
Show off your Every Day Carry!

My carry rotation. At the moment it is a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 45 as my small store carry gun, and a Springfield Hellcat OSP with a holosun 407k Green Dot and Apex Trigger as my big store carry gun and work carry as well. The third one in the picture is my bedside home defense handgun Taurus PT 24/7 Pro 40 S&W. I also just finished a home defense shotgun build as my secondary which is a Mossberg Maverick 88 with a Hogue tamer overmolded pistol grip and a Tri-Rail forend with foregrip and of course a six round card on the receiver.

Edit: I tried uploading files to post pictures but it keeps failing. Once I get it figured out I'll have some pictures up.
Welcome to the forum from South Texas.
Conceal carry means your automobile as well.
I’m sure quite a few of us have a truck something or other we use the pistol to fight back to 😊👍
I guess it depends upon locale. But here concealed carry is by CPL and refers to the concealing of a handgun only. Whereas a longarm carried in the vehicle is considered vehicular carry and falls under those rules which are unloaded and in a case in the trunk or far back of a vehicle.

Firearms are legal to open carry, rifles included but but not in a car.

Generally from what i have seen, the most commonly accepted definition of EDC is what one carries on thier person on an every day basis. But I suppose i may have been misinterpreting that definition all these years.
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My carry rotation. At the moment it is a Smith & Wesson M&P Shield 45 as my small store carry gun, and a Springfield Hellcat OSP with a holosun 407k Green Dot and Apex Trigger as my big store carry gun and work carry as well. The third one in the picture is my bedside home defense handgun Taurus PT 24/7 Pro 40 S&W. I also just finished a home defense shotgun build as my secondary which is a Mossberg Maverick 88 with a Hogue tamer overmolded pistol grip and a Tri-Rail forend with foregrip and of course a six round card on the receiver.

Edit: I tried uploading files to post pictures but it keeps failing. Once I get it figured out I'll have some pictures up.
We have similar taste except for the Taurus semiauto. I have the Hellcat, Shield 45, and Kahr K40. I keep a Mossberg Shockwave in my house and car to compliment my EDC.





(Shockwave Borrowed picture)
Conceal carry means your automobile as well.
I’m sure quite a few of us have a truck something or other we use the pistol to fight back to 😊👍

I guess it depends upon locale. But here concealed carry is by CPL and refers to the concealing of a handgun only. Whereas a longarm carried in the vehicle is considered vehicular carry and falls under those rules which are unloaded and in a case in the trunk or far back of a vehicle.

Firearms are legal to open carry, rifles included but but not in a car.

Generally from what i have seen, the most commonly accepted definition of EDC is what one carries on thier person on an every day basis. But I suppose i may have been misinterpreting that definition all these years.
  1. Concealed means anything that's not can not be easy seen or identified before it's true identity is being obfuscated regardless of the licensing legal definition per state.
  2. Every Day Carry (EDC) is what someone carries on their person on a regular basis.
  3. A "truck gun" is a firearm that is primarily kept in the vehicle, but not carried on the person.
  4. Home defense is a firearm that's relegated for defensive of the home which could also be the truck gun or EDC.
While my concealed pistol license primarily applies to handguns only, it also covers being able to conceal rifles and shotguns as well in the car and on my person.
Carry that IWB or OWB? Maybe Appendix?
With the Hellcat and shield I carry iwb. I'm a pretty hefty guy so I can't carry appendix, more like my 2:45. The Taurus is the one I originally started carrying and I was using an owb paddle holster but had it under my shirt when I would go shopping. I ended up getting an Alien Gear cloak tuck 3.5 iwb holster for it and it worked very well until I changed my EDC to the Hellcat I use an Alien Gear shapeshift 4.0 iwb holster for my Hellcat, and a simple polecraft iwb for my shield, and a owb polecraft for when I'm at the range with it.

I originally was using a Houston holster that had a spare magazine holder with my shield but it caused the grip of the Shield to hide too low in my waist so I went with the polecraft iwb and it allows the grip to set plenty High Enough to get a good grab of the grip in a quick hurry when I have practiced drawing.at home 🙂
We have similar taste except for the Taurus semiauto. I have the Hellcat, Shield 45, and Kahr K40. I keep a Mossberg Shockwave in my house and car to compliment my EDC.




View attachment 78569
(Shockwave Borrowed picture)
Very nice. Got to love those Apex triggers haha. Mine was really nice even when I first installed it to replace the stock trigger on my Hellcat and I also installed the striker and sear spring, and now I'm almost a whole 4000 rounds into it since installing it and it has gotten even smoother. I did also polish the trigger arm to lessen any drag if it makes contact with anything inside of the frame. I wish I could tested to see what the pull weight is at this point. I'm guessing 4 lb or maybe a bit less at this point.

