
NOW they question how their taxes are spent

You know the saying, "You get what you pay for." Problem is, taxes are quite high in California and they waste money on non-essentials, pet projects and magical thinking. So many people everywhere are desperate for a government that will provide safe neighborhoods, schools that educate and borders that are secure. There are maybe a dozen more government essentials, but you get the idea. Government today is like software bloat. Over time, both get extremely large. Government need not be the Swiss army knife where it is the solution to every dang thing out there. Sometimes the solution is to stay the hell out of the way. Investment is another term for taxpayer's money and when it is made from vapor, it robs you and your heirs in the form of inflation and massive debt.

The message for today is, please, please, please stick to your knitting and get to work on the absolute necessities and forget about your fantastical dream world. The citizens have wakened and the hanging trees are many.
Should have asked where money was going before all this happened. Too late now. They need to pay more attention to their elected officials as they now know they cannot be trusted.
They don't give a flying rats tail until it's their ox that's getting gored. "They now know" I doubt it. I.E. I give you all the people that flee from N.Y. Calf. etc. taxes, crime, etc. and start pushing for the same policies in the new place that they just ran away from. :rolleyes:
They don't give a flying rats tail until it's their ox that's getting gored. "They now know" I doubt it. I.E. I give you all the people that flee from N.Y. Calf. etc. taxes, crime, etc. and start pushing for the same policies in the new place that they just ran away from. :rolleyes:
Yes!!! I understand completely. Why leave one screwed up place and try to screw up another one. I just don't understand californians. What is wrong with them. The other issue I have with them is that everywhere they go they raise the cost of living for everyone. Just because they can afford more house because they made a killing selling theirs in California doesn't mean that they can just walk in and ruin our economy. Builders here take advantage of them by raising prices on homes and when they do that us locals can no longer afford to purchase a new home. Greedy people in this world are ruining this country. If they think its bad now just wait, its going to get worse.
We're sure to see lot more inept or downright stupid decisions come out. Like delaying rescue vehicles and fire apparatus from out of state to check and see if they meet Calif emissions. Unbelievable.
well stopping vehicles that want to enter the state of Commiefornia is nothing new.,.stopping 18 wheelers that deliver products will only create shortages, and i am certain that has been an issue for a while too.

i know that CA has a pollution problem, and always had, being in a "basin" from what i recall.

but food, and other goods must get into the state...now even more so with emergency workers.

and also, we can ALL BLAME Commifornia for all our vehicles having to meet CA emissions standards as well.

i live over here on the east coast.....my car was built in KY, and has CA emissions

the CARB board in CA is highly responsible for the push for electric vehicles.

we can all thank the Commifornians for us going electric.

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It's a tough decision on how I want to think about this situation. On the first hand, these are people who many of whom are genuinely suffering. Difficult to know how I would deal with losing literally everything. I have empathy for them from that perspective.

On the other hand, they have made a decision to live in an area where wildfires are somewhat common. It's not unreasonable to argue that they shouldn't be surprised when such events happen. Something akin to the person who builds in a flood plain and then gets flooded out.

With regard to the political/social aspect of this, sorry folks, you elected these clowns. Don't come running to the rest of the country pleading for help because YOUR elected officials screwed you. Little of this stupidity occurred in vacuum. You should have been on their asses when they started this BS.

Looks like some are finding out the hard way that liberal policies and the politicians who champion them are a cancer. If the folks in the area won't escort them out of office and continue to embrace the ignorance of the left, we can't help you.