
Show off your Every Day Carry!

My EDC (around the homestead, at any rate) besides the usual pocket clutter is my SA milspec with the parkerized finish (I love it!) and custom grips (Says "Deus Vult" and depicts a crusader knight). I added a Pearce finger grip for ultimate control. Fits me like a glove and I have custom leather for it too. It's my go-to-church dressy EDC...

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I really like those Pearce grip inserts.
May have to get a pair of those
Mama commandeered the Hellcat.
Still rockin’ the Gen 3.
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I'm not trying to necessarily be political here, but how many of y'all are aware
that Benchmade made a deal with the devil (local PD) to destroy confiscated
guns and P!$$ on gunowners at the same time?? We ought to be destroying
Benchmade the same way we ought to with Yeti, Dick's sporting goods, Black
Rifle Coffee, and other sellouts!!

We should be putting them out of business for treading on 2A!
“We apologize for the confusion and concern that this post created. These were firearms that the Oregon City Police Department had to destroy in alignment with their policies. Oregon City Police requested the use of specialty equipment within the Benchmade facility to follow these requirements, and as a supporting partner of our local police force, we obliged the request.

Benchmade is a proud and unwavering supporter of both law enforcement and Second Amendment rights. These are commitments that we do not take lightly and will continue to support well into the future.

When asked for clarity from Oregon City Police Department, Chief Jim Band made the following statement:

“When property is to be destroyed, it is the policy of the Oregon City Police Department to destroy property, including firearms, in accordance to our procedures and ORS. The Oregon City Police Department does not sell firearms.”

That being said there are probably lots of things we “ should not” be buying. 🙄*sarcasm*
Example: Sig optics which are Prob made by the Chicoms( not certain but suspect Holosun), iPhones , Androids, just about anything from a big box store, 511 clothing and products, some but limited magpul items are made by chicoms, (daka bags) the list goes on. You get the point. You don’t like what they did? Thats your choice; just as it is mine to buy what I like.
That’s the beautiful thing about capitalism.

Additionally, I assume you own a Springfield? Being that you are on their board. A company that’s headquarters is in one of the most anti- gun states in the union? Where’s the outrage?
My point, this… is a bit silly.
Good day.
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Has anyone have or had 1 from 1791 gun leather.
I have a 1791 and its comfortable and very nice. I have switched to urban carry lockleather, because I like a bit more retention, to prevent anyone else from grabbing it out of the holster. Maybe me being paranoid but I am only paranoid because THEY are watching!! 😂😂
I also bookmarked the site above as they are very reasonable.
“We apologize for the confusion and concern that this post created. These were firearms that the Oregon City Police Department had to destroy in alignment with their policies. Oregon City Police requested the use of specialty equipment within the Benchmade facility to follow these requirements, and as a supporting partner of our local police force, we obliged the request.

Benchmade is a proud and unwavering supporter of both law enforcement and Second Amendment rights. These are commitments that we do not take lightly and will continue to support well into the future.

When asked for clarity from Oregon City Police Department, Chief Jim Band made the following statement:

“When property is to be destroyed, it is the policy of the Oregon City Police Department to destroy property, including firearms, in accordance to our procedures and ORS. The Oregon City Police Department does not sell firearms.”

That being said there are probably lots of things we “ should not” be buying. 🙄*sarcasm*
Example: Sig optics which are Prob made by the Chicoms( not certain but suspect Holosun), iPhones , Androids, just about anything from a big box store, 511 clothing and products, some but limited magpul items are made by chicoms, (daka bags) the list goes on. You get the point. You don’t like what they did? Thats your choice; just as it is mine to buy what I like.
That’s the beautiful thing about capitalism.

Additionally, I assume you own a Springfield? Being that you are on their board. A company that’s headquarters is in one of the most anti- gun states in the union? Where’s the outrage?
My point, this… is a bit silly.
Good day.
Your opinion and choice, of course. I'm just saying I don't give my money to 2A sellouts. Lots of gun manufacturers are HQ'ed in antigun states and have been for decades. That doesn't detract from their brand, but as these antigun states get more radical, more anti-freedom in general, it's causing these venerable brands (like S&W) to move out. I see that as a good move, even though moving one's operation to another state is costly.

As for Benchmade specifically, your copypasta of their defensive post doesn't tell the whole story. (On purpose?)
If one goes back in time & looks at all of their posts relating to this bonehead move, and their dismissive attitude, it is clear that they think gun rights and knife rights are not the same thing. Just as Evan Hafer, co-owner and President of Black Rifle Coffee Company, gives big donations to antigun Democrats and hates gun-owning conservatives including Kyle Rittenhouse. The very people that buy his crappy coffee are the ones he says he wants to flush down the toilet.

