If you pull out of life that's lethal Force
I never thought of it as "pulling out" but I like where you're going with this.
If you pull out of life that's lethal Force
This all dayYou can do everything right, and still lose.
The best way to win a gunfight is not get in one in the first place.
Elaborate or your full ofBull ****
I'm left-handed. When I started training in Escrima (Filipino Martial Arts that trains with blades) we trained strong side forward. Most of the students were right handed so I trained right handed. This was back in the 1980s.Facts on facts.
This line gave me pause, “Do you run away, move your dominant hand to your holstered pistol, or discreetly access a less-lethal weapon?”
Less-lethal? This brought up a couple of thoughts:
1) There are schools of thought that says carry my knife on my non-dominant side. This means that I have to train to use my left hand to handle a knife.
2) Less-lethal, is a stab wound to the jugular or femoral artery any less lethal?
That part of the article jumped out at me, too. I'm an older gentleman and my "plan" is four-fold:Facts on facts.
This line gave me pause, “Do you run away, move your dominant hand to your holstered pistol, or discreetly access a less-lethal weapon?”
Less-lethal? This brought up a couple of thoughts:
1) There are schools of thought that says carry my knife on my non-dominant side. This means that I have to train to use my left hand to handle a knife.
2) Less-lethal, is a stab wound to the jugular or femoral artery any less lethal?
The first thing I do when I go somewhere is look for the exits. If you don't know where the exits are, you are stuck. At a restaurant, I always try to sit facing the door and know where the exits are in emergencies. Avoiding high crime areas is another part of my awareness program. At a gas station, I look around and move so that I can get a 360 degree look. I put the hose on automatic and take a defensive position. Mental training and awareness of your surroundings is critical, so that the use of a lethal weapon is a last resort. The cops don't care, when they roll up on a scene, they will lock you up if you have discharged your firearm, so I have my ACLDN affiliate attorney office on speed dial and hope I never have to call them from a gun shootout.Hello all, here is today's article posted on TheArmoryLife.com. It is titled “This Is How You Would Lose a Gunfight” and can be found at https://www.thearmorylife.com/this-is-how-you-would-lose-a-gunfight/.
I'll wager we won't hear anything divine; conflict peddler.Elaborate or your full of
And welcome to the forum …. Lets hear your divine opinion on the matter
Can anyone comment on ammo for Hellcat Pro? Just bought Aguila and Sellier Bellot to try. Does 115g vs 124g make a difference? MagTech & Browning 115g weren't smooth and on a fixed income OUCH! Blessings. Thanks.
I think a good medium is to stick with 124 gr. for training purposes. And lots of ammo testing could and should be done for defensive ammo. It's good to train with something that hits real close to where your defensive ammo will hit. I noticed the other day when I was zero'ing a red dot on a VP9SK that the Sellior and Bellot that I just bought 1500 rounds of impacts about an inch higher than my beloved 124 gr. Federal HST. My next step is to test some 124 gr. Punch, 147 gr. Hydra Shok and 147 gr. HST to see if impact is the same as the S&B.Thanks. I range shoot at about 10-25 yds. Aiming upwards from a wheelchair may also affect things. The last knuckle of my thumb by my shooting hand is always red & swollen after shooting. The range officers say I'm gripping the gun just right., Found a new product called Grip Keeper to strengthen hands. Thanks for the reply's to all.
Not in my experience. Recoil difference is negligible, depending on the specific gun.Thanks for the input. I never thought of the sense of using as close to defensive ammo as possible. I did accidentely shoot a 15 round mag of Federal HST but didn't realize it so didn't think of comparison. When I 1st got my gun I was told to use HST in primary mag and Punch topped with HST for backup mag. Don't know the difference. At breakfast I was reading new Armory with article on Steve Hornady and an hour later sadly heard about the fatal plant explosion. Prayers. Is it right that 124g. makes recoil worse? Even if so, glad for the input of using same as defensive rounds.Thanks.