
POTUS 46 News Conference

but also disparaged the American war dead in France
Everyone in the room at the time this supposedly happened has denied that it ever was said. It comes from 2nd hand much like the Quid Pro Quo phone call leak.

BassBob: To be fair (and oh how I hate to be fair) the man is a congressman so my default position is that he is a liar. ;) Ya I'm biased, I don't trust any of the SOBs to give me the correct time of day :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Although in this case I suspect he is telling the truth. Or as much truth as any Pol. is capable of.

Talyn: I respectfully disagree. Should war veterans be held up and given a certain amount of respect, ABSOLUTELY. However, let's not water down the meaning of the word. Dad was a WWII combat vet, and then recalled to be one of the Frozen Chosen. While he was a hero to me (even when we fought like cats and dogs) he would have dismissed the notion that he was a hero and not very politely either.

Concerning Jonh McCain: It is possible to be a hero one day and deserving ever bit of scorn that can be heaped on one's shoulder the next. The former does not give one a pass from the latter. JMHO.
Wow, you stretched my statement to the point of silliness.

A. Couldn't be further from the truth.

B. Absolutely true. I've hated Trump from the day he ridiculed John McCain's military service and the 5 and a half years he was a POW and to top that off Trump was a draft dodger. As a Vietnam veteran I will never vote for Trump, NEVER!!!
It's not a stretch at all. You literally just tried to cast doubt on the medical report of a doctor based on his political persuasion. Explain to me how that's any different than me doubting every single thing Joy Behar says ?
McCain, Kerry, both combat veterans who deserve respect for that. What they did after they got back home is a different story. The trump disparaging him thing is really not much different than any other political BS. I mean listen to the shite you hear people say about Trump. Like he wants to have sex with his daughter. Hows that any better ?

For the record, Trump did directly address his POW status and I believe called him stupid for getting caught or something like that. Which was nasty and uncalled for most definitely. Just the same I won't vote for someone who campaigns on taking my rights away and wants to tax the crap out of me simply because the other guy is an A- hole. They're all A-holes. McCain and Kerry included.
Talyn: I respectfully disagree. Should war veterans be held up and given a certain amount of respect, ABSOLUTELY. However, let's not water down the meaning of the word. Dad was a WWII combat vet, and then recalled to be one of the Frozen Chosen. While he was a hero to me (even when we fought like cats and dogs) he would have dismissed the notion that he was a hero and not very politely either.
Reading is fundamental.

I specifically said the Vietnam POWs, including McCain, a lot while in custody. While I disagree with some of what McCains' political decisions he should not be singled out when others also went thru hell in the NV prison camps.

I also, had relatives in WW2 and Korea and some of them didn't come back.
Reading is fundamental.

I specifically said the Vietnam POWs, including McCain, a lot while in custody. While I disagree with some of what McCains' political decisions he should not be singled out when others also went thru hell in the NV prison camps.
McCain served his country as a Naval Aviator and did his duty and then some.
His political years are separate .

Screw him as a politician.
I respect him for his service.
They dont overlap