
Retired life

Retired at 55 yoa, 21 years ago. It took awhile to get used to not going to work. (about 3 months) I consider myself to be very lucky, everything except a new truck is paid for. My wife & I will celebrate our 54th year of marriage on Veterans Day, 11/11/23. So far my health has been pretty good, just old age minor aches & pains. I'm very thankful!!
with me, after like half a life (just over 40 years) of night working, my circadian rhythm is all mucked up.

i wake up at 4 AM daily, i'd usually be home like from 5 to 6 AM each day...but trying to get any restful sleep, was a job unto itself......so and i kid you not, many naps thru the day....and not long in duration.

driving cross country, one is on a 24 hour clock, as in no regular hours for sleep, eating, resting, etc......

like i said previously, been retired 9 years myself now, and after all these years, there is no "reasonable" sleep time.

which is why, i make the perfect candidate, to go and get a family member when she's done at her job...at from 2 to 4AM...!!!!!!

my health is ok, aches and pains as well, but many days, even if i plan on going to the range/club, i back out...same with reloading.....i wanna do it.....but nah......maybe another day

11/11/2010, is a red letter day for me.....that's the day i got struck with Bells Palsy, on the left side of my face, and by New Years day, it was gone..

only to come back, 11/1/2011...on my right side.........and i still have it, and on cold days..?? the right side stiffens up.....then goes away...no fun at all.

as such, all our calendars, have the month of November torn out......... we call November "Bleen"
with me, after like half a life (just over 40 years) of night working, my circadian rhythm is all mucked up.

i wake up at 4 AM daily, i'd usually be home like from 5 to 6 AM each day...but trying to get any restful sleep, was a job unto itself......so and i kid you not, many naps thru the day....and not long in duration.

driving cross country, one is on a 24 hour clock, as in no regular hours for sleep, eating, resting, etc......

like i said previously, been retired 9 years myself now, and after all these years, there is no "reasonable" sleep time.

which is why, i make the perfect candidate, to go and get a family member when she's done at her job...at from 2 to 4AM...!!!!!!

my health is ok, aches and pains as well, but many days, even if i plan on going to the range/club, i back out...same with reloading.....i wanna do it.....but nah......maybe another day

11/11/2010, is a red letter day for me.....that's the day i got struck with Bells Palsy, on the left side of my face, and by New Years day, it was gone..

only to come back, 11/1/2011...on my right side.........and i still have it, and on cold days..?? the right side stiffens up.....then goes away...no fun at all.

as such, all our calendars, have the month of November torn out......... we call November "Bleen"
Very sorry you've had such a hard time.
I've been retired almost 3 years. I enjoy being retired. I worked 2 jobs and also trained in/taught martial arts for most of my working life.

When I retired, I moved back to where I grew up after being away for around 40 years. I like living in deep South Texas.

Where I live it's pretty safe but if I want some excitement I can drive about an hour to the remote parts of the Texas/Mexico border and get into all kinds of trouble. No thanks...:)

I follow a schedule because I've been that way most of my life. I train daily (martial arts, or fitness, or weapons) but also have social time in my schedule to check on family and friends.

My family/friends know I'm just a phone call or text away if they need someone to listen or they want to vent. In the last 5 years I've prayed with and held the hand of several people as they passed away.

I see each day as a blessing and even though I have pain from past surgeries and have enough titanium screws in my body to open a hardware store, I'm still active and do my best to treat everyone with respect.

God is great. Life is good...:)
i had a very early doctor appointment, so this screwed up my routine
of breakfast, 5 cups of coffeeeee, and doing something.

when i got home it was lunch time...but i was really tired, so i fought off sleep, had lunch, then promptly took a 20 minute nap
woke up. reset the dillion to load 9mm, re-organized a parts box for the dillion AGAIN.
had a cup a coffee.
now i can start building some rounds for next week. wheeeeewwwww busy day :ROFLMAO:
I will have been retired 5 years in March. Best thing I ever did. I have a fishing kayak a small 7ft long pontoon boat and a 12 ft aluminum boat. I have a loving wife of 31 years that doesn’t mind me going fishing.The best thing about being retired is being able to fish or hunt whenever I want or just sleep in Bobby
i tried to get my wife to sign off on skydiving... she said hmmm NO
so i took a flight in a biplane with a stunt pilot for red baron pizza out over the ocean did loops and barrel rolls and laughed so hard it hurt my face and sides, couldnt stop smiling for days
outside loops are so coool
Haven't jumped out of an airplane since my Army days. I wanted to go to a jump school around here a few years ago and my wife put the nix to that. She said she would have me committed. So no more jumping for me.
I retired in 2019. Got tired of the "public". I really miss the gun store. I worked there of 9 years after I retired from the car business which I did for 20 years after I retired from the military. Soon he will be closing his doors and there will be no place to hang out! My health is good, the dog and i go on long walks again since the temps have fallen but miss doing something than means anything.
I retired in 2019. Got tired of the "public". I really miss the gun store. I worked there of 9 years after I retired from the car business which I did for 20 years after I retired from the military. Soon he will be closing his doors and there will be no place to hang out! My health is good, the dog and i go on long walks again since the temps have fallen but miss doing something than means anything.
You doing something everyday that means something you deserve it all service to country and definitely deserves a retirement from that damn car salesman’s crap you the man if you can handle that’s tough work dealing all different types of people you patients must be up there . Sure I would the gun shop also shooting the crap with friends . But enjoy your retirement you definitely deserve it
i had a very early doctor appointment, so this screwed up my routine
of breakfast, 5 cups of coffeeeee, and doing something.

when i got home it was lunch time...but i was really tired, so i fought off sleep, had lunch, then promptly took a 20 minute nap
woke up. reset the dillion to load 9mm, re-organized a parts box for the dillion AGAIN.
had a cup a coffee.
now i can start building some rounds for next week. wheeeeewwwww busy day :ROFLMAO:
20 minute nap..??

that's what i used to take over the steering wheel (yes, of course i pulled over first)....but nowadays if i only nap for an hour..??

i take another nap......i ain't got no time for short naps.