
Supreme Court upholds domestic violence gun restriction

Most states already have this as part of their Domestic Violence laws, but a Domestic Violence Protective Order is NOT a conviction, and only allows the removal of firearms while the Order is in effect, i.e., until its hashed out in court.

My stick is that a Domestic Violence conviction isn't a felony..........

If a right is forfeited, the conviction should be a felony.
Most states already have this as part of their Domestic Violence laws, but a Domestic Violence Protective Order is NOT a conviction, and only allows the removal of firearms while the Order is in effect, i.e., until its hashed out in court.

My stick is that a Domestic Violence conviction isn't a felony..........

If a right is forfeited, the conviction should be a felony.
Agree, As despicable as it is to our moralities they haven’t been convicted of anything. I’ll be very interested to hear the breakdown of the ruling.

This seems to be bordering on the "thought police". I realize that some people have a propensity toward certain behaviors so take each case on its own merit. In other words, my rights don't end where your feelings begin.

Thank you for your indulgence,

While I agree with the ruling in principle, I think the distinctions need to be made that due process is followed, that is to say a court has to deem you a danger to others BEFORE the cops kick your door in and take your guns, and also once the ex parte is no longer in effect, if you are NOT convicted of a felony they need to give you your guns back. However we already know the lengths democrat politicians and activist judges will go to in order to misinterpret a SCOTUS ruling. And besides, once cops take your guns for whatever reason it is highly unlikely you will ever get them back.
Terrible ruling.
The PFA system is ripe with abuse. Way too easy to get a protection order. And frequently they are used as tools for angry women to hurt their significant other. And the court system just rubber stamps them.

Personally, I think it should be a very, very rare thing for anyone to get barred from owning a gun, and that felons should get their rights restored once they serve their time (including probation/parole).

As Bass Cliff said, we can't be thought police. We don't live in Minority Report.

Heck, it's called law enforcement, not crime prevention.

I'd much rather see programs that help abuse victims get cheap or free guns, training and safe storage then to take someone's gun.

Reality is bad guys will get guns, OR, find another way to hurt/kill.
Reality is bad guys will get guns, OR, find another way to hurt/kill.
and that's the rub, the good law abiding people obey the laws, and the criminals laugh at them, and will absolutely obtain all the guns, magazines, and ammo they want, while we are slowly being disarmed.

it's a twisted society that goes after the wrong people for punishment, and allows others free will.
Terrible ruling.
The PFA system is ripe with abuse. Way too easy to get a protection order. And frequently they are used as tools for angry women to hurt their significant other. And the court system just rubber stamps them.

Personally, I think it should be a very, very rare thing for anyone to get barred from owning a gun, and that felons should get their rights restored once they serve their time (including probation/parole).

As Bass Cliff said, we can't be thought police. We don't live in Minority Report.

Heck, it's called law enforcement, not crime prevention.

I'd much rather see programs that help abuse victims get cheap or free guns, training and safe storage then to take someone's gun.

Reality is bad guys will get guns, OR, find another way to hurt/kill.

I don't know how it is anywhere else, but here in order to get a restraining order, ex parte, whatever you want to call it, other than a temporary ( I think 30 day) both parties have to appear in front of a judge and someone has to show cause. It isn't possible to have a valid order filed against you if you haven't been served and appeared in front of a judge.
I don't know how it is anywhere else, but here in order to get a restraining order, ex parte, whatever you want to call it, other than a temporary ( I think 30 day) both parties have to appear in front of a judge and someone has to show cause. It isn't possible to have a valid order filed against you if you haven't been served and appeared in front of a judge.
Full ones. yes. But temporary don't like you said, and that's bad enough.

But even the full ones, they bully you into just agreeing to it instead of fighting it. I know, I have sat through the court proceedings many, many times. Not as a subject, but because of my work in the legal filed and law enforcement.
Heck, it's called law enforcement, not crime prevention
I will not get on my soap box about enforcers of the law vs protect and serve. nope won't do it ;)

ME. has a "yellow flag" law where one has to go through a leangle hearing BEFORE firearms can be taken. Of course, that's not good enough for Czaria Mills and her cohorts of socialists demoKKKrats, while the yellow stain reDUMBlicnas do nothing. Was supposed to be a "reasonable compromise" but once again we see it was just the first step in how to boil a frog.:mad:🤬:mad:🤬
Guy Reliford a 2A attorney in Indiana (The Gun Guy) broke down the ruling on last nights show 6/22/24

In the ruling the Justices actually mentioned nothing about “due process “ was brought up by the party.

Well worth the listen. And you can forward through the couple commercials

Guy Reliford a 2A attorney in Indiana (The Gun Guy) broke down the ruling on last nights show 6/22/24

In the ruling the Justices actually mentioned nothing about “due process “ was brought up by the party.

Well worth the listen. And you can forward through the couple commercials

In Roberts's opinion he stated something to the effect of " found by a court to be a danger to themselves or others. Sounds like due process to me.
In Roberts's opinion he stated something to the effect of " found by a court to be a danger to themselves or others. Sounds like due process to me.
Yes and in this case he was ruled to be a bad dude however had he or his attorneys brought that up as a secondary argument it could have helped all the cases if She said .

Reliford covered it in the show and my Son has a woke progressive Dem in Seattle that he is going through custody with. She claimed domestic violence in 2019 there is no police incident (because it never happened) she simply is being vindictive. And she’s extremely anti gun and filed it when he purchased his first handgun and without a hearing or proof had to turn it in to King County Sheriffs.

This was sept he went back and forth with “commissioners” not real judges since it was a civil thing so basically he won’t get it bac til January 2025 and he did nothing wrong. Because Jayapal and her minions in the state system there have jockeys back door gun control to evil men!!!!

Had a due process issue need a core and they could have ruled it would have helped a ton of folks in my sons case
Yes and in this case he was ruled to be a bad dude however had he or his attorneys brought that up as a secondary argument it could have helped all the cases if She said .

Reliford covered it in the show and my Son has a woke progressive Dem in Seattle that he is going through custody with. She claimed domestic violence in 2019 there is no police incident (because it never happened) she simply is being vindictive. And she’s extremely anti gun and filed it when he purchased his first handgun and without a hearing or proof had to turn it in to King County Sheriffs.

This was sept he went back and forth with “commissioners” not real judges since it was a civil thing so basically he won’t get it bac til January 2025 and he did nothing wrong. Because Jayapal and her minions in the state system there have jockeys back door gun control to evil men!!!!

Had a due process issue need a core and they could have ruled it would have helped a ton of folks in my sons case

And he was never taken in front of a judge ? They do ignore the parts of the constitution they don't like in Washington State don't they ?