
This Is How You Would Lose a Gunfight

I'm so grateful for all the knowledge shared. Thanks. The 1st few times at the range I was amazed at 90% of shoppers/shooters were past retirement age-then realized I'm the same age as "old" people. Retired, on fixed income it's not easy - have others noticed this "older" trend? Miles to go before sunset. I found 1 class for disabled folks where you are gently helped to the floor and helped to learn to shoot in unexpected situations. I'm also shocked at how many "gun protection" companies are actually insurance companies with lots of "out's" in coverage. Thanks.
In my opinion the older we get the more important it is to have options that rely less on physical strength. When I was young I didn't carry a gun very often. I enjoyed fighting and did it at the drop of a hat for sport. Those were different times than now. These days if I get into a fist fight I'm going to do everything in my power to insure it lasts 30 seconds or less.
Having read the responses I concur that being aware, and avoiding people and places at times that are likeky to be trouble is the best policy. Even if you are 100% right, using deadly force will change your life, forever, and will most likely be a source of great aggravation.

With all that said, if all your efforts at avoidance fail, I come back to what I have said on this forum in the past. The rule of 3's is in play in most deadly encounters. That is, it occurs at 3 yards or less, 3 shots or less are fired, and it is over in 3 seconds or less. Couple that with the fact that speed, power, and accuracy will determine the outcome. You have to get the gun out quickly enough, get it on target, and have enough power in your weapon to stop your attacker. If it takes 5 seconds to dig your gun out of concealment, statistically you are already behind the curve. It is why I advocate spending a good bit of your training time practicing CQB skills. Gear and carry methods are important.

Skill at distance is good, but hitting the bullseye at 25 yards is not relevant at CQB distances, where most of these conflicts occur. These realities are why I train at 1,3,7,10,15,25, and sometimes as much as 100 yards back, but always end my sessions with a number of up close CQB drills.
Bassbob, I agree about a fight and was just looking at steel-toe Dr. Marten's in case someone tried to grab me in w/c or tried for my gun. With the weight of them, the plan needs to be shoot before they get that close. HaysGreener-I also agree with comment on practice up close and the 3-3-3- saying. I'm having a new slide stop put on my gun and have to be without for 2 weeks-one left and don't want to leave the house. Do most have a back-up gun? If only $$$ grew on trees.
Bassbob, I agree about a fight and was just looking at steel-toe Dr. Marten's in case someone tried to grab me in w/c or tried for my gun. With the weight of them, the plan needs to be shoot before they get that close. HaysGreener-I also agree with comment on practice up close and the 3-3-3- saying. I'm having a new slide stop put on my gun and have to be without for 2 weeks-one left and don't want to leave the house. Do most have a back-up gun? If only $$$ grew on trees.
I would think, in your case, you could easily claim disparity of force and go straight to lethal if seriously threatened with physical force by an unarmed assailant.

YMMV, depending on your state laws, and possibly local political environment.


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Good thought, I read something about 21 feet being the "lethal" zone for a knife attack. What is YMMV-newbee here. I live south of Mpls, south across the river and we have Duty to Retreat and no Castle law. Don't think "duty to retreat" applies in home. Maybe no steel toe Dr's, love my orange ones-and yellow.
Additionally—21 feet comes from the “Tueller Drill” (that’s a fun Google rabbit hole).

But it boils down to—in most cases, if someone with a knife is within 21’ of you, you likely won’t be able to draw and get a shot off before they cut you.

I’ve done this in “real life” training; had a friend start 21’ away—to the side!—with a magic marker. At the start, he starts running; I had to draw and get a hit in a silhouette target 5 feet away from me before he made a mark on me.

To make it interesting, if I lose, I pay him $50.

