
Respect... poof all gone bye bye

The military takes a dim view of such things. How could a Sgt Maj be so stupid?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't retirement based on the highest rank you held? So he can still retire as a Sgt. Maj?

Back around 1973 when I was in A.I.T., one of our guys (E-1) was caught in town wearing Sergeant stripes and several ribbons he didn't earn. He was arrested and removed from our class. Rumor was he ended up dishonorably discharged.
The military takes a dim view of such things. How could a Sgt Maj be so stupid?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't retirement based on the highest rank you held? So he can still retire as a Sgt. Maj?

Back around 1973 when I was in A.I.T., one of our guys (E-1) was caught in town wearing Sergeant stripes and several ribbons he didn't earn. He was arrested and removed from our class. Rumor was he ended up dishonorably discharged.
I believe you have to be dishonorably discharged to lose all retirement benefits. I think you may be right about him being able to retire at his highest rank, even though he was busted down to buck Sgt. At least I think that is how it works.
So dumb. I know in USAF, and I’m sure the other branches, making it to E-9 is no cake walk and quite an accomplishment (politics aside, but for some, it makes it even harder). To think you need to embellish that with honors you’ve never earned is the epitome of poor self esteem. And TOTAL disrespect to your fellow service members that have actually earned such honors.

When I retired from active duty, it was retire at highest rank held 10 yrs after retirement. Depending at the demotion steps (I think in this case E-9 to E-6?) Not sure what grade a Marine Sgt is, but 120 months at that reduced retirement pay is a significant financial hit…including all annual retired pay raises based on rank.

Not that I think the financial hit makes up for the total disrespect of other Marines and honorably serving/served service members, but as they didn’t pull his retirement, at least it’s something.
So dumb. I know in USAF, and I’m sure the other branches, making it to E-9 is no cake walk and quite an accomplishment (politics aside, but for some, it makes it even harder). To think you need to embellish that with honors you’ve never earned is the epitome of poor self esteem. And TOTAL disrespect to your fellow service members that have actually earned such honors.

When I retired from active duty, it was retire at highest rank held 10 yrs after retirement. Depending at the demotion steps (I think in this case E-9 to E-6?) Not sure what grade a Marine Sgt is, but 120 months at that reduced retirement pay is a significant financial hit…including all annual retired pay raises based on rank.

Not that I think the financial hit makes up for the total disrespect of other Marines and honorably serving/served service members, but as they didn’t pull his retirement, at least it’s something.
i think they are still on high three, which is pay over last 36 months, combined, then divided by 36 and that is your starting retirement pay then that is divided by 50 % if you do 20 years and then 75% if you do 30 and soem weird scale in between. but yes thats big hit from e9 to e6,
i think they are still on high three, which is pay over last 36 months, combined, then divided by 36 and that is your starting retirement pay then that is divided by 50 % if you do 20 years and then 75% if you do 30 and soem weird scale in between. but yes thats big hit from e9 to e6,
That’s how mine was computed in 2004. After 20, it’s 2.5% per year additional per full year. So 25 is 62.5%, 28 is 70%, 30 is 75%…all computed on base pay only, no housing or other additional items.
I believe the statement is, "the highest rank HONORABLY held". If he was an E-8 busted to E-4, then E-8 was not the honorable one. I may be wrong but don't think so.
Unless his DD 214 shows less than General, under Honorable conditions, it will revert after 10 yrs. In today’s woke force, I doubt they’d do Other Than Honorable, Bad Conduct, or Dishonorable, the three characterizations that “might” stop it.

Oh, and the person used to have to “petition” for the reversion to highest grade held meaning it’s not a given.
That’s how mine was computed in 2004. After 20, it’s 2.5% per year additional per full year. So 25 is 62.5%, 28 is 70%, 30 is 75%…all computed on base pay only, no housing or other additional items.
thats it
whats is hilarious is my VA pension is more they love me

this dude should not get it back after 10 years, its should gone like the wind
turns my stomach on some of the "awards" he was faking, whats worse or at least just as crappy, is he is a SENIOR enlisted that is charged with training and bring up marines, he should received an other than honorable for life as well

i was a senior enlisted and dammmmmmmit if wanted to or not the young troops see you as the example for the positive
what a shitttt head. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Before I retired I was asked why I didn't go higher than E-7. Told them several reasons, I have a big mouth and don't care if I offend someone, not afraid of rank to include officers matter of fact I told them I did not like most officers. I also mentioned that I never had a case of chapped lips. The person that asked me stood there in disbelief. He said sorry I asked. My response was no problem, thanks for taking an interest in me. In all honesty I should have stayed in the Army, I really hated the Air Force and all their BS politics.
I don't understand why people think they're going to get away with this "stuff".

I'm with @Gofer . I'm betting he pissed off the wrong person and they went looking for a reason to nail him.

On the other side of this CSM Basil Plummley was accused of Stolen Valor after he died.

Apparently he was accused of wearing more Silver Stars, Combat Jump awards and Combat Infantry awards than he actually earned.

What I don't understand is the man is dead, what good is it possibly going to do to shame his family?

As for Clawson he must have friends in high places covering for him. I can't imagine how he wasn't dishonorably discharged. OTOH can you imagine what it must be like for him to go to work every day knowing all his contemporaries hold him in contempt.
Before I retired I was asked why I didn't go higher than E-7. Told them several reasons, I have a big mouth and don't care if I offend someone, not afraid of rank to include officers matter of fact I told them I did not like most officers. I also mentioned that I never had a case of chapped lips. The person that asked me stood there in disbelief. He said sorry I asked. My response was no problem, thanks for taking an interest in me. In all honesty I should have stayed in the Army, I really hated the Air Force and all their BS politics.
Aren't E7 and above appointed by the Dept of the Army who would only have your 201 file to go by?
In the Air Force you tested for E-7 and was promoted if scores were high enough. After that I believe you went in front of a board and they also looked at your files. Really don't know I refused to go any higher.
This is correct, at least as of 2004. For E-8/E-9 you still took a test, but your records met a promotion board so besides just a numerical score from performance reviews, they assessed what was actually written. Also considered were duty assignments over your entire career and deployments. From year to year, decisions were made on if anything should be masked or if individuals should get extra credit from particular assignments and/or demographics.
Who knows why this guy did what he did. Maybe he was on an ego trip, maybe it is something else. He did the crime now he will pay the price. If he had enough time in he should retire and move on. If he doesn't he is in for a wild ride.