My wife says it's a polite way of saying I'm OCD about my weapons...lolIt makes perfect sense to us.... But maybe wouldn't to folks on a Basket weaving forum
My wife says it's a polite way of saying I'm OCD about my weapons...lolIt makes perfect sense to us.... But maybe wouldn't to folks on a Basket weaving forum
Cleaning and maintaining my weapons is relaxing for me. Also it means if I need it I'm not worried about it functioning because I know it will.I take the base plates off now and then to make sure no debris has accumulated, make sure the spring still has decent tension and maybe put a drop of oil on the spring. Mostly, and I'm just being completely honest, I very much enjoy the act of breaking down my weapons, inspecting them, cleaning, and just checking them for any abnormalities. I have kind of a "watched pot never boils" mentality when it comes to my weapons. It's kind of a happy place for me if that makes any sense, which it probably doesn'
I do the same, manufacturer’s magazines only here too, especially on my CCW gunI always buy magazines made by the manufacturer of the gun. Might not be necessary to be that careful, but in fact, I want everything working for me if I ever have to shoot for real. If you choose the best in each category -- magazines made by the mfgr; the bullet that always feeds, shoots, and ejects without any failures in your gun; etc. -- then you will have the best chance of success if you ever have to shoot for real. That's why I don't hesitate to spend the extra money required to get a magazine made by the mfgr; and that's why I carry only Spear Gold Dot 124 gr hollow point 9mm in my Beretta, because it is the one bullet which has never ever failed to work in my Beretta. And that's why I replaced the stupid plasic guide rod in my Beretta with a stainless steel guide rod - the plastic one was starting to bend.
Ditto.I do the same, manufacturer’s magazines only here too, especially on my CCW gun
Absolutely.I do the same, manufacturer’s magazines only here too, especially on my CCW gun
Wasted time/motion. Pull the mag from the secure Armor in the pocket and reload. What's with the elbow grip?? Looks Kool but isn't for me.Here's a short video which shows how quick and easy it could be to reload when you use this product:
The fact that my spare magazine will be protected, and will be easy to carry in my pants pocket, means that I will likely always have it with me. This is the most important thing to me.
Seems to me that if I practice and practice reloading while using this product, I will get my speed up to an acceptable level. Likely not as fast as if I carry IWB; but since I'm not going to carry IWB, this seems to be the most workable way to get myself to actually carry a spare magazine.
I'll post my thoughts once I have used this product.
Yeah I'll pass.Wasted time/motion. Pull the mag from the secure Armor in the pocket and reload. What's with the elbow grip?? Looks Kool but isn't for me.
Keystone19250 this stuff is happening across the entire country:I’m thinking I probably already posted in this thread but with the way things are going in Louisville, “drive by shooting at a school bus stop”three children shot 16 year old boy killed
I’ve started carrying an extra mag. I also picked up
(just today) my CCDW permit and will now start carrying open.
Seems to me that if I practice and practice reloading while using this product, I will get my speed up to an acceptable level. Likely not as fast as if I carry IWB; but since I'm not going to carry IWB, this seems to be the most workable way to get myself to actually carry a spare magazine.
Wasted time/motion. Pull the mag from the secure Armor in the pocket and reload. What's with the elbow grip?? Looks Kool but isn't for me.
Looks to me like he had the mag (in the armor) in his pocket just as one would have a mag without the armor in a pocket. What is the purpose of the armor? To keep lint out of the mag? Does the armor make the mag any quicker to access? I just am not interested in this product. Why not an ITP mag holder?^ Practice is the key.
IWB stowage of (the) spare magazine(s) for the reload is surprisingly not quite as fast as most think it would be - clearing the cover garment becomes the limiting factor. Pocket-stowage, *without* the cover, is often considerably faster, as there's usually no/less cover garment concerns.
The NeoMag and SnagMag (the latter provided that the magazine holder did appropriately strip away) are considerably faster than IWB reloads from-concealment, when the shooter's skill-level (and proficiency with both) are held constant. That these devices "anchor" the magazine for more consistent indexing is also an advantage, however, the cut/design of one's pockets and garment can exert significant influence here, as some shifting may still occur based on the individual and or the garment's specifics, particularly during daily motion. Oftentimes, a more traditional "pocket magazine holder" like the DeSantis MagPacker or a rigid framework like RCS's Pocket Shield can help overcome some of these issues (I use the MagPacker as a way to carry a pocket knife discretely, when other means fail; I like it because it indexes the knife for me, and prevents it from moving while inside the pocket; it also strips away from the knife and remains in-pocket during the draw...and even if withdrawn, offers a lot of "meat" so that it can be stripped away easily), but even so, there's still sometimes concerns with garment details.
The Ammo Armor reload speed/time as-demonstrated seems to be on-par (or just slightly slower than) with IWB from-concealment due to the extra motion needed to strip it away from the magazine.
But towards this last......
^ "Pull the mag from the secure Armor in the pocket and reload." <----- how does the Armor come off (i.e. how does it remain secured in the pocket) in-pocket? Genuine question. Do you push it off with a finger, after gripping the base-pad?
^ Yes, it's to keep pocket-debris out of the magazine.
I also think that it creates more problems than it solves, but then again, I don't like to loose-carry the magazine in-pocket when I do pocket-carry a magazine: I prefer that it's staged (so the MagPacker and similar in-pocket magazine-holders are what I use).
That said, different strokes for different folks.Which is why I wasn't sure what you meant with your previous post: i.e. how to strip the Armor from the magazine while in-pocket.... I don't see a way to static-cord or otherwise retain/strip the Armor in-pocket, so I was puzzled.
Nerdier fact... in the book she performed the extension charm at Hogwarts, where she was legally able to perform magic. She did however illegally erase her parents memory put of school.Need a whole new topic for off-body carry, but there's always.....
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I'd probably carry a technical!![]()