After $200…I decided Tueller was right.
Good thought, I read something about 21 feet being the "lethal" zone for a knife attack. What is YMMV-newbee here. I live south of Mpls, south across the river and we have Duty to Retreat and no Castle law. Don't think "duty to retreat" applies in home. Maybe no steel toe Dr's, love my orange ones-and yellow.
It is best to avoid having a potential assailant inside your bubble. There is nothing magic about 21 feet. It comes from the Tueller Drill, developed to illustrate how quickly a person with an edged weapon can get to an officer before he can get his weapon into play. 21 feet was an average, but everyone's distance is different depending on the speed of the assailant and skill of the defender. A person rushing you with an edged weapon is probably going to end in a CQB scenario. Again Speed+Power+Accuracy rule the day.
All good info but being elderly female in wheelchair awareness usually means looking straight ahead. Would like to see articles on "differently" abled folks, Just getting in a non automatic door keeps focus off surroundings, being in LEO family greatly increased awareness of attacks on w/c & older-disabled folks. Also would love an article on using a knife for self-defense. Amazing magazine but need women,mom's,holster reviews for pregnant-nursing mom's. Women also carry and need to be included. FYI, 77, in w/c from hanggliding mishap, just got 1st gun-Hellcat Pro 2 months ago. Former police medic, medics don't "carry". All new to me. Thanks.
Knife for self-defense by an older disabled person?

Fixed blade that you can reach with either hand and is small enough to not draw attention.

If you don't like carrying a fixed blade a Gerber Remix is a nice option. The ring in the handle makes it easier to retain and also use to strike. Fixed blade or folding Karambit knives are another option as long the blade is not too curved. Sometimes a hooking type blade will catch on clothing or bone and the attacker will be pulled toward you which could knock you off balance if you're not trained in Karambit techniques.

I'm also a big fan of Kershaw-Emerson folding knives because of the "wave feature"(again there's videos on youtube about Kershaw-Emersons. I usually have one of those knives on my person. I like how solid these knives feel and they are not expensive($30 - $50 from Amazon). They make several models in different blade lengths. The one in the attached picture is one of the shorter models. I also have the 4XL model that's pretty big and heavy but I like it.

Learn and practice basic striking techniques to the Carotid artery, brachial arteries in the arms, femural arteries in the upper thighs.

Learn to use both hands working together. If one of your strikes is blocked use your non-weapon hand to hit the blocking hand and allow you to continue striking/cutting as long as you feel like your life is in danger. There's good trapping technique videos on youtube.

When using a knife everything on your attacker is a target (the hand that grabs you, the leg nearby, etc. etc). A safe way to practice these techniques is to get a piece of foam and put tape on each end turning it into a pocket stick(again there's videos on youtube on how to make a training pocket stick).

With a foam pocket stick learn to hit with either end. Jabbing, thrusting, and slashing motions and continuous movements. You don't stop striking/cutting until you can escape or the threat has been neutralized or the bad guy is screaming in pain because they picked on the wrong old person...:)

You can also practice striking motions with a pen.

Don't forget to breathe as you are striking and it won't hurt to say "Please leave alone. You are being aggressive, please go away. You are making me uncomfortable.". Which tells the people around you that you are being attacked. Plus if the bad guy sues you these phrases show you were not the aggressor.

When you have a closed knife or pen in your hand you are able to hit harder and create more pain to your attacker than many people can do with an empty hand. Open hand slaps can be used but unless you've trained in the proper application of an open hand strikes you could damage your fingers. Another consideration is that sometimes a slap makes the aggressor more aggressive.

You don't have to know a lot of different types of strikes. I only teach/practice 5 basic striking angles but I practice them with each hand.

Remember that your goal is to survive and your mindset is survival.

My qualifications -
I've trained in martial arts since 1984(Kenpo karate, Escrima, Kuntao-Silat, JKD - Jeet Kune Do). I'm a former Marine. I was also a licensed bodyguard in the state of Texas. I have worked as a armed and unarmed security officer and as a Mental Health Associate(MHA) in mental hospitals in Texas and Arkansas.

