be bear aware since fall is coming and Black and griz are trying to put on their fat reserves for the winter, so the risk of encounters goes up from now until they den up.

It's humorous when out-of-state/Region folks that don't live in places where folks have to be bear aware as SOP become bear experts.
Well I think we have done human first. Thats why we decided there's a better alternative 😉

Context my dear Talyn, context, it was merely an observation and comparison on a gun forum not NatGeo. Regardless, we could all be enlightened, we have not all been assimilated . . . yet.
Ali, I won't begin to argue or debate anyone's advice here, except to say that I too have taught/trained many females in the use of handguns over about 45 yrs of instructing. Young singles/college girls, widows, women wanting to get into some kind of competitions, and many others who have decided to shoot and/or carry for whatever and various reasons. One thing I have found from experience is those women who have absolutely no experience with guns, will more often that not shy away from the 45's after just a few shots.

They are big and heavy for most typical women, they make a whole lot of noise, a lot more than some women are willing to put up with, and the recoil will actually hurt most typical (especially smaller framed) women. And then there is the issue of 'limp wristing', unless you are bigger and stouter than most women. What that is is a condition where the wrist/hand strength of the shooter is simply not sufficient to over come the recoil of whatever particular semi-auto they are shooting and because of that the gun will sometimes fail to re-cock the action. It may even fail to eject the spent case.

Now, my only reason for adding this post is to encourage you to rent, buy, beg, borrow or steal someone's 45 semi before you put down your money. I don't know a single thing about you except your admitted experience level but a desire to learn, but as I mentioned, if you are typical of the female set (that's a compliment, not a slight) it's likely to be too much for you to shoot comfortably or competently. If on the other hand you're an OTR, cigar smoking, tobacco chewing, beer drinking, ass kickin' truck driver who weighs around 200+ pounds, (if that's the case then that's also a compliment ;)) it may just be perfect for you. But, to be on the safe side, just try one before you buy one. Yes, you can always re-sell it if you don't like it, but why. Get what works for you the first time and you'll get a lot more for your money. And you'll enjoy it much more.

While the ass kickin' truck driver sounds like a helluva fun time...maybe not so much on the cigar smoking or tobacco chewing 'cuz ewww.....I am definitely not that! But kudos to you for covering your hiney on both descriptions, you are a clever, clever man! :LOL:

Only testing things out and a little time will be the teller of whether or not I can handle a 45
And to you as well Ali. Love that handle BTW.

Now, whether you find some guns to try or not, don't hesitate to get back on here and ask away. You mentioned there were some posts you didn't quite understand. There are some really nice and experienced people on here (and one damned grouch ;):)) and any of them/us will be more than happy to offer whatever help we can.

If/when there is something offered that you don't understand, ask again. Or ask for more clarity. Or ask for another explanation. No one here will take any offense to your asking a second time..... or third..... or ..... or.....

Just always remember that opinions are like belly buttons, everybody has one. They won't all be the same by any means. But you can sort them out with time and it'll all begin to make sense.

And welcome to the world of firearms/shooting. A lot more fun than a stick in the eye !!!!

So basically, I will be on here like a 5 year old til everyone gets sick of me....why? But why? How come? What's that? LOL

JK, I will do some of my own reading as well

Everyone does have an opinion for sure, was not expecting quite so many when I posted my question but each one of them is welcome. Everyone has their opinion based on their own experience and those experiences are very helpful to know, no matter what the subject is :cool:
While the ass kickin' truck driver sounds like a helluva fun time...maybe not so much on the cigar smoking or tobacco chewing 'cuz ewww.....I am definitely not that! But kudos to you for covering your hiney on both descriptions, you are a clever, clever man! :LOL:

Only testing things out and a little time will be the teller of whether or not I can handle a 45
Don’t give him a big head he’ll never stop. 😂😂😂
So basically, I will be on here like a 5 year old til everyone gets sick of me....why? But why? How come? What's that? LOL

No one who is new to the sport of firearms, and willing to ask questions to learn, would be considered "like a 5 year old". Looking for and accepting good info on something as serious as 'guns', 'shooting', 'carrying', etc, is a worthwhile venture. And anything/everything you learn/understand can only make you a better/safer gun owner/user, and it can never be taken from you.

