YahwenNoDeshi, Over the last two years of COVID lock down I bought a Shadow 2 Orange, but as of now not ever shot it. Yeah I know you must being thinking why buy and not shoot it? Let me just say its on my to do list before winter hits. I also have a 97BD which I base my reasoning for loving the Shadow 2.I was looking at a Shadow 2 Optics ready and I was wondering how good it was. The SP-01 i had was amazing. I also was thinking about having hayes custom do a RIA 2011 for me. But the forums have encouraged me to give thee prodigy a chance
That gun puts a smile on my face each and every time I have shot it. As for the SP-01 I have read many good things about it but never shot one.
Just maybe it comes down to my love of steel guns and only recently finding a couple plastic's I liked enough to keep.