
Potent Potables (aka What’s your poison?)

This one is for you @belladonna 🙂
The selection for the evening …
I overdid rye in a big way when I was in the military up north. Kinda lost my taste for it. Haven’t had it in a long while though, so I wouldn’t turn my nose up at a sip of premium stuff. Most of the stuff sold here is the same nasty stuff I abused many years ago.
Ironically I worked for a company in Ontario and visited monthly....several co-workers asked about rye as if they consumed it regularly. I find it very bitter, even the big-dollar stuff. I now avoid rye....I admit I have not tasted many, but all I've tasted, including a "$300" bottle were not my thing.
Ironically I worked for a company in Ontario and visited monthly....several co-workers asked about rye as if they consumed it regularly. I find it very bitter, even the big-dollar stuff. I now avoid rye....I admit I have not tasted many, but all I've tasted, including a "$300" bottle were not my thing.
Bourbon and Rye are aquired tastes.
They are bitter to most folks.
I’m a hot tea drinker and red wines .
Tannins(bitter) in red wine, Black tea and rye are about the same
Bourbon and Rye are aquired tastes.
They are bitter to most folks.
I’m a hot tea drinker and red wines .
Tannins(bitter) in red wine, Black tea and rye are about the same
I acquired a taste for Scotch and Bourbon over time. The trick is, I think, not to overdo it. When you’re young, you overdo everything (at least I did 🙄). I prefer red wine over white, and we have quite a collection. We could probably build a whole room for wine. Anyway, I digress.

I have a tea collection from a Canadian company, and probably have enough to last me until the day I die. That being said, I’m going to give this Alberta Premium Rye a try if I can find it. I do need to make a trip up there soon to visit some of my favorite people, so maybe they have some interesting things.
I acquired a taste for Scotch and Bourbon over time. The trick is, I think, not to overdo it. When you’re young, you overdo everything (at least I did 🙄). I prefer red wine over white, and we have quite a collection. We could probably build a whole room for wine. Anyway, I digress.

I have a tea collection from a Canadian company, and probably have enough to last me until the day I die. That being said, I’m going to give this Alberta Premium Rye a try if I can find it. I do need to make a trip up there soon to visit some of my favorite people, so maybe they have some interesting things.
A whole room for wine is a goos thing 😃
I have quite a collection..