SO ....... Ask away !!!! We'll try to steer you clear of that "one damned grouch" I mentioned. ;)
"...... you are a clever, clever man! :LOL:......"

"......Only testing things out and a little time will be the teller of whether or not I can handle a 45......."

Well, there ya' go! You've already learned the answer to the first and most fundamental question involving firearms. And you've made two of the most intelligent comments yet in the entire thread !!! ;):D:D:D:D:D:D:D
It is in everyone's best interest that we help each other out and help " Newbies" out. What any of us does with a firearm can and does affect us all. Plus as a general rule gun owners are more likely to be level headed, responsible and kind people. Other than those douchebag wannabe "Boogaloo boys" type morons constantly stroking themselves about how much they know, what they would do and how much better their AR is than yours, etc.. Most of those idiots are by and large confined to their mommy's basements while they play on the interwebz though. :)
I would suggest a revolver however it depends on your particular needs if you are looking for a carry gun or a home defense gun a 38 special is my personal favorite i have a taurus model 82 with a 4 inch barrel for home defense and a rock island armory model m206 as a potential carry gun although I don't carry it often. If you are looking for a semi-auto I always recommend a springfield armory I have a xd mod. 2 in 9mm on my night stand and occasionally carry a compact 45 1911 both are firearms that if i could only have one id struggle between these 2 as for long guns if you're out for that i like a maverick 88 if you can find a 20 gauge they make great home defense guns in my opinion
Hey all...sorry I fell off the planet for a bit (there's a flat earth joke in there somewhere)...life likes to get in the way sometimes! Long story short, I finally went to the range on Sunday for the 1st time! Come to find out my sister's BF has a liking...or obsession....for guns so the 3 of us went along with his kiddos!

OH BOY!!! Was a bit nervous but not as nervous as I thought I would be. Holding the gun was slightly awkward at 1st, fired my 1st round.....WHOAAAAAA.....ARRRRGHH HEHEHEHEHEHE....can we do it again?? Best way I can describe it LOL

Now I have to toot my own horn. Just for a second :p Also, ignore that rogue shot on the bottom!! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

PS I ordered my pew pew today "Glock 17 Gen 5 Full Size 9MM 4.49-inch Barrel 17-Rounds Fixed Sights"


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Hey all...sorry I fell off the planet for a bit (there's a flat earth joke in there somewhere)...life likes to get in the way sometimes! Long story short, I finally went to the range on Sunday for the 1st time! Come to find out my sister's BF has a liking...or obsession....for guns so the 3 of us went along with his kiddos!

OH BOY!!! Was a bit nervous but not as nervous as I thought I would be. Holding the gun was slightly awkward at 1st, fired my 1st round.....WHOAAAAAA.....ARRRRGHH HEHEHEHEHEHE....can we do it again?? Best way I can describe it LOL

Now I have to toot my own horn. Just for a second :p Also, ignore that rogue shot on the bottom!! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

PS I ordered my pew pew today "Glock 17 Gen 5 Full Size 9MM 4.49-inch Barrel 17-Rounds Fixed Sights"
Great shooting Ali and good choice for your handgun. You shouldn't feel as much recoil with a full size handgun like that. Although it could be carried, probably better carried off body like in a handbag or something. Or, you could also get back on the horse and pick up an additional smaller firearms exclusively for carry on body ;). Good luck with your future endeavor, and keep us posted in your progress / progression.
Hey all...sorry I fell off the planet for a bit (there's a flat earth joke in there somewhere)...life likes to get in the way sometimes! Long story short, I finally went to the range on Sunday for the 1st time! Come to find out my sister's BF has a liking...or obsession....for guns so the 3 of us went along with his kiddos!

OH BOY!!! Was a bit nervous but not as nervous as I thought I would be. Holding the gun was slightly awkward at 1st, fired my 1st round.....WHOAAAAAA.....ARRRRGHH HEHEHEHEHEHE....can we do it again?? Best way I can describe it LOL

Now I have to toot my own horn. Just for a second :p Also, ignore that rogue shot on the bottom!! :LOL::LOL::LOL:

PS I ordered my pew pew today "Glock 17 Gen 5 Full Size 9MM 4.49-inch Barrel 17-Rounds Fixed Sights"


Note: If you're left-handed just flip the chart up-side down.
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