
student loan forgiveness shut down

That may have true in the past, but no longer. Back in the 1960s-70s and maybe into the 80s, companies looked upon any degree as a sign of commitment and dedication. Therefore, many companies hired young people with no education or experience in that particular field because they felt that they could learn quickly and would be good employees.
However, now you have tons of young people with degrees in things like Interpretative Dance or maybe Gender Studies and such that have absolutely no correlation with today's business or working world. Nobody wants to hire them. These are the ones drowning in debt.
Thats their problem, maybe they should have chosen more wisely.
It's ashame the free lunch just keeps getting more expensive. Perhaps if folks lived in the land at the end of the rainbow there would be enough gold to make everyone's wishes come true. But then that would be like living in a fariy tale where folks live happily ever after. In the land of reality we all engage in the "pursuit of happiness" but nothing is guaranteed except death and taxes!
No way in hades I should have to pay for anyone’s college debt, nobody forced them to go to college. If they can’t afford to pay it themselves, then they shouldn’t go, but his administration went too far with this crap of debt relief. Ridiculous that they think the government should give anyone any kind of debt relief
It's ashame the free lunch just keeps getting more expensive. Perhaps if folks lived in the land at the end of the rainbow there would be enough gold to make everyone's wishes come true. But then that would be like living in a fariy tale where folks live happily ever after. In the land of reality we all engage in the "pursuit of happiness" but nothing is guaranteed except death and taxes!

You be surprised see the amount of food public schools toss out at the end of the school day. The contract they have with third party suppliers is delivered no matter if school is open or closed during the normal school year.
There may be 100 students in the entire school, but maybe half participate in lunch program. Budgets allocated funding and budgets “For the Kids” never get reduced. Remember during Covid School Lockouts … they were still providing free lunch AND to anyone that walked up, no stay-at-home students ventured out anywhere near school.

They pols are livid at the ruling, colleges may even begin to chime in but in any case if they want to give free college tuition or debt elimination….cut payrolls or cut operational expenses.
That’s what I do when I want something.
when i was on active duty as a young guy
i was taking a votec class 3 nights a week to learn marine diesel engines. i was a helicopter mechanic but was planning to leave if i hit 11 years and was not at least an E7. why continue to waste time. i had 10 in at the time.

so i was exploring AP license in one class and and marine diesel tech in the others, fate stepped in and i did 22 and was promoted to punish me.:love:
any who
the college that ran the votec classes gave us all a test on reading, writing and math, first night of each semester.
if we scored less than what they felt was good for an adult, they sent us to remedial classes once per week at same time of our other class in same building with almost one on one tutors.

we got credit for 2 classes in the end, and it beefed up my advanced math skills and some other stuff
it was what i considered to be a great thing, it helped me get through some very tough math and I learned to write great research papers.
now days its all i can do to type from bad hands.

this is what we need now days. colleges that give a crap about the students and professors that give a crap about life skills vice, protests.
funny thing is, i received a letter from the Dean for my outstanding achievement in mathematics.. my command made a big deal out it when the college sent them the letter. I got a BZ from skipper and he never knew i was a dumb ass in mathematics:love:
The News just reported that in the past few years about all this that the students with relevant loans were given ~200 billion in forgiveness because payments were waived, and the gov lost billions in interest, etc. for an estimated 419 billion in total funds lost to the fed for all this.

The higher education system needs to be reined in for inflating tuition costs since they know Uncle Sugar is there to guarantee the loans that kids have to take out. And this same system has billions in the bank at the same time.
I was listening to one of the morning talk radio pundits today saying there are “dropout students” that have still these unpaid debts and there’s no policy in place as to who would be eligible for the $10,000 gubmint stipend. They say this program was going to cost $400 billion and the estimates were that $10k was the most one would receive. No mention if these select debtors ever made any attempts to make their monthly obligations either. So reliability and expectations of such a defaulting debtor is quite low and with that comes the likelihood of continual gubmint dependency.

