Lock n' Load
Just returned home after a trip to VT with a case of Alchemy Brewing's Heady Topper which claimed 1st Prize in the International Brewing Festival 2 years ago. It's so hard to get, even there, that their app shows where the trucks are delivering in real time. Still took me 2 stops to get a full case. It must be kept cold so I'm glad I took my cooler! It's in 16 oz. cans and they suggest you drink from the can for full flavor. It's a Double IPA, 8% ABV and absolutely delicious! Also picked up 2 4 packs of their Focal Banger Hazy IPA 7% ABV in 16 oz. cans (their 1st brew) which is a bit lighter, which you also drink from the can, and must be kept cold. Also a great beer! Need to take a second cooler on my next visit.
Edit to add Focal Banger info
Edit to add Focal Banger info
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