You know the saying, "You get what you pay for." Problem is, taxes are quite high in California and they waste money on non-essentials, pet projects and magical thinking. So many people everywhere are desperate for a government that will provide safe neighborhoods, schools that educate and borders that are secure. There are maybe a dozen more government essentials, but you get the idea. Government today is like software bloat. Over time, both get extremely large. Government need not be the Swiss army knife where it is the solution to every dang thing out there. Sometimes the solution is to stay the hell out of the way. Investment is another term for taxpayer's money and when it is made from vapor, it robs you and your heirs in the form of inflation and massive debt.
The message for today is, please, please, please stick to your knitting and get to work on the absolute necessities and forget about your fantastical dream world. The citizens have wakened and the hanging trees are many.