I was once denied a mortgage because of a low income-to-debt ration (used to be 25%?) due to low down payment, cc bills, high interest rate...all gubmint factors. There was a time when as one paid their bills, less goes into savings, can’t afford private tuitions, couldn’t find extra work and inflation from gubmint giveaways kept wages down and prices skyrocketing.
Get a good education, get a job, make money, live within your means and pay for what you take - oh boy, that’s soooooo colonial.

We all remember what happened to the PPP monies, CovidCash programs and surpluses, then there’s all the other unaccountable general free-stuff giveaways. Since The Soggy Bottom Creeper announced his program last August, conveniently before the Mid Terms, I wonder how many rushed to “enroll” in some correspondence college and ran up personal debt, not limited to tuition but skool materials like laptops and electronics, but anything else that could be construed as necessity skool’ stuff.

When the Team Crooked Joe BuildsBackBetter, it’s only taxpayers that pay for it. We will all see soon our local taxes rise as has his policymakers mandate overfilling the classrooms with noncitizens. It will be a matter of time that most will probably go on to get jobs, pay taxes and figure out the liberals scheme and how they’ll one day being paying for someone else to sit at home while they do all the work.
There's a catch-22 within the student loan program. If you become a teacher and go to a school classified as "poor" or "underserved" (how they decide that is another political boondoggle), your student loan debt is canceled. Catch: you must continue to make 120 monthly payments i.e., ten years of payments regardless. I tell you, the government is just of bunch of slicky boys and girls.
There's a catch-22 within the student loan program. If you become a teacher and go to a school classified as "poor" or "underserved" (how they decide that is another political boondoggle), your student loan debt is canceled. Catch: you must continue to make 120 monthly payments i.e., ten years of payments regardless. I tell you, the government is just of bunch of slicky boys and girls.
more kin to loan sharks its all about shell game with the money
the amount of programs available to get out of the loans are quite plentiful
people are lazy when you give them stuff forever, they simply wont get up and do the little work to get relief if they need it
they want everyone else to do the work for them.....
the crap uncle joe just set up still charges you interest for that 12 months you choose not to pay your loans, so accrued interest is going to keep on rolling. just adding up to the back side. but these people are counting on complete forgiveness so they wont pay anything and in 12 months from now , the story will be on the ballot and more promises made to garner votes and then ...ooooo we are sorry we cant do that ..to bad you voted for joe/gavin/kamala

funny thing, is he never promised complete forgiveness, only 20k worth. so i assume a few and very few would actually get full pay offs.
good ruling
i paid my debts, loans, etc.
yes DOD paid for part of my 2 degrees, but i worked that small part off in kind.
plus i spent over 25k to finish up my degrees while on active duty. contrary to the hype, the military does not pay 100%. once you hit a set number of classes per year, you are on the hook.
which at the time was really low number. i attended 2 classes in person and 2 online per semester.
every free minute was spent studying and writing dumb research papers that no body ever read. :love:
i appreciate all tax payers like me paying for parts of my college degree plans,
but in no case should taxpayers be on hook for peoples loans that choose to ignore the signed obligations

if this had held,
there would have been many law suits to forgive small bus loans, etc...complete ruin of our system

and college tuition rates bang for hours is so overpriced its not even funny.
i graduated from embry riddle world wide campus...omg costs were insane. it was like my web classes were paying for the power bill in daytona.

same for my remote classes with Texas A&M.. insane costs for not using a classroom or building and professors sittign at home holding classes
I went to technical school in 1982(after getting out of the Marine Corps in 1979). I worked a night shift job to supplement my Veterans benefits to pay for tuition and supplies. I didn't have to take out a student loan.

Up until I retired 2.5 years ago, I worked 2 jobs and taught martial arts classes. I was too busy to get myself into trouble. And if I couldn't afford it, I figured I really didn't need it. But through those jobs I was blessed with some goodies like Harley and BMW motorcycles, etc, etc. I'm still catching up on my rest...time for another nap...:)
No way in hades I should have to pay for anyone’s college debt, nobody forced them to go to college. If they can’t afford to pay it themselves, then they shouldn’t go, but his administration went too far with this crap of debt relief. Ridiculous that they think the government should give anyone any kind of debt relief
It was nothing but an attempt to buy votes from The Squad generation. Wonder what their next angle will be?
Sums it up


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