You got a pretty good deal for $50. I ended up paying full price for mine, a little over $90 after shipping and taxes. Having a flat metal trigger was also my original reason for getting it and after watching many reviews of aftermarket triggers, it seemed that the Apex Trigger was the most recommended for the Hellcat series, and I'm glad I ended up with it.I don't have a many round through mine. Midway USA had the APEX triggers as blems for around $50, which is the only reason I purchased one. I could not find the blem.or anything wrong with it. I mostly got it just to have a metal trigger and to be different. Good to know the trigger will eventually get even better.
I really like the fact that it has a very smooth rolling break instead of a hard wall and break. The Hellcat stock trigger did have a very crisp break but since I was and still sort of am a newbie(only took shooting handguns seriously a year ago) when it comes to training to get better with handguns, having to pull through the hard wall of the stock trigger was causing me to pull my shots easier, but with the Apex Trigger, especially when trying to shoot accurately at longer ranges like past 15 yards, it's much easier to keep my DOT still pulling through the rolling break of the Apex trigger, especially now that it is much smoother and a bit lighter after thousands of rounds.
I'm fortunate enough to have a local indoor gun range that is only a literal 5 minute drive from my house and since I have a membership there I get unlimited range time only paying $25 a month. That makes it very easy to shoot very often on my days off. And when I want to do serious training, my boss lets me use a spot on his property to set my stuff up and do my training and that location is only 15 minutes from my house. I live in the Deep South in Georgia so everybody here is very Pro 2A including my boss so he had no problem letting me do that