But yeah, the fun of capitalism is you get to choose what you'll buy and what you'll boycott. I believe in voting with dollars to reward good products and companies who do the right thing.
Well, I suppose that since we're posting more than our pew-pews as our EDC choices, and since plain leather wallets and flip-open burner phones are nothing special, I'll share what I take with me. First up, a PocketJuice 20mAh battery backup (for the phone, etc). Plain-Jane Coleman flashlight for when I get home after dark, Gerber FAST06 tanto, Vertigo 4-torch butane lighter.
Well, I suppose that since we're posting more than our pew-pews as our EDC choices, and since plain leather wallets and flip-open burner phones are nothing special, I'll share what I take with me. First up, a PocketJuice 20mAh battery backup (for the phone, etc). Plain-Jane Coleman flashlight for when I get home after dark, Gerber FAST06 tanto, Vertigo 4-torch butane lighter.
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I've had good luck with Gerber. I like their knives!
I carry knives because I like to use them in my everyday life. Granted, the Kobun is a fighting knife; however, it is not my primary weapon. It is my "last ditch" tool.
My order of selection is as follows:
1. Avoidance of trouble. I am a big fan of Col. Cooper's color coded threat assessment.
2. OC spray
3. firearm
4. running away
4. knife...when I absolutely don't have any other choices

I believe using mathematical statistics to better understand my environment is natural. I know the chances for being struck by lightning are remote but I avoid waving a carbon fiber fishing rod while standing in an aluminum boat while floating in a lake, during a thunderstorm.
Similarly, I avoid driving through downtown Seattle on Fridays and weekends.
I actually have been struck by lightning through my fishing pole on a day when the closest dark clouds were 10 miles away. It jumped or I threw it from the back of a 21 foot boat all the way to the front.

It split the top of the rod and the last ferrule is lost forever. Hasn’t stopped me from fishing. I also don’t drive through downtown Seattle on the weekend, but I live in Minnesota.
View attachment 26117
I'm not trying to necessarily be political here, but how many of y'all are aware
that Benchmade made a deal with the devil (local PD) to destroy confiscated
guns and P!$$ on gunowners at the same time?? We ought to be destroying
Benchmade the same way we ought to with Yeti, Dick's sporting goods, Black
Rifle Coffee, and other sellouts!!

We should be putting them out of business for treading on 2A!
What’s wrong with Black Rifle Coffee Company ? I just first got around to going to one this past weekend in Waco. I bought a coffee mug. I don’t do coffee shops and overpriced coffee. I thought at least this way I was supporting 2A.

I already have nothing to do with Yeti. I boycotted them the first time I saw a price tag on one of their coolers. And **** Dicks. And Dirt Cheap. And AB. And Levi Strauss and a bunch of others.

Dang it. I wanted to like BRCC.
Aren’t you afraid of confiscation after a self defense shooting? I wouldn’t ever carry a gun I paid that money for.
If I got into a shooting and survived, I’d give a 💩 about the gun.
Sure I’d like it back, but two things:
1 - i can buy another gun, cant do that from the grave.
2) i dont base my carry gun on price, cause my life is worth more than a $500-$2500 gun, even more than a $25,000 gun. I base my carry with what I am the best at. Cause it may save my life
If I got into a shooting and survived, I’d give a 💩 about the gun.
Sure I’d like it back, but two things:
1 - i can buy another gun, cant do that from the grave.
2) i dont base my carry gun on price, cause my life is worth more than a $500-$2500 gun, even more than a $25,000 gun. I base my carry with what I am the best at. Cause it may save my life

Agreed. And to this point, I would never strive to make a $3000 race gun my EDC gun. Yes it would be a drag if one of my Shields or my HK or my XD Mod 2 were locked up in an evidence locker for a year or more, but A) if it's a justifiable shoot I will get my gun back and B) it is a gun and therefore a very fair trade against my life.
Waist carry, When I go heavier it’s the XDM 3.8 9mm. When I go lighter it’s a Shield 9. and as alway one of a few J-Frames in the pocket.
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If I got into a shooting and survived, I’d give a 💩 about the gun.
Sure I’d like it back, but two things:
1 - i can buy another gun, cant do that from the grave.
2) i dont base my carry gun on price, cause my life is worth more than a $500-$2500 gun, even more than a $25,000 gun. I base my carry with what I am the best at. Cause it may save my life
There are a ton of ways to look at these things. But one should carry what works best for them no matter the cost. Something that feels good, something they shoot very well and are confident in the reliability, something that they enjoy shooting, and yes, something they enjoy aesthetically. Since the vast majority of its lifespan will be carried, looked at, and yes shot in practice these are important not it's cheapness...

Actual defensive shooting will represent a miniscule fraction of its lifespan, if any at all. Getting it back, and it's cost, IF something ever occurs is way down on the list of factors for me to carry the firearm or not.

I look at it like, I drive vehicles which please me because 99.99999999 percent of the time that's exactly what it does. I do not decide to drive something cheaper so it won't get stolen.
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