
Shock In The Mail


Got my monthly water bill in the mail today and was shocked. My last bill was $62 last month, that includes water, sewer, and trash. This months bill was $121! They passed a rate hike without notifying anyone because the city needs 160 million to repair pipes and infrastructure. Good god! Nothing is cheap anymore. I can't brush my teeth or wash myself without worrying about the water bill now!
Given that water is my professional industry, $121/month is insane for a residence with a standard-issue 3/4" service lateral. My municipality charges rates based on the supply lateral size, 3/4" being the normal residential...at the lowest rate. Sewer tends to be the largest portion of anyone's water bill, which cannot be variable based on lateral size (although it is variable based on zone apportion). I feel for you Edge...your bill was normal before, now it is YIKES.
120..... you are lucky
3k gallons ours today was 188 and some change, down from 212 last month for 4k gallons of water
our sewer and water are in same bill, no trash etc..
its over the top insane here.
many people in our lake side community are doubling up, as in one meter for two homes to combat the crazy regulators that keep allowing our insane bills
this also makes the HOA nervous as its against the rules....but nobody is complaining
the water company tried to shut folks off, but there is no law that is being broken. just some outdated deed restrictions
hoa is happy as now most of the weekenders have water and sewer connections vice hmmmm you know
They have known for 9 years that water pipes are bad but didn't raise rates until now. They also said one of the storage tanks roof is ready to cave in---well that didn't happen overnight! They always seem to wait until the last minute here to do anything then it's an emergency. Some of the dumbest people I have ever come across. Plus the water quality is so bad here I need to have a house filter and a Kinetico water softener to use the water. I don't drink tap water I go to water store to fill 5 gallon jugs. Even the dog won't drink the tap water!
my monthly water bill hovers around $65 per month, but i have a 3 family house..

my sewer bill, back in the old days was always less than half that...

until the city/state built a new underground distribution center...

now, my sewer bills are always double the water bill.

trash pick ups are part of my taxes..

however large items like furniture, mattresses, fridges, etc, cost $25 for a pick up.

ever wonder why you might see those things in some neighborhoods with empty houses, or empty lots..???

that's why
just so you know the culprits they have water systems all over the south west
read the pass thru charges and other bull muffins
there is no pass through as the system is wholly contained in our community
the water pumps, well and sewer treat ment plant of which the effluent is dumped into LAKE FORK, yes that lake fork the bass capital of texas
just so you know the culprits they have water systems all over the south west
read the pass thru charges and other bull muffins
there is no pass through as the system is wholly contained in our community
the water pumps, well and sewer treat ment plant of which the effluent is dumped into LAKE FORK, yes that lake fork the bass capital of texas
Regarding the effluent, it is possible that the treated water is perfectly sanitary. I'm not saying it is, but it might be if treated properly. You could test that easily by taking a water sample and having it tested....cost you $50...but might be worth the investment. Maybe even sample the water near the discharge from the treatment plant. Look for e-coli. Coliform bacteria is irrelevant...it is not hazardous by itself (even though tested for and cause of failure in all states).