
PSA vs Colt

Tolerances are a lot tighter today, as computer controlled milling machines have come down in cost. All the math was figured out a LONG time ago on the AR platform. Easy to plug that info into a milling machine.
Yet companies still F it up. Even some big companies. Like all those Ruger 5.56s that had out of spec bolts so they just put thinned down, nitride coated firing pins in them instead of addressing the actual problem. The problem was that even the modified firing pins hung up. So people noticed it.
Rock River is not higher level I don't think.

I'm just one of many, but tell me your budget and I'll give you my opinion.
I don't really have a strict budget. Maybe $2000 or less? I'm not planning on optics or anything, just the old school carry handle and front sight. That seems to limit options. Any educated opinion is great. I'm a total neophyte with basic AR15s.
I don't really have a strict budget. Maybe $2000 or less? I'm not planning on optics or anything, just the old school carry handle and front sight. That seems to limit options. Any educated opinion is great. I'm a total neophyte with basic AR15s.
You can build out an Aero Lower and put a BCM MKII 16" upper on it, with a nice trigger for probably $1200-ish. The BCM comes with their premium BCG. Put some Flip ups on it and skip the old school garb.
The RRA National Match has a very heavy bull barrel on it because it's a competition rifle for CMP & other service rifle matches. I've had one for awhile & while very accurate it's not a field/walk-in-the woods rifle.

A PSA A2/A4 (get the A4 with the detachable carry handle) with the FN govt. profile barrel is much better to pack around for general use.

I use both of the above for matches based on the two different match types.

Note: there is a 7.5 lb weight limit for some CMP matches & the RRA NM is way over that because of the barrel.

I still have my old 80's pre-ban Colt A2 HBAR when I moved to it for DCM matches, but don't shoot it much anymore since it's a bit dated compared to the newer builds.
One is a reputable manufacturer of mil-spec quality.
The other is an assembler of bargain bin parts with a shoddy reputation.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out who is who.
One is a reputable manufacturer of mil-spec quality.
The other is an assembler of bargain bin parts with a shoddy reputation.
Doesn't take a genius to figure out who is who.
One USED TO BE a manufacturer of quality mil spec products. Their reputation now is in the toilet though. Clearly.

The other, while being a retailer of products made by other manufacturers, just happens to also be the manufacturer that makes more AR-15s than anyone else in this country. Their reputation is hit or miss for sure and the majority of their rifles do not function as competition for companies like DD or BCM or Noveske or LaRue or SOLGW or any number of companies that produce tier one weapons. But they also aren't trying to compete against those companies. Their competition is companies like Bear Creek Arsenal or Radical or Diamondback or Rock River or to some degree companies like Springfield Armory and Aero Precision. And I think they stack up pretty well against those companies.
PSA not only builds their own ARs (two brands), but they've developed their own US-made AK-line (in various calibers) in various configurations, as well as their Jackl rifle-line (in various calibers) and Dagger-pistols, plus their AAC ammunition line.

And PSA sells other product lines, as well as parts/kits for builders.

I don't see many other well-known AR makers doing the same to that degree, and PSA is big enough to have bought part of the divested old Remington Co.

Colt got bought out and rejuvenated by CZ, which basically saved the Colt product line especially the revolvers, after FN basically got nearly all the US military orders for the various M16/M4 orders for years. Small orders went to Colt to keep them alive until Colt was saved by CZ.

Companies like DD or BCM or Noveske or LaRue or SOLGW are "boutique/higher-end" AR companies. I've built/used products from several of them & my PSA-bought parts run just as well.

Keep in mind, th are only a handful of makers of base AR receivers, and barrels. The majority of ARs offered by the various companies are built out of components ordered to a spec from other companies., then assembled.

One company in my state offers their own line, but manufacturers uppers/lowers (forged & billet) for other companies to the spec those companies order.

Whomever has the barrel-making equipment does the same. If you see a company selling a CL CHF barrel it's 99.99% an FN barrel either in the regular 4150CMV or higher-end "machine-gun" M240-type 41V50. Other-wise companies buy regular 4140/4150 barrels from the few barrel makers out there who nitride-treat (not a coating) the more economical barrels.

One would be surprised how much "cross-pollination" there is in the industry with one company buying parts/components from another, and are often competitors.

Folks can slam all they want, in their ignorance, but PSA is a more dynamic manufacturer than more traditional companies, and support the 2A more than some other companies that have been known to be wishy-washy at times.
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PSA not only builds their own ARs (two brands), but they've developed their own US-made AK-line (in various calibers) in various configurations, as well as their Jackl rifle-line (in various calibers) and Dagger-pistols, plus their AAC ammunition line.

And PSA sells other product lines, as well as parts/kits for builders.

I don't see many other well-known AR makers doing the same to that degree, and PSA is big enough to have bought part of the divested old Remington Co.

Colt got bought out and rejuvenated by CZ, which basically saved the Colt product line especially the revolvers, after FN basically got nearly all the US military orders for the various M16/M4 orders for years. Small orders went to Colt to keep them alive until Colt was saved by CZ.

Companies like DD or BCM or Noveske or LaRue or SOLGW are "boutique/higher-end" AR companies. I've built/used products from several of them & my PSA-bought parts run just as well.

Keep in mind, th are only a handful of makers of base AR receivers, and barrels. The majority of ARs offered by the various companies are built out of components ordered to a spec from other companies., then assembled.

One company in my state offers their own line, but manufacturers uppers/lowers (forged & billet) for other companies to the spec those companies order.

Whomever has the barrel-making equipment does the same. If you see a company selling a CL CHF barrel it's 99.99% an FN barrel either in the regular 4150CMV or higher-end "machine-gun" M240-type 41V50. Other-wise companies buy regular 4140/4150 barrels from the few barrel makers out there who nitride-treat (not a coating) the more economical barrels.

One would be surprised how much "cross-pollination" there is in the industry with one company buying parts/components from another, and are often competitors.

Folks can slam all they want, in their ignorance, but PSA is a more dynamic manufacturer than more traditional companies, and support the 2A more than some other companies that have been known to be wishy-washy at times.
While that is certainly true, it isn't universal. BCA makes their own barrels Wilson Combat makes their own barrels. Many companies forge their own receivers ( BCM, BCA and PSA do) .

One of the reasons people go with tier 1 builders is their QC. Companies like SOLGW and BCM literally inspect and gauge every part they have made for them and reject everything that's out of spec. And from what I understand, BCM had been using Microbest for BCGs and may now be making their own. Wilson Combat makes their own. PSA uses Toolcraft. Rumor is BCM uses FN for their premium barrels.

That said, I mostly agree with you. I have and have used many PSA parts, uppers, lowers, small parts. Never had an issue with any of them. I also have a pair of BCA uppers that are really accurate. My BCA 11.5" is as accurate at 50 yards as any gun I own except the Wilson.
I have NO problem with PSA, below is a build i did 4 years ago. 10.5" with alternate 16" upper.
10.5" as pictured
Geissele Maritime Bolt lock
Radian Raptor charging handle
Rise Armament Super Sport drop-in trigger
Anti walk pins
Ergo Grip
Vortex Gen2 Huey Holographic optic
Vortex micro 3x magnifier

Additional 16" PSA upper with Timber Creek MLOK hand gaurd

Tac driver wIth either upper!

Could let all go for the right $


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