
Should You Carry a Handgun With an Empty Chamber?

Read first page only, and the discussion is about carrying on an empty chamber. I click to page #5, and somehow we're talking about tea and coffee.o_O:LOL:

I carry a handgun with a full chamber and a rifle and shotgun with an empty chamber because they generally aren't drop safe.

I don't fault those and think there's absolutely nothing wrong with EDCing with an unchambered handgun. Everything comes with pros and cons. There are situations where each method is superior. Do what works for you and makes you feel comfortable whether it be empty chamber, thumb safety, mag disconnect, etc. There are no wrong answers IMHO.
You are fairly knew aren't you. This forum never stays on topic long. It's sort of our thing. A lil zig here a zag there, two or three little meanders, a major detour or two, all the while peeking back in at the original topic. Best get used to it if you plan on being around long lol.
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My father was 100 percent English, in fact my grandfather was wounded I believe 3 times in WWi for the English. Spent a few week there 15 years ago visiting relative and in Ireland looking up moms relatives . The food was fantastic and the old English and irish pub, well will just say American bars should send someone over to watch and see how a bar should be.
My father was 100 percent English, in fact my grandfather was wounded I believe 3 times in WWi for the English. Spent a few week there 15 years ago visiting relative and in Ireland looking up moms relatives . The food was fantastic and the old English and irish pub, well will just say American bars should send someone over to watch and see how a bar should be.
Was in Irish pubs a couple times, but don't remember much about them....
As has been stated...
I had a family member who was stopped for speeding while carrying and at the end of the ticketing process, the officer asked if they carry with one on the chamber. The reply was no and the officer simply replied "So your have a rock then?"
I've seen/read this debate many times concerning typically the 1911, occasionally some other brand/type, but usually the 1911. And I'm still not sure what the final decision is on it since I don't carry/use the 1911. I've watch and may have missed it, but don't remember seeing a debate regarding the original Hellcat OSP without the external manual safety. It's probably been argued here and there and I just missed it, but that's not unusual for me to miss it ... LOL!

Anyway, I know what my position on this little gun is but would really like to see it argued out here on the forum by some much smarter than I. What say you all? Is the original Hellcat (no external mechanical safety) safe enough to carry with one in the pipe, assuming a properly fitted holster? Let the debate begin! jj
I've seen/read this debate many times concerning typically the 1911, occasionally some other brand/type, but usually the 1911. And I'm still not sure what the final decision is on it since I don't carry/use the 1911. I've watch and may have missed it, but don't remember seeing a debate regarding the original Hellcat OSP without the external manual safety. It's probably been argued here and there and I just missed it, but that's not unusual for me to miss it ... LOL!

Anyway, I know what my position on this little gun is but would really like to see it argued out here on the forum by some much smarter than I. What say you all? Is the original Hellcat (no external mechanical safety) safe enough to carry with one in the pipe, assuming a properly fitted holster? Let the debate begin! jj
I carry mine ready to go.
I have read all the arguments, but for me it is all about risk tolerance. Front jeans pocket or appendix carry, DA or SA/DA only. OWB or IWB at 3:00-5:00, striker fired would be okay, but personally I prefer DA/SA because I prefer that action type.

Pay your money and take your choice!