
Red Light Cameras

Right turn on red (after stop) was a federal thing to yes ease congestion but more importantly to save gasoline and the C02 created by automobiles idling in traffic for no reason, most states embraced the idea while others such as Connecticut who didn’t and put up no turn on red signs on virtually every intersection in the state, the state was eventually sued and lost and had to remove 95% of the no turn on red signs.
The bigger issue now is people don’t STOP before turning red.

Is partially what am trying to get at too. Can be very frustrating.
I don't think it's always a case of someone blocking the box especially in heavily congested areas where traffic can just stop suddenly then gets caught ahead of the stop line. It's pretty common around the Boston area where even a truck backing out of a space or a bus pulling half way over can get you stuck at a light that you would normally had enough time to get through.

Agreed, has happened to me there too. Can be a nightmare just like LA's freeways or expressways can be to people not used to them. Traffic sensors embedded in roadways can help, but they aren't a cure all either any more than the cameras were supposed to be in some places.
They banned them in Missouri after a bunch of people got tickets when they didn’t run red lights. Municipalities were monkeying with the timers too. And then the courts decided you couldn’t ticket people based on a license plate since there’s no way of proving who was in the car. They are a revenue stream, nothing more. Complete BS.
They banned them in Missouri after a bunch of people got tickets when they didn’t run red lights. Municipalities were monkeying with the timers too. And then the courts decided you couldn’t ticket people based on a license plate since there’s no way of proving who was in the car. They are a revenue stream, nothing more. Complete BS.
There is a lot to your post I agree with, it would have to be ethical and monitored however if the driver of the vehicle is not the owner then that’s on who the owner let drive the vehicle.
Could be, never heard the term before. Most places have lived, been or visited, using the green light gives a person the right of way unless in an emergency situation. If caught out past that in intersection? Is also partially why mentioned the blocking intersection and to proceed with caution statement earlier.

Some traffic lights are timed quick and others are timed slower, it is and can be programmed and timed differently from day to day and from time to time unless older traffic lights and that could help create the situation you mention as well. It may help to talk with city or town counsel about it, they may be able to help point your concerns to another agency responsible for traffic control?

Other considerations? Not everyone travels the same roads every day or are from out of state or the area as well. Heavy tourism invites and encourages many things besides dollars so some people may not be familiar with an area. Drivers training and requirements can vary from place to place too. From some experience, what's right in one area isn't always right in another. For example: Some of NJ's going right to make left turns could be "enlightening" to some out of staters? Circular Round a Bouts can be another "delightful" experience for those not encountering them before? Even just someone used to country driving can have headaches driving in some cities in the same state.
"Do not block the box", are signs going up in many New England cities these days. at an intersection, there are "stop lines" for when the light turns from green, to yellow, then to red.

as you know, many people "floor it" to get thru the yellow. however, so many times, they get stopped at the red light.

now add into the fact that those morons are now blocking the intersection, or "blocking the box"

many times like what i have seen, is a HUGE X at that intersection, indicating a "box", that you simply must not be in when the light turns red.

it is here, a $500 fine, and i wish cameras would catch everyone in that box, and mail them that ticket.

i am a witness to this very often during the week, as i ferry a family member home, when she gets out of work.

consistently, some moronic moron, feels the need to go thru the yellow light, only to be stopped at the red, while in THAT box, blocking my way out, to the roadway.
They banned them in Missouri after a bunch of people got tickets when they didn’t run red lights. Municipalities were monkeying with the timers too. And then the courts decided you couldn’t ticket people based on a license plate since there’s no way of proving who was in the car. They are a revenue stream, nothing more. Complete BS.
well, here, no matter who was in the car, they got your plate. the owner gets the ticket. i know, we have a judge on tv, here, and that's just what he did, he told the car owner, he was responsible for the ticket, since it was his car, and for the owner, to get reimbursed from the person he let drive it that day.

money makers for sure, but they got you dead on the spot.
We had them here in NJ and they were corrupt as anything (it is NJ after all). The company that sold them to NJ would get a "fee" for each ticket administered so there was an incentive to rig them for profit. I am sure a lot of politicians palms got greased during the contracting process as well (once again, this is NJ). Eventually, even the sheeple of the Garden State got fed up and made stink to get rid of them. It was just bad news from the beginning.
Could be, never heard the term before. Most places have lived, been or visited, using the green light gives a person the right of way unless in an emergency situation. If caught out past that in intersection? Is also partially why mentioned the blocking intersection and to proceed with caution statement earlier.

