Agree, I still plan on getting one when income tax comes in.If there could be something in a run of Pythons that needs to be tweaked I guess we'll see.
Agree, I still plan on getting one when income tax comes in.If there could be something in a run of Pythons that needs to be tweaked I guess we'll see.
I am 59 years old here,
Yeah, I'm interested in seeing/feeling the difference between old & new. I have the Python in 4", so I'll probably get the 6" to have one each in different sizes. Good luck with the King Cobra Target if you get one. I'd like Colt to come out next with the Anaconda, as I have one that's 7 1/2", and was also fun to shoot. Who knows if that's on the drawing board.Yes, the lock-work on the original and new Pythons aren't the same.
The Ken Hackathorn vid has him pointing out the difference that the new one doesn't stack like the old one (although I take difference with Ken stating the old Pythons had a crappy trigger). Yes, it stacks but then why did the Python get the rep for having a wonderful trigger pull? Mine stacks but its' hardly noticeable, and Ken acknowledged he's a S&W guy, and likely runs tuned revolvers. Every wheelgun has its idiosyncrasies, as do many semis. Heck my 1911's feel weird since I shoot my XDm 5.25 Competition so much in IPSC shoots.
IMO there's a lot less variability between striker fired pistols due to their very similar fire control system design, but there's still variability there.
I'm sure when I get a chance at checking out a new Python I'll notice the differences between the two.
I'm more interested in a new King Cobra Target than another Python because I have a Python and I'd like to have the smaller frame new Colt first.
Yup, like I mentioned in another thread, I'm interested if Colt will address this and any other issues that may arise.Not getting into a he said/he said scenario over this, I am 59 years old here, I have owned 4 colt pythons over the years, all pre-strike guns, 3 were perfect, one all the lands shot out of the barrel, hence it became a smooth bore, had to go back to factory, so I know all about the trigger pulls on a python. It doesn’t matter if your or my guy said this or that, but to me, there may be an issue, after all, it’s a colt firearm, and they were in financial trouble again when they were developing this new python. My thoughts on this is a timing issue, not a big issue though more of an inconvenience.
AgreedIf there could be something in a run of Pythons that needs to be tweaked I guess we'll see.
I'm just hoping I don't have to pay much, let alone getting anything back from those thieves.Agree, I still plan on getting one when income tax comes in.
Yeah, I'm interested in seeing/feeling the difference between old & new. I have the Python in 4", so I'll probably get the 6" to have one each in different sizes. Good luck with the King Cobra Target if you get one. I'd like Colt to come out next with the Anaconda, as I have one that's 7 1/2", and was also fun to shoot. Who knows if that's on the drawing board.
"I knew Thomas Jefferson. He was a friend of mine. And governor, you're no Thomas Jefferson". (at 1992 Republican party convention, referring to Bill Clinton previous nomination remark that he was the next Thomas Jefferson.) - Ronald Regan paraphrasing the quote about JFK said by Lloyd Benson to Dan Quayle during the VP debates. It was hilariousI will not make age an issue in this discussion. I am not going to discriminate, for discussion purposes, on Annihilator's youth
Note - a variation on Reagan's quip to Mondale in 1984.
BTW I had to send a Ruger Blackhawk back to Ruger because of a lock work issue.
Still don't know where my tax refund will go.
Very nice collection Talyn, very nice (and then even adding on to itI also have an Anaconda (6"). Both the Python (6") & Anaconda (both ss) have a special place in the safe.
Besides the King Cobra Target, I'd really like to see Colt come out with a 4" ss .22lr Diamondback. Colt never made a Diamondback in ss so that would be a nice difference compared to the originals.
If I can get a King Cobra Target and (hopefully) a ss 4" .22lr Diamondback, then I'll think about another new 4" Python.
My walk-about revolvers are my 329PD (due to my AOPs) and 686 (pre-lock) since Smith's are more common.
That way with everything new that comes out. Foolish to pay that much. Price will drop as production gets ramped up. Of course there is a discount for quantity buys too. I sure you'd get a real good price on a 100 of them.MSRP is $1600 & some are getting charged more. They should come down to that price with increased inventory & hopefully less than that as it ages
Ahh, don't tempt me manThat way with everything new that comes out. Foolish to pay that much. Price will drop as production gets ramped up. Of course there is a discount for quantity buys too. I sure you'd get a real good price on a 100 of them.
Nice. Seems like you like Pythons Annihilator.Ok, made a mistake explaining on how many pythons I had, I had 2 from the 1970’s and the last 2 were made in the 1980’s, just before the colt strike in 1986, the python that I had to send back because of the issue with all the lands shot out was a early 1985 model, just wanted to set this straight, Colt said it was a heat treatment problem, got a new barrel and they had to refinish the whole gun again so all the blueing would match, that’s when they gave you a 10 year warranty on pythons. Took them some time to get it back to me, but I still had doubts on it, so off it went.
And they never even discussed what the actual reported problem is. (Cylinder not advancing is an ammo issue)Yea, I like how it was stated, this gun will never go out of time......ok