I had neck micro-fracture surgery in 2015 from a motorcycle accident (distracted driver ran me over) and have 12 titanium screws in my neck and 2 in my left ankle as permanent souvenirs. I also had Quadruple Bypass heart surgery in 2018.

I went through Advanced EMT school (Collin County Community College, McKinney, Texas) in 2005 and that allowed me to give the paramedics who treated me at the motorcycle accident information to help get the treatment I needed. The surgery on my neck took about 5 hours and on my ankle for another 2. I also had internal injuries that required another 2 hours of surgery to repair.

I'm 65 years old. With also those surgeries and hardware I try to train each day. Pain is not my enemy it motivates me to keep moving...:) Where there is a will there is a way...:)

A knife is a great equalizer and in my view, sometimes easier to deploy than a firearm when someone is trying to assault us. Older folks have to be aware and use awareness because a fall (or being struck) during a fight can be life changing in a bad way (broken hip, concussion, etc.).

Consistent training doesn't take much time or have to be very painful. I train several times a day and the training sessions last between 5 to 20 minutes depending on how I'm feeling. I break the training sessions into basics (footwork, body movement including sprawling, striking, etc, etc.).

I enjoy teaching adult students because training with a partner is much more productive than working out without one. If you are able to find a friend to train with or hang out with there is strength in numbers...:)

I hope this information helped. Feel free to ask any more questions.
Frank Garza


  • 20231116_173816.jpg
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Good thought, I read something about 21 feet being the "lethal" zone for a knife attack. What is YMMV-newbee here. I live south of Mpls, south across the river and we have Duty to Retreat and no Castle law. Don't think "duty to retreat" applies in home. Maybe no steel toe Dr's, love my orange ones-and yellow.
Your Mileage May Vary.
Frank, thanks-you are an inspiration. I will get busy with knife-learning. It seem it's either knife or gun as unable to shoot 1 handed? Talking Texas, I read about a man -Jack? who shot a person who broke into his church, killed 2 before Jack killed him-took over 9 months for him to be cleared from 1st degree murder. Was a story on Law Shield. The gun climate is bad all over. As Bassbob said-mileage may vary. Defending yourself has no yardstick . My fav t-shirt says "Assuming I'm just an old lady was your 1st mistake" With everyone so helpful I can mean that. You are all great.
Frank, thanks-you are an inspiration. I will get busy with knife-learning. It seem it's either knife or gun as unable to shoot 1 handed? Talking Texas, I read about a man -Jack? who shot a person who broke into his church, killed 2 before Jack killed him-took over 9 months for him to be cleared from 1st degree murder. Was a story on Law Shield. The gun climate is bad all over. As Bassbob said-mileage may vary. Defending yourself has no yardstick . My fav t-shirt says "Assuming I'm just an old lady was your 1st mistake" With everyone so helpful I can mean that. You are all great.
Thank you for the kind words.
It is best not to engage whenever possible. If I am not able to avoid the confrontation I try to use as little force as possible so I can escape.

A few times when I ventured into Mexico as a teenager I found myself in situations where it was best to run back to the US side. The Spanish proverb "Mejor una gallina vivo que en gallo muerto." (Better a live chicken then a dead rooster...sometimes also known as "Feet don't fail me now."...:))

Even though I carry a legally concealed handgun every time I leave the house (unless I'm going to the VA office or other location where firearms are prohibited) the firearm is the last tool I want to use.

I legally carry a knife almost everywhere i go but I will carry a larger knife when I go for walks (along with a walking stick and sometimes pepper spray for aggressive stray dogs).

I grew up in the knife culture of the Texas/Mexico border (Rio Grande Valley). I saw a man stabbed to death in Progreso, Mexico when I was very young and was visiting my grandfather who had a small business.

Defending yourself with a knife (or trying to defend yourself from someone who has a knife) can be very bloody. With that said, I think a knife is a good self-defense tool for adults who don't have a lot of strength or mobility.

