i feel badly for them as well...everyone lost everything...It's a tough decision on how I want to think about this situation. On the first hand, these are people who many of whom are genuinely suffering. Difficult to know how I would deal with losing literally everything. I have empathy for them from that perspective.
On the other hand, they have made a decision to live in an area where wildfires are somewhat common. It's not unreasonable to argue that they shouldn't be surprised when such events happen. Something akin to the person who builds in a flood plain and then gets flooded out.
With regard to the political/social aspect of this, sorry folks, you elected these clowns. Don't come running to the rest of the country pleading for help because YOUR elected officials screwed you. Little of this stupidity occurred in vacuum. You should have been on their asses when they started this BS.
Looks like some are finding out the hard way that liberal policies and the politicians who champion them are a cancer. If the folks in the area won't escort them out of office and continue to embrace the ignorance of the left, we can't help you.
its the same situation with living on the coastline, and storm surges take away the beaches, homes were built on.....sooner or later, "mother nature" is going to reclaim her stuff.