
The Media is shocked!

He may not have. We will probably never know who was really running the country. Obama is muslim and i don't think they believe in all that gay stuff. So who knows. Whoever it was they were deliberately trying to destroy us. Nobody puts them kind of idiots in power expecting a good performance.
Good Communists are atheistic
Long Post Warning

There's a video of George Carlin talking about the dumbing down of America. It's got a lot of language in it so I'm not going to link to it. Get on YouTube and search "It's a big Club". It's pretty accurate.

The older I get the more I believe that Joe McCarthy was absolutely right, America has been infiltrated by Communists.

The thing about Communism nobody ever really talks about is that the leaders and the elite of the party lived pretty good. It's the peons who had to wait in line for bread.

Of all the conspiracy theories out there the one that I most believe because it most matches what I'm watching happen is the one where the Global Elite wants to reduce the population of Kulaks to where there are just enough of us to keep the machines running and the paper work filled out. So that can hoard dwindling resources (fossil fuels) for themselves.

That's why we need to take public transportation and ride bikes while they ride their private jets to Davos.

That's why they push abortions so hard (fun fact more black babies in America are aborted than born) and that's why they're starting to lobby for euthanasia.

If you really want to know how I think this is going to play out read the first Left Behind book.

So, all of that is background to my main point. There will never be a communist (Globalist) takeover in America as long as we are armed to the teeth. Which was the whole point of the Second Amendment.

So they can't just stage a coup but I absolutely believe that they are setting up the mechanisms for State surveillance on Common People.

I've said this before but they've already won the Culture War. From the '50s on our public education system in general has been run by globalists and leftists. They're indoctrinating our kids and in a generation or so after all of us old farts have died off they'll simply tell our grandchildren (who have been indoctrinated from day one that guns are evil) to turn them all in and they'll do it.

Once the people no longer have the means to resist they'll start with the enforced population control and abolishing privately owned means of transportation.

And your grandchildren will be living in government housing and roasting bugs for dinner.
This war on civilization you speak of has been ongoing for millennia. Wouldn't it be something to figure out exactly who these "global elites" are, what they have openly said, and what they are doing to hasten what you descibe above.
What I Believe Part 1
Long Religious Post Warning.

I'm about to tell you what I really believe. This is going to be a religious post. I'm going to refer to the Bible. If you don't want to hear that please feel free to disregard. I won't be offended.

I believe we're living in The Last Days. The primary reason I believe that is because Paul says (Hebrews 9:26) Christ appeared once at the End of the Age. So the mere fact of the birth of Christ tells me that we're living at the end of the age.

Another reason that I believe that we're living in the end of the age is that from 70 AD to 1948 the nation of Israel has not existed. On May 14th 1948 the United Nations withdrew their mandate on Palestine and Isreal became a nation in one day(Isa. 66:8).

That is the only time in human history than a nation was formed in one day. Most of the Bible's end times prophecies concern Israel. So most of the Bible's prophecies couldn't have happened unless Israel was a nation.

I believe that within the next 5 years you will see Russia, Turkey, Syria, Iran and quite possibly Lebanon unite and attack Israel. I believe that they will be wiped out and that it will happen in such a way that there will be no question in anybody's mind that Israel was saved by Divine intervention.

I believe that shortly after this happens something will open the way for Israel to rebuild the Third Temple.

I believe that at some point either right before right after that we're going to see a worldwide economic collapse.
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What IBelievePart 2. Long Religious Post Warning

I believe out of that worldwide economic collapse will come a unified world currency and a unified world government.

Notice how they're already pushing the global community and one world, one people.

I believe that whoever they put in charge of that one world government or one world committee or whatever you want to call it will be the Antichrist.

I believe that one of the first things this person will do is sign a peace treaty with Israel guaranteeing their safety for 7 years.

And that my friends, is when I think the "fun" is really going to begin.

All the other stuff that I talked about with the eating bugs and communal housing and force euthanasia is all just details.

That's what I believe. If I violated some rule of the form that I wasn't aware of and this post gets deleted I won't be upset. If you choose to disagree with what I just posted I won't be upset. I also won't debate it. I'm not trying to start a fight I am just trying to tell you exactly where I'm coming from.

If you want to think that I'm a barking Moon bat for posting any of this, again I really won't be that upset.

Good day
Well, thanks for sharing what you believe. If you are correct about losing those five countries after they attack Israel, (which has N weapons btw,) now that would be a shame wouldn't it. What ever would the world do without those five. I'll let myself out now. ;)