Good luck and be safe out there...:)
Frank, thanks-you are an inspiration. I will get busy with knife-learning. It seem it's either knife or gun as unable to shoot 1 handed? Talking Texas, I read about a man -Jack? who shot a person who broke into his church, killed 2 before Jack killed him-took over 9 months for him to be cleared from 1st degree murder. Was a story on Law Shield. The gun climate is bad all over. As Bassbob said-mileage may vary. Defending yourself has no yardstick . My fav t-shirt says "Assuming I'm just an old lady was your 1st mistake" With everyone so helpful I can mean that. You are all great.

I would expect Law Shield or other similar outfits to frame the story that way. In fact though, the man was never charged with a crime. Here's what the prosecutor had to say about it.

On Monday, a grand jury declined to indict Wilson for the shooting in White Settlement. Prosecutor Tim Rodgers of the Tarrant County District Attorney's Office explained that the law lets bystanders act with deadly force to protect others.

"Mr. Wilson shot his firearm to take out the threat that was endangering other lives. He did it responsibly, and he is absolutely justified in doing that under Texas law," Rodgers said. "The grand jury was correct."
Thanks for the info, I'm sorry you carry the impact of seeing the stabbing. I am debating if I could effectively use a knife when I'm barely waist high to a standing person-unless they are bending over me. Being 5'2" and 106lbs. I don't have a lot of force. Sad how long it took to clear Mr. Wilson. I have had so many harrassment issues-kids behind me in store dumping canned goods on my head from behind, knocking stuff off my lap and running -laughing while I need sutures in my leg from a heavy metal stool hitting my leg, pulled rudely out of line as "your sitting-you can wait-I'm in a hurry. Being forcefully pushed from behind across a parking lot-none deadly force issues but screams "VULNERABLE."
Thanks for the info, I'm sorry you carry the impact of seeing the stabbing. I am debating if I could effectively use a knife when I'm barely waist high to a standing person-unless they are bending over me. Being 5'2" and 106lbs. I don't have a lot of force. Sad how long it took to clear Mr. Wilson. I have had so many harrassment issues-kids behind me in store dumping canned goods on my head from behind, knocking stuff off my lap and running -laughing while I need sutures in my leg from a heavy metal stool hitting my leg, pulled rudely out of line as "your sitting-you can wait-I'm in a hurry. Being forcefully pushed from behind across a parking lot-none deadly force issues but screams "VULNERABLE."
When you're being attacked there are no absolutes aside from the fact that you are probably going to get hurt.

Sometimes being prepared and willing to use a knife to defend yourself is enough. Sometimes you have to hit or stab. Many predators use the threat of violence to intimidate. When they are faced with a counter of violence to their threats they will sometimes seek a easier victim.

My attitude and experience is better to have a weapon(s) and be prepared to use it than not have a weapon and have to rely on the attacker's mercy. It's not natural for most people to be violent but it is an essential skill if you live in places where violence is a possibility.

I will be the first to agree that my upbringing in a knife culture makes the use of a knife to defend myself less of a problem. But I also don't want to go to jail, so I temper my preparation with common sense and being aware of my attitude and the environment.

No one can tell you whether or not using a knife or firearm is the right thing for you. It's a decision you have to make because it's you who will suffer the consequences. It's really that simple.

I can tell you that if you learn to control your fear and keep your self-defense plan simple you'll have a better chance of survival. I've used a rock to defend myself and would do it again if that's all I had but again that's a personal decision.
I was watching (Face The Nation) on Sunday and they had a senator on from Arizona who was talking about what is going on in his district alone with illegals crossing the border.
10,000 a day and only 1,000 are being vetted, the other 9,000 a day are just being released into the country not knowing anything about them.
And this is just his district in one state.
If you think there are issues now just wait criminal activity is going to get worse and worse everyday.
Be prepared, stay vigilant, safe and watch your back.
This country is going down hill fast……..