Some traffic lights are timed quick and others are timed slower, it is and can be programmed and timed differently from day to day and from time to time unless older traffic lights and that could help create the situation you mention as well. It may help to talk with city or town counsel about it, they may be able to help point your concerns to another agency responsible for traffic control?

Other considerations? Not everyone travels the same roads every day or are from out of state or the area as well. Heavy tourism invites and encourages many things besides dollars so some people may not be familiar with an area. Drivers training and requirements can vary from place to place too. From some experience, what's right in one area isn't always right in another. For example: Some of NJ's going right to make left turns could be "enlightening" to some out of staters? Circular Round a Bouts can be another "delightful" experience for those not encountering them before? Even just someone used to country driving can have headaches driving in some cities in the same state.
"Some of NJ's going right to make left turns could be "enlightening" to some out of staters?" These are called "jug-handles" they are mainly used on highways so the main flow of highway traffic doesn't have to stop for designated left on green. But I get the whole, "make a right to go left?" thing.
"Circular Round a Bouts can be another "delightful" experience for those not encountering them before?" Ahhhh, yes. The NJ traffic circle. Trust me. You don't have to be an out of stater to not know the ins and outs of this marvel of transportation ingenuity. Most NJ driver's can't figure them out either. They are mostly in central and southern NJ and weren't too bad when we were still rural. The ones that used to be on highways have been replaced with overpasses. My town still has them though. Fun stuff.
Driving in NJ is a contact sport where even the nuns will flip you the bird for cutting them off.
"Some of NJ's going right to make left turns could be "enlightening" to some out of staters?" These are called "jug-handles" they are mainly used on highways so the main flow of highway traffic doesn't have to stop for designated left on green. But I get the whole, "make a right to go left?" thing.
"Circular Round a Bouts can be another "delightful" experience for those not encountering them before?" Ahhhh, yes. The NJ traffic circle. Trust me. You don't have to be an out of stater to not know the ins and outs of this marvel of transportation ingenuity. Most NJ driver's can't figure them out either. They are mostly in central and southern NJ and weren't too bad when we were still rural. The ones that used to be on highways have been replaced with overpasses. My town still has them though. Fun stuff.
Driving in NJ is a contact sport where even the nuns will flip you the bird for cutting them off.

"Driving in NJ is a contact sport where even the nuns will flip you the bird for cutting them off." - Hah, is funny! :)
"Jug Handles?" - Must be on what's tipped after encountering or when designing some of them? :)

Those blasted traffic circles, islands or round a bouts seem to be migrating throughout the other US states now. Guessing they reproduce when no one's paying too much attention? The larger ones aren't too rough, but the smaller ones can be a real headache when 5 or more intersections meet all at once. They aren't new by any means. Europe has or had quite a few of them, usually with statues or fountains in the middle. Some used to be for a towns water source many years ago before motorized vehicles and indoor plumbing were available.
We had them here in NJ and they were corrupt as anything (it is NJ after all). The company that sold them to NJ would get a "fee" for each ticket administered so there was an incentive to rig them for profit. I am sure a lot of politicians palms got greased during the contracting process as well (once again, this is NJ). Eventually, even the sheeple of the Garden State got fed up and made stink to get rid of them. It was just bad news from the beginning.
same here, the company gets a "cut" in on the action...
growing up we were told that stop signs with the white outline (all of them) were considered "rolling stop" stop signs where you can roll right on through. hahahaha.
two men in a car...

driver runs a red light.

passenger says, "whoa, you drove thru a red light"

driver, "don't worry about it"

driver runs thru a second red light

passenger says, "jesus h. christ man, you did it again!!!"

driver, "don't worry about it"

later down the road......

driver STOPS at a green light

passenger, "WTF are you doing, it was a green light"...!!!!!!!!

driver, "whaddya crazy, that's my brother coming, and HE DON'T STOP AT RED LIGHTS.".........!!!!!!!
i approve of them, as well as neighborhood camers too.

the red light cameras here, not only take your picture, but a short video as well, and frankly, that saved my hide at least 2 times.

what happened was, i went past the STOP line, and the camera took my picture.

but the video showed that i still stopped. so no ticket

one time, i went thru the light as it turned red, and the video caught me not stopping. kinda hard to dispute that.

the fines here are $85.00 and it is a civil offense, meaning no points on our licenses.

but i still am in approval of those neighborhood cameras, to help in the arrest of individuals doing some crap, like breaking windows, assaulting, etc, etc.

i firmly believe that once you leave YOUR property, you are in "public view" and not subjected to privacy laws.
Aahhheeemmm...........Neighborhood cams = invasion of privacy.

