I've been pretty much avoiding this thread, but I guess I'll put my story here just for the hell of it.

When I was a much younger man, Bud, Jack and Jim were my best friends. I was a drunk. I say drunk rather than alcoholic because I never got to the point where I "needed" a drink. But I was at the stage where, more often than not, one usually led to one too many. I was a heavy drinker in High School and graduated to flat out drunk in the Army.
Then one day my charming bride of two years announced that she was pregnant!

At that time we were living from paycheck to paycheck. You know how it is for young couples. Now with new doctor bills and all the planning and buying for a new baby, there just wasn't any extra money for booze. Then one day it dawned on me that I hadn't had a drink in about two years. I also realized that I was much better off for it.

In the 40 odd years since, I've had one beer. Sept 10, 2002. It was our 25th anniversary and we were on a cruise ship in the Caribbean. I allowed myself just one to celebrate. After all, I wasn't driving.

In Dec 2010 my wife passed away. I'm gonna tell ya, it was one hell of a fight. I wanted so, so badly to just crawl inside a bottle and hide. The only thing that stopped me was I knew she would disapprove and I just couldn't let her down. She saved me one more time.

I really don't know why I put this out here for the world to see. I'm not looking for sympathy. Just maybe it might help one person? IDK

Anyway, don't sweat it. I'm no prude. I got absolutely no problem with folks who care to imbibe now and then. But I will warn ya, I got no patience with a sloppy drunk. I know how I used to be.