
The Media is shocked!

Who you gonna believe, the Lamestream Media (Democrat Propaganda enablers) or your own lying eyes? I had no idea I was a racist, misogynist, white supremacist, and downright deplorable from flyover country. I almost accepted those labels until they wanted me to give up God, guns and country. ;)
(y) Funny part is they never say it to your face, in person. Reminds me of a Tee shirt I saw the other day. "The older I get the less life in prison is a deterrent".
Belt Fed.
B.H.O. is not a muslin, or a Christian or anything but out for Obama, and socialism is how he best see's his path forward, and it would appear that he is right. Like Bernie Sanders, they want to restrict everything for you but have amassed a great deal for themselves. Just like good socialists/communists everywhere.
If I allow myself to dwell on how our country has gotten so forked up it really makes me sad. Can't imagine how our nation will look in the future. It's downright depressing.