
Potent Potables (aka What’s your poison?)

An original B&T (at least in former Brit colonies/empire) was a dark Guinness stout and a light lager, like Harp, mixed half and half... Been many years for me.. an acquired Rhodie taste.
Yes. Guinness and Harp.
In beer, my current favorite is an IPA from a brewery in Lexington called West Sixth. Good stuff.
After that, I'm fond of Polish potato vodka and a variety of Scotch (prefer Single Malt) and living in KY, I have been forced to embrace Bourbon, so I'm working on that.
I hear ya on the Whiskies- uisge beatha- I like a good single malt scotch like Laphroaig but Im not fussy, any Isley straight malt will do! I've always had a taste for straight bourbon since my first slug of Old Grandad back in high school, right now it's the Turkey in the jar... getting hard to find an aged, straight bourbon in my neck of the woods. Seems like so many of the whiskeys have been bought out by Japanese or other multi-nationals who have cheapened the quality (not the price) of their products. Actual corn liquor is impossible anymore.
The Old Woman, who likes her vodka, bought me a bottle of the potato vodka that's been coming in. Never been much of a vodka drinker but that stuff is great, so I've been keeping a bottle or two around- for cold nights, medicinal, ya know...
Black and tan original is Guinness and Bass, but any pale ale actually qualifies
Could be- but I learned to drink a Tan with G and Harp ale. Being Irish, Harp- it's possible it was available when Brit beers such as Bass weren't due to trade sanctions at the time, I dunno. It has been more years ago than I care to admit.
Could be- but I learned to drink a Tan with G and Harp ale. Being Irish, Harp- it's possible it was available when Brit beers such as Bass weren't due to trade sanctions at the time, I dunno. It has been more years ago than I care to admit.
Bass is original… but harp and bass are polarizing to isles based on where you live, so both claim its “proper”
Cheers … happy Friday.
Some aged rum on ice, some music and feet in the pool… its still 98 degrees 😱😠
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Now i don't want you to get upset or somethin but i gotta get this off my chest.

You remember a while back we made a trade on something and i was supposed to skinny dip in that awesome pool, well now,..i..uhh, done did it when you weren't home. i was nekkid as a jaybird. didn't have nothing on but a smile

glad nobody was there, water was really cool and the shrinkage was really bad
Now i don't want you to get upset or somethin but i gotta get this off my chest.

You remember a while back we made a trade on something and i was supposed to skinny dip in that awesome pool, well now,..i..uhh, done did it when you weren't home. i was nekkid as a jaybird. didn't have nothing on but a smile

glad nobody was there, water was really cool and the shrinkage was really bad
Yeah, well, i drained the pool and rinsed off the film.. extra chlorine. Wife was all WTF …
My answer …. arkansas..
she said “do it again, but 3x the chlorine” …. 🙂


Smoking ribs, figured I’d start big…

Oh…personally, I prefer Bass & Guinness for my B&T’s, but I won’t turn up my nose to Harp.

But, FWIW…the best B&T I ever had involved a Russian Imperial Stout & an English Bitter.

Heresy? Maybe.

But it was delicious, boozy heresy, which is the best kind.
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Smoking ribs, figured I’d start big…

Oh…personally, I prefer Bass & Guinness for my B&T’s, but I won’t turn up my nose to Harp.

But, FWIW…the best B&T I ever had involved a Russian Imperial Stout & an English Bitter.

Heresy? Maybe.

But it was delicious, boozy heresy, which is the best kind.
I used to regular drink 1554 made by those same folks I believe; from what I recall it was not a not a porter or stout but still dark and (imo) best served at room temp.
Hard to find darker brews in my neck of the woods. Everyone likes thin yellows served cold.
I used to regular drink 1554 made by those same folks I believe; from what I recall it was not a not a porter or stout but still dark and (imo) best served at room temp.
Hard to find darker brews in my neck of the woods. Everyone likes thin yellows served cold.

Yeah, New Belgium 1554 is really good, and kind of its own unique thing. I also like porters (more so than stouts), but when they are kept traditional, and not with a bunch of overpowering coffee/chocolate/whatever added in. Sometimes brewers take things too over the top, imo. Like what's happened to IPAs. I enjoy a good traditional, clean IPA, but this whole "fruity/hazy" thing needs to die already. Everywhere I go, it seems like 2/3 or more of the beer selection is all "fruity hazy IPAs." 🤮
Not sure if you folks have heard of Duck Rabbit.
They have a few stout and Porter lovers might enjoy.
Not sure if you folks have heard of Duck Rabbit.
They have a few stout and Porter lovers might enjoy.
Never seen them, but if I do, I’ll give them a try.