
Open carry

To me, open carry is kinda dumb, yea, it may be legal, but to me it’s showing off stating hey I’m carrying a gun, plus it give idiots out there a way to get ahold of your gun and possibly doing something with it, especially if it’s carried in a non secure type holster, best to conceal your gun safer for you and all plus nobody needs to know you have one, just me
well I think every carry type has its place. For me I conceal in town but generally open carry in the woods while hunting in a chest holster with retention. Where I live, open carry is not banned but it’s not the norm either, so you really stand out. Granted some people think they are carrying concealed but print so badly it might as well be open, or the holster sticks out below their t shirt.

Up where I go hunting, open carry at the gas station is the norm and a great conversation starter. Heard some very cool stories from old timers who saw my 1911.
The only place I open carry is at the range, and in the field hunting. When I leave the range, or get done hunting…I either cover it with a jacket/shirt, or remove it.

I don’t believe people should be prohibited from OC’ing; it’s their choice…but:

Like KillerFord, almost all people I’ve seen OC’ing do it in the worst possible way…the few exceptions are the “Tactical Theodores” who have a Level 10 retention holster on their thigh, over their Crye Precision cammies, and a massive chip on their shoulder; they WANT someone to confront them or call the cops.

Neither, imho, are good ambassadors for the gun rights community.

Like I said, you want to do it, just don’t be one of those guys.
I would like to see open carry normalized. Yup, I said it. Sure, you need a good holster. But besides that, I actually think it would be better. It would be much easier to carry. You could carry a full-size gun without having to cover it. Especially in the hot months. And full-size guns are better than compact guns.
Also, everyone knows America is a gun country, and many states are very pro-gun. Let's embrace it, not conceal it.
It will tick off the anti-gun crybabies, and that's always a plus.
I would like to see open carry normalized. Yup, I said it. Sure, you need a good holster. But besides that, I actually think it would be better. It would be much easier to carry. You could carry a full-size gun without having to cover it. Especially in the hot months. And full-size guns are better than compact guns.
Also, everyone knows America is a gun country, and many states are very pro-gun. Let's embrace it, not conceal it.
It will tick off the anti-gun crybabies, and that's always a plus.
By all means if your state has it go ahead. I csn but would not do so but I believe if you so desire you should be able to.
I would like to see open carry normalized. Yup, I said it. Sure, you need a good holster. But besides that, I actually think it would be better. It would be much easier to carry. You could carry a full-size gun without having to cover it. Especially in the hot months. And full-size guns are better than compact guns.
Also, everyone knows America is a gun country, and many states are very pro-gun. Let's embrace it, not conceal it.
It will tick off the anti-gun crybabies, and that's always a plus.
In a perfect world
There is a federal permit. LEO can attain one. I think even retired LEO.
Issued by department. Have one which needs renewal. Have to resubmit a print card, a range card and pay $100 to the state for a record check!

I was taught to protect my sidearm. This means placing my hand OVER my holstered handgun when in a crowd. Had people complain that as a cop, I was going to draw and shoot them. Explained that it was in case someone tried to make a grab for my sidearm. Long ago and far away.
I’ll open carry when working on the farm or out in the toolies, though it’s always a larger wheelgun in a holster with a retention device. Conceal the rest of the time. In public, to me anyway, open carry is like having a sign on say “shoot me first”😳. I was a firefighter for many years. Never, ever wore the uniform into a store/station/whatever on the premise that the guy looking to rob the place wouldn’t take time to read the patch or badge but would just see a badge and shoot me first. YMMV
While I think everyone is armed in my area of TX, it's not very often I see open carry. If you happen to be in area that is the go to spot for hunting leases then it would be more common but still not a majority. Most folks try to cover when they run into the store or quick stop. The deer lease is 100% of the time