I wish everyone would take the time to get to know this gun and not take on the internet panic and start changing all manor of things to try and get them to run. Its like
Buying a new sportscar and then deciding you’re going to tune it, change the suspension and the exhaust all at once and then something goes wrong and you don’t know what caused the problem. Changing the spring from 9lbs to 12lbs isn’t a Herculean event, you just have to keep your thumb along the body of the spring and keep the hump in the spring flat so that you can make a connection between both halves of the recoil rod. You don’t have to screw it all the way together, just a couple turns will do. As I’ve already said in previous posts we have several forum members who are not having problems at all. All experienced shooters, I might add, and perhaps that has something to do with the success they’re having with their Prodigies. Stay calm, work with your gun, run it in. It is going to work.