And I see you have the performance center Shield 45. Very nice 🙂 my home defense shotgun build I just completed a little more than a week ago after getting the Tri-Rail forend with foregrip .and I just tested it Saturday night after work and I am amazed how much recoil mitigation I get with having that foregrip on the forend. It was very comfortable to shoot higher brass buckshot with it. Much less felt recoil then when I tried it out after installing the Hogue pistol grip before I put the foregrip on it. And the heat shield was just for Aesthetics. I like the looks of it anyways LOL
  1. Concealed means anything that's not can not be easy seen or identified before it's true identity is being obfuscated regardless of the licensing legal definition per state.
  2. Every Day Carry (EDC) is what someone carries on their person on a regular basis.
  3. A "truck gun" is a firearm that is primarily kept in the vehicle, but not carried on the person.
  4. Home defense is a firearm that's relegated for defensive of the home which could also be the truck gun or EDC.
While my concealed pistol license primarily applies to handguns only, it also covers being able to conceal rifles and shotguns as well in the car and on my person.
I believe rules vary from state to state and LEOSA rules are even more different and often vague and court rulings for definition.

For example, my wife has an Illinois license. She can carry only handguns using that license and a switchblade using her FOID card. Vehicle rules are the same for people without a CCL. Yet if she visits Kentucky she can carry a Taser and brass knuckles on her Illinois CCL as that is legal for Kentucky carriers.

Where you can and cannot carry is also a zoo and varies from state to state. This is one of the reasons that a federal law forcing national reciprocity needs to be well thought out and reaching out to cover all local as well as state laws. Ask those who LEOSA carry. :eek:

It gets even more complicated for LEOSA carry. Illinois has no restrictions on active duty, but retired have issues with magazine capacity, and no statements on brass knuckles one way or the other despite the fact they are illegal for everyone else. Hawaii makes visiting LEOSA carriers visit the station on every island and register themselves, their firearms, and where they plan to stay and for how long. (They also constantly threaten to arrest LEOSA carriers for anything they can think of and, as I understand it, refuse to qualify their own retired LEOSA for carry, I also understand that certain ammo is verboten for LEOSA carriers in some states. :mad:
Very nice. Got to love those Apex triggers haha. Mine was really nice even when I first installed it to replace the stock trigger on my Hellcat and I also installed the striker and sear spring, and now I'm almost a whole 4000 rounds into it since installing it and it has gotten even smoother. I did also polish the trigger arm to lessen any drag if it makes contact with anything inside of the frame. I wish I could tested to see what the pull weight is at this point. I'm guessing 4 lb or maybe a bit less at this point.
I don't have a many round through mine. Midway USA had the APEX triggers as blems for around $50, which is the only reason I purchased one. I could not find the blem.or anything wrong with it. I mostly got it just to have a metal trigger and to be different. Good to know the trigger will eventually get even better.
Man, I have a Springfield 1911 Ronin Operator .45acp and there is no way in hell that I could conceal that unless it was winter time and I have a heavy coat on! Of my 4 carry weapons, the largest one I could holster conceal is my colt mk iv series 80 government 380. I can't conceal the Walther pps m2 or the Beretta nano during the warmer months here in Texas. Both go in a bag. Do you holster yours?
First, my sympathies. Years ago I carried a Colt Commander LW on the job and undercover. It wasn't impossible in cooler weather but it became difficult in warm or hot weather. Have you tried the heavy duty T shirts with the reinforced holster under the armpit while wearing a Nate Nast type of short sleeve shirt over the top. That worked for me.

Today, My primary carry is a Springfield XDs in .45ACP partly because of the weight, but I do miss the SA of the 1911. This I carry outside the waist and I don't need the T shirt, but still use the Nate Nast type of shirt and still carry more than one gun when leaving home.
Today, My primary carry is a Springfield XDs in .45ACP partly because of the weight, but I do miss the SA of the 1911. This I carry outside the waist and I don't need the T shirt, but still use the Nate Nast type of shirt and still carry more than one gun when leaving home.
Do you find an aluminum frame 1911 is that much heavier? Have you tried the M&P Shield 45? I had my heart set on a XDs in 45 several years and (2017), but after I fired a co-worker's, I changed my mind. My only experience is firing a mag out of the XDS, but based on what I recall, the recoil impulse was much more than the S&W Shield. I'm just wondering your experience is.
Do you find an aluminum frame 1911 is that much heavier? Have you tried the M&P Shield 45? I had my heart set on a XDs in 45 several years and (2017), but after I fired a co-worker's, I changed my mind. My only experience is firing a mag out of the XDS, but based on what I recall, the recoil impulse was much more than the S&W Shield. I'm just wondering your experience is.

Weight: even the smaller Officer styles (which I have extensive experience with) are heavier than my aging body likes but I do carry several pistols so the weight problem is cumulative.

I was an early adapter of the XDs and mine was part of a media kit that I bought off the original T&E recipient. Over the years my major gripe was been the too aggressive grip stippling, which I recently solved with rubber grip overlays. The point is, I have been shooting this gun for years and the recoil isn't an issue now, if it ever was. ( I must have 10,000 rounds+ through it.) I can tell you my wife doesn't like the recoil at all, but even in 9mm she is picky. Her choice is a Boberg because of the lower recoil.

That said, the only revolver I have ever carried in the field was a custom .44 special built on a Ruger Speed Six frame and my trap shotgun is a Winchester 101 which many in the trapshooting community complains, "kicks like a Missouri mule". I'm not sure what all of this means except that recoil may not phase me like it does others.

I have never held or shot a M&P Shield so I have no frame of reference. Sorry I can't be of more help.