"Individuals doing some crap" = Portland, Seattle, South Chicago; they have cams there and are they doing any good?
But cams snared some folks that did nothing wrong on Jan. 6.
"i firmly believe that once you leave YOUR property, you are in "public view" and not subjected to privacy laws". So one has no right to privacy in your vehicle, on your cell or laptop, at all, unless you are on property you own?? Sorry, one has a right to privacy of their business/personal details wherever they may be.

The driver doing the offense in someone else's car walks but the owner of the vehicle pays?? Is that Justice? Of course it is not justice, it is revenue generation; the owner did nothing illegal and for him/her to pay the fine is INJUSTICE! So being a good Samaritan, loaning transportation to a person in need also obligates one to their moral/legal behavior??

Surveillance devices, sooner or later or all the time will be used in violation of the Constitution. NO CAMS!
Aahhheeemmm...........Neighborhood cams = invasion of privacy.

"Individuals doing some crap" = Portland, Seattle, South Chicago; they have cams there and are they doing any good?
But cams snared some folks that did nothing wrong on Jan. 6.
"i firmly believe that once you leave YOUR property, you are in "public view" and not subjected to privacy laws". So one has no right to privacy in your vehicle, on your cell or laptop, at all, unless you are on property you own?? Sorry, one has a right to privacy of their business/personal details wherever they may be.

The driver doing the offense in someone else's car walks but the owner of the vehicle pays?? Is that Justice? Of course it is not justice, it is revenue generation; the owner did nothing illegal and for him/her to pay the fine is INJUSTICE! So being a good Samaritan, loaning transportation to a person in need also obligates one to their moral/legal behavior??

Surveillance devices, sooner or later or all the time will be used in violation of the Constitution. NO CAMS!
too bad you feel that way, but i fully support cameras at every street corner. on every highway, and bi-way, on all buildings either town,city, or state owned for surveillance.

so a home owner that has a camera or 2, on his house, is violating your rights, when you are walking on the sidewalk in front of his house..??


no, you do not have any more privacy, when you leave the comfort of your home, or your property. you can gripe and file a complaint (i believe) with the FCC if someone flies a drone over your "airspace" on your property. but once you step foot in the street, all bets are off.

how is it then, that state police can look into your car, either from an overpass, or riding beside you, see that you are not wearing a seatbelt, and pull you over to give you a ticket?

you are OUT in the public, away from your domain (home, property).

you ;ost your right to any privacy, once you leave your property
The cities allowed some company to install them. In Ohio we found out that the city only got 1/3 of the fines paid by the people. The company got the rest. The lights were oft times re-timed to have short yellows so more tickets were sent. The car's registered owner got the ticket regardless who was driving.
After a few years of rear enders at intersections a judge got them tossed out.
In America we are supposed to be able to confront our accuser in court.
They were basically a money pump here, from the citizenry to some corp and to a lesser extent, the city.
I'm against them for all these reasons.
too bad you feel that way, but i fully support cameras at every street corner. on every highway, and bi-way, on all buildings either town,city, or state owned for surveillance.

so a home owner that has a camera or 2, on his house, is violating your rights, when you are walking on the sidewalk in front of his house..??


no, you do not have any more privacy, when you leave the comfort of your home, or your property. you can gripe and file a complaint (i believe) with the FCC if someone flies a drone over your "airspace" on your property. but once you step foot in the street, all bets are off.

how is it then, that state police can look into your car, either from an overpass, or riding beside you, see that you are not wearing a seatbelt, and pull you over to give you a ticket?

you are OUT in the public, away from your domain (home, property).

you ;ost your right to any privacy, once you leave your property
Sounds like a GS employee, or Fed or Squad supporter. Your choice. Ur welcome to give up all the rights you want, I prefer to keep mine. "you lost your right to any privacy, once you leave your property", That's a great Party line that many have swallowed.