
On A Serious Note for Your Health

yes and during covid...it made it more scary of a challenge . prep people said...hmmm you might make sure you have enough tp in a laughing gesture

as far as hip replacement
my buddy in CT. had his done and spent one night in hospital and was walking with walker the next day
he is now on week 3 of phys therapy. he seems to be doing really well. he is 84, and was in bad bad shape prior with pain etc
they are flying south in 2 weeks so.

i would ask your therapist all the hard facts
Thank you, I'm only 5 days out. Guess I just need to suck it up & push through the pain. I have a high pain tolerance, but both together is rough.
I hate to admit it, but my innards are a mess. Way back in 2000 they took out 1.5 feet of my colon due to diverticulitis. I've lost count of how many colonoscopies I've had since them. Almost every time Doc takes out a couple of polyps. Once he got 7 at one time. Luckily, so far, they've all been benign. I'm due for another one next year.
In 2019 they discovered a kidney stone the size of a marble was partially blocking the duct into my bladder. Wasn't no passing that thing. They had to go in through the urethra, cut it up and take it out in pieces.
A couple of months ago, it was discovered that my gall bladder is full of rocks. Its coming out next Tuesday. :rolleyes:
Get those check ups folks. You just might save your life. ;)
I hate to admit it, but my innards are a mess. Way back in 2000 they took out 1.5 feet of my colon due to diverticulitis. I've lost count of how many colonoscopies I've had since them. Almost every time Doc takes out a couple of polyps. Once he got 7 at one time. Luckily, so far, they've all been benign. I'm due for another one next year.
In 2019 they discovered a kidney stone the size of a marble was partially blocking the duct into my bladder. Wasn't no passing that thing. They had to go in through the urethra, cut it up and take it out in pieces.
A couple of months ago, it was discovered that my gall bladder is full of rocks. Its coming out next Tuesday. :rolleyes:
Get those check ups folks. You just might save your life. ;)
OMG through the drain tube....i hope you were asleep
my 1st borescope of my bladder he removed some scar tissue right at the bladder to hmm connection and i was awake....and thought i would pass out .
OMG through the drain tube....i hope you were asleep
my 1st borescope of my bladder he removed some scar tissue right at the bladder to hmm connection and i was awake....and thought i would pass out .
when i had (more than 1 prostate procedure), i had to "wear da bag".

i swear having that drain tube hurt more than the procedure.

about a week later going back to his office to get it yanked out, nurse said to me, "take a deep breath, then let it out, that's when i pull out the tube".

i recall she was pregnant, and i said back to her.

"ok i see you're having a baby, are you mad at your husband for that?

she said no, nd laughed

then i asked her, "are you like extra hormonal right now"..???

she laughed and said no

"ok, here i go, pull it out when i exhale"....

ZAP.......i felt that tube coming out with lightning fast speed.

i think she had fun..........
yeah, i hate not only the prep, but the cases of toilet paper that is needed afterwards.
This post just reminded me of the last time I had to do the prep ... knowing what the outcome of the previous time and how much toilet paper it took to keep things under control, I saw an ad for a 'Toilet brush' and in a weak moment thought 'Now there's an idea!' So I bought one the day before starting prep .... but holy crap, it didn't take a second day before I decided to go back to the toilet paper.

Yeh, that's a true story .... well almost true. I did see the ad and thought ....... jj
This post just reminded me of the last time I had to do the prep ... knowing what the outcome of the previous time and how much toilet paper it took to keep things under control, I saw an ad for a 'Toilet brush' and in a weak moment thought 'Now there's an idea!' So I bought one the day before starting prep .... but holy crap, it didn't take a second day before I decided to go back to the toilet paper.

Yeh, that's a true story .... well almost true. I did see the ad and thought ....... jj
well at least, those soft brushes don't hurt...... :ROFLMAO:

and they are washable, saving tons (literally) tons of paper......

only issue is where to hang them to dry.....next to the wife's hosiery on the shower rod.....???

or on the clothes line, for all the neighbors to see the now slightly browned brush..????

may even be a better idea to get a wet/dry vac extra long hose, and well, one end in the toilet.......

the other end..........well, .............well greased and inserted..?????
OMG through the drain tube....i hope you were asleep
Actually, they ran the scope up me twice. The first time was just an inspection to see what the X-ray was showing. That's when they discovered this big ol' marble in me. I was wide awake for that one. It was mighty uncomfortable, but enough local anesthetic made it tolerable. It was interesting to get a look at this monster on the TV monitor.
The second time when they cut it up and pulled it out, I was thankfully out cold. ;)
I completely understand where you're coming from. A few years ago, my uncle, who's always been the picture of health, got diagnosed with a similar issue. He, like your friend, had avoided doctors like the plague. It was a real wake-up call for my family. Since then, I've made it a point to get regular checkups. I used to think of them as unnecessary, but now I see them as a crucial part of taking care of myself.

Your message is a vital reminder that health should never be taken for granted, regardless of how fit or healthy we feel. Regular screenings might feel like a hassle, but they're essential for early detection, which can make a huge difference. I've learned that taking these small steps can provide peace of mind and potentially save lives.

And while we're discussing health, for those with concerns specifically about skin issues, seek professional advice at reliable sources. They offer specialized help that can be incredibly useful.
I had my first colonoscopy a couple of years ago courtesy of the VA.

I'm in recovery so I told the doctor I wanted the least possible amount of medication she could give me.

When I told her that she said that the medication that she was going to use was Fentanyl.

All I know about fentanyl is what I've heard on the news so, it's inaccurate.

I was more worried about them giving me fentanyl than I was about the borescope
I am new around these parts. Joined up today.
My wife is a survivor of Colon Cancer … 12 years since
the chemo. Operation , and all the treatments & Dr. Office visits.
She had a few polyps 2 yrs after . Hallelujah , she’s in remission.
Early diagnosis, & early thorough treatment is all so important.
I am new around these parts. Joined up today.
My wife is a survivor of Colon Cancer … 12 years since
the chemo. Operation , and all the treatments & Dr. Office visits.
She had a few polyps 2 yrs after . Hallelujah , she’s in remission.
Early diagnosis, & early thorough treatment is all so important.
Glad she is doing well. Lost one of my best friends to that stuff, he was 48 and at stage 4 when they found it. I have been a believer in regular screenings since then. Too easy not to!
On the kidney stone note I have had them chronically for the last 20 years. Urologist has me on yearly x-ray and ultrasounds so they don’t get out of control as described in a post above. Lithotripsy usually takes care of them when they start getting a little large. Nice meds for that procedure too. ;)
You will reveal your deepest and darkest secrets...
You are on display for everyone in the room to see, the last time I had mine it was after my divorce and my discharge papers had 3 nurses names and phone numbers on it.
Let me just say……..

No I better not. 😋🙄😵‍💫🤦‍♂️🤣😂😂😂

And yes they were gorgeous women.
You are on display for everyone in the room to see, the last time I had mine it was after my divorce and my discharge papers had 3 nurses names and phone numbers on it.
Let me just say……..

No I better not. 😋🙄😵‍💫🤦‍♂️🤣😂😂😂

And yes they were gorgeous women.
They saw your true inner being and liked it