
The True Story Behind the Mattel M16 Rifle

All I remember it was a circular stamp with "Mattel" in the middle and some other discription all around inside the circular edges, top and bottom. It was located on the lower reciever in front of the trigger assembly. I asked my Drill Sgt and he said it only had to do with the plastic parts of the lower reciever. Hand grip, etc. Saw something on line similar but can't fine it now. Will post if I find it. It might have been something Rambo posted eairlier but I think mine had the City and State inside the circle. View attachment 49683

Okay, but originally you said the "stamp" was "on the plastic furniture." This is not that.
I have something nobody has posted. The original advert for the Marauder. Feast your eyes on this as we're reelin' in the years!

comicbookad mattel m16marauder.jpg
Tell us more. Where, exactly, was it "stamped?" How was it "stamped?" What exactly did the "stamping" look like? If you really saw such a thing, you should able to give some details. I want to believe you. ;)
The photo in the article showing the mattel logo on the right side between the hand grip and trigger was stamped inside the of the hand guard. You had to remove the hand guard to see the logo.
The photo in the article showing the mattel logo on the right side between the hand grip and trigger was stamped inside the of the hand guard. You had to remove the hand guard to see the logo.
Thanks for the response. I'm still vague on exactly what you're describing. Would it be possible for you to find that photo and post it here, or a link to it? I can think of several different meanings of "stamped" and "stamping," and several different locations on the "inside of the hand guard" of an M16A1 that raise questions in my mind. A photo of it would clear everything up instantly. Meanwhile, I am still ready to believe you, but I need more solid evidence or exact testimony. Thanks! ;)
Okay, but originally you said the "stamp" was "on the plastic furniture." This is not that.
This is what I remember. Take it or leave it. Not waisting my time on some one who only wants to argue the facts. Have a nice day, "Professional."
The group that got the ball rolling on reliability were known as the Whiz Kids in the Kennedy administration. A bunch of accountants with no combat experience looked for ways to make the M-16 cheaper. For the jungle the chamber needed to be chromed as it was eventually done. Otherwise rust would expand the chamber walls and either hold the fired case, stovepipe, or fail to load all the way. I was in Vietnam for several years. Early years the M-16 was a piece of crap that jammed w/o constant cleaning. Later years it was a piece of crap that worked better. I was told it still would jam in Desert Storm. Nice stuff they give people risking their lives.
The Whiz Kids also gave us McNamara's Boys. Draftees with a low IQ, too low for combat. I served with one. His brother came in with him on the buddy system to take care of him. It nearly killed him. Officers should have been smart enough to give McNamara's Boys rear area duty. But few had the IQ to figure it out. Many boys were easily killed or maimed. Many others were hurt trying to cover them.
In 1972-73 there were m16a1 rifles embossed/ engraved with the Mattel insignia on the reciever magazine port area were they always mark the maker be it colt ,Mattel etc.this insignia was very much the official Mattel corporation seal with the “corrugated circle “around Mattel etc.it was approx.1 1/2” x 2” .These rifles were in 1st bn.2nd Marine armory and I observed more than 1 rifle so marked ,they were not uncommon.i was a Machine gunner ,never saw an M-60 so marked they were usually SACO Maine,but Mattel rifles were real and issued.
I don’t know if that was photo shopped but it is not the logo I remember ,I remember one larger and more clearly the Mattel logo and stamped into the metal not raised like that little one, Please don’t discredit old warriors with mockery .I know what me and many veterans of many services saw don’t add too the coverup,for whatever reason it’s being perpetrated.If America had enabled a win for the South Vietnamese govt. Mattel would have been waving the flag and claiming honors right along with Hanoi Jane.I was too late to go ,so I am a younger Vietnam era Vet but I am thus relegated to carry their colors as we fall to the years and discredit in any form is still shameful.
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Here is an article discussing the topic of M16's being made by or parts sourced by Mattel that some may find interesting to read.

He had his mind made up from the start.he also came along long after Vietnam Nam and its attendant political,public and corporate upheavals so my honors to him for his service but he can’t have seen or witnessed anything involved with Mattel.
In 1972-73 there were m16a1 rifles embossed/ engraved with the Mattel insignia on the reciever magazine port area were they always mark the maker be it colt ,Mattel etc.this insignia was very much the official Mattel corporation seal with the “corrugated circle “around Mattel etc.it was approx.1 1/2” x 2” .These rifles were in 1st bn.2nd Marine armory and I observed more than 1 rifle so marked ,they were not uncommon.i was a Machine gunner ,never saw an M-60 so marked they were usually SACO Maine,but Mattel rifles were real and issued.
I was 11C infantry in Germany in 1987 I had M16A1 full auto that was stamped Mattel in center of a sun with triangles in a circle and i hatted the 3 round burst on the m16a2 but it was marked on the metal part not the butt stock or the hand grip. i had one also 100% not the Mandela effect and im not a bot, im in Texas not the twilight zone.. kinda like this!!!

I took basic in 1976 at Ft.Dix and I a Mattel m16 the logo was stamped on the mag well. Mattel Toy Company. I Wish I could have kept that rifle what a collectable! It is not a myth.
I carried a barbie (Mattlel) rifle all through BCT in 1971 at Ft Lewis WA. Every time we drew weapons one of the DS's would always drop me for at least 25 push ups. No myth, no s..., and I was not very fond of that weapon. It was the only Mattel rifle in the company.
i had m16a1 in 1987 in Germany stamped Mattel logo sun also not a circle like that pic