yes.........., let's not ANYONE get into the great lube wars debate.....Sig uses grease on all their metal guns. I won’t start a debate on which grease is best or grease vs oil. I use TW25B on my 226 Legion. A lot of the Sig wonks recommend it.
i simply pointed out that the literature included with my Sig, said that THEY recommend something called, "SPEC 1" synthetic grease. and has anyone with a Sig, used it...??

Premium blend non-toxic / non-hazardous synthetic grease

to me, and from ALL the owner's manuals i have read, and that's like now 13 of them...??
"grease" is NEVER mentioned as a lube for thier 1911.
just "oil", then sometimes a specific brand, many times, for instance, on 2 of my Colts (1- 1911 and 1 revolver) i got a sample foil pack of a synthetic oil with the gun. with my Korth revolver, i got a free sample bottle of Gibbs oil.
i think many times, these lube companies "give" samples away to the gun makers for marketing purposes.
since switched over to FP 10 recently, on all my guns, this Sig, will too be fed FP 10 at it's first cleaning, next week.