What would you suggest for a 1911 in 9mm under $1,000. I prefer the look of the Garrison or similar. Accuracy and reliability preferred.
i like the look of the garrison too. classic looking 1911. i have not had the opportunity to shoot one. psa has the 4.25" for $730.What would you suggest for a 1911 in 9mm under $1,000. I prefer the look of the Garrison or similar. Accuracy and reliability preferred.
I’m a big fan of the EMP-it’s a “real” 1911 but scaled for the 9mm. Just feels “right” to me.What would you suggest for a 1911 in 9mm under $1,000. I prefer the look of the Garrison or similar. Accuracy and reliability preferred.
This.Look into RIA models, best bang for the buck out there in a 1911. Quality, great reputation, performance and price...
ROCK Ultra FS 9MM 10rd
The Rock Ultra full-size is built in traditional classic 70 series design and delivered with our top quality production and engineering
From experience I'd offer the Ruger Officer model in 9MM. I owned and carried daily for about three years and used it in competition. Got tired of the plastic guns and looked for a lightweight 1911 OM for carry. The Ruger was priced right, had an aluminum frame to keep it light and was, well it was a 1911, which I prefer to all other guns. In all the time I carried and shot it I don't recall it ever failing to go bang with mostly my reloads. I did have to grit my teeth to allow buying a Ruger Auto pistol but it turned out all right. But in my 80's eventually even it got heavy and to save 7-8 ozs. I switched to a Shield, and then a Shield Plus with a green dot. I still take my original Springfield 45ACP tricked out competition gun with bull barrel and comp to the range for a picnic and still shoot it better than any other gun I've owned. As for looks, well that's on the very bottom of the list of criteria for me. Never owned a safe queen, never will. All my guns are fightin' irons.What would you suggest for a 1911 in 9mm under $1,000. I prefer the look of the Garrison or similar. Accuracy and reliability preferred.
What would you suggest for a 1911 in 9mm under $1,000. I prefer the look of the Garrison or similar. Accuracy and reliability preferred.
Not a 1911.Nobody recommends the SA-35? I sure like mine.
what are you leaning towards?I've got two High Power clones, but looking for a 9mm 1911. Tomorrow may be different, but right now I'm on the hunt.
My bad.Not a 1911.
Again, my bad.1911's are .45.....