
Self Defense shooter charged


While this happening in Massachusetts is no surprise this is a perfect example where folks using some type of OC/Pepper Spray will lessen your burden and is hard for a prosecutor to say was not a “reasonable “ amount of force.

Remember you can only try and articulate why you use the force you did. Someone else gets to decide if it was reasonable!

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While this happening in Massachusetts is no surprise this is a perfect example where folks using some type of OC/Pepper Spray will lessen your burden and is hard for a prosecutor to say was not a “reasonable “ amount of force.

Remember you can only try and articulate why you use the force you did. Someone else gets to decide if it was reasonable!

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It’s no secret that if you’re carrying in Mass you better be extra diligent. Even here in Texas if you are assaulted in public you have to use reasonable force to defend yourself. If someone is assaulting you with their fists and you shoot them it’s not a given that you will walk. If they’re using a baseball bat or a pipe it’s a different story. You have to know the laws of your state.
the prosecutor can say the "shooter" was there looking for trouble.

tough call for me to really say, that if someone charged after me, what would i do?

an "ordinary attack"....while i was minding my own business....walking down the street, in the mall, in my backyard..???

or an attack at a politically charged location..where one could have just not got involved..??????
the prosecutor can say the "shooter" was there looking for trouble.

tough call for me to really say, that if someone charged after me, what would i do?

an "ordinary attack"....while i was minding my own business....walking down the street, in the mall, in my backyard..???

or an attack at a politically charged location..where one could have just not got involved..??????
Just a Quick Look at the video I will say (or say again) OC would have saved a lot of trouble.

While the person shot appeared to be the aggressor running across the street it could be a hard sell for the shooter as it seems to be 3 on the guy that got shot. The one issue that could factor in as it did with the Zimmerman/Trayvon Martin case was the shooter getting his head smashed into the pavement? That IS serious bodily injury as you can receive a concussion or be knocked unconscious that is a LOT different situation than two folks standing up taking punches (without a force desparity issue)

Again bottom line carry OC/Pepper spray. A firearm only covers about 2% of what you can really do!
good points. There is such a thing as disparity of force/ability/size that prosecutors can take into account. For instance, if your attacker(s) is/are much larger/stronger/younger than you that can come into play for the defense. Intent, proximity and ability are the three keystones. All of what has been said, nonetheless, escape or not being in the situation in the first place is best. You can't always control that though.
It’s no secret that if you’re carrying in Mass you better be extra diligent. Even here in Texas if you are assaulted in public you have to use reasonable force to defend yourself. If someone is assaulting you with their fists and you shoot them it’s not a given that you will walk. If they’re using a baseball bat or a pipe it’s a different story. You have to know the laws of your state.
Well maybe you live in the Communist Zone of Texas. But where I live in the Free State of Texas, an almost 60-year-old crippled old man like me would be justified. I just had shoulder surgery not long ago that put me out of work for almost 4 months. And I need surgery on the other shoulder. In about a month I'll be having total knee replacement surgery done on my left knee. Whenever I heal up from that, I will have the same thing done to my right knee. 20 years ago, I could have been Mr. Billy Bad A$$ and wished some punks would try me. It's a different story now, and I'm very confident the DA in my county would see my side of things. Just saying.
Well maybe you live in the Communist Zone of Texas. But where I live in the Free State of Texas, an almost 60-year-old crippled old man like me would be justified. I just had shoulder surgery not long ago that put me out of work for almost 4 months. And I need surgery on the other shoulder. In about a month I'll be having total knee replacement surgery done on my left knee. Whenever I heal up from that, I will have the same thing done to my right knee. 20 years ago, I could have been Mr. Billy Bad A$$ and wished some punks would try me. It's a different story now, and I'm very confident the DA in my county would see my side of things. Just saying.
I believe that’s where the reasonable force part of my statement comes in. Reasonable for Billy BadA$$ vs a broken down old man, to use your words, are different. Sounds like your attitude is still intact.