
Talk about bad ideas...and irresponsibility

Personally I think it was a big mistake to make any gun look like a toy, all this does is gives the anti-gunners more ammo in trying to restrict our 2nd amendment rights, plus you have to think, what if a kid got ahold of this lego gun and went out to play with it and accidentally shot someone. Guns should look like guns, not a damn toy, just my opinion.
Personally I think it was a big mistake to make any gun look like a toy, all this does is gives the anti-gunners more ammo in trying to restrict our 2nd amendment rights, plus you have to think, what if a kid got ahold of this lego gun and went out to play with it and accidentally shot someone. Guns should look like guns, not a damn toy, just my opinion.

I'd be more worried about cops not being able to tell if it was a toy gun or one of these Lego guns. Kids shouldn't have access to any gun regardless of what it looks like. That blame would fall squarely on the parent.
It does not matter Lego no longer has the patent and anyone can make blocks that are the exact specs as real deal legos. That’s why generic toy companies all make bricks that now work perfectly with Lego brand. Once Trademark and Patents expire it’s common use domain now. Exact same thing as a 1911 anyone can make one. That’s why Lego updated new construction type bricks and special bricks those are still under patent. Building bricks are made by every toy company under the sun. Lego can fight but they would ultimately loose, the coaster does not have the resources to fight back and tell them to shove it. As long as he does not call it the ”Lego” gun everything else is free. Plenty of companies make building brick weapons Kits Brickmania is just one. Nothing Lego can do.
You are correct as far as the patent part of the equation but they do have the resources “financial ability” clout and customer loyalty to the brand and what it stands for to help create so much negative publicity towards any company that attempts to use there iconic toy in such an irresponsible way the end result would be failure and based on articles presented they succeeded.