
Too Much Tacticool: What is Truly Needed on a Home Defense Rifle?

So sabots or any slugs is a good call for typical HD scenarios ? Haven’t done any research on that - curious what y’all think of slugs in an unrifled shotgun under 50 ft for HD .. for ‘conversation’ w/ the uninvited.
They’ll do, but…if you are concerned with overpenetration, slugs are the poster child.

Personally? I don’t see the practicality at “repel boarders!” ranges, particularly with how tight Flite Control patterns out of my shotguns…at any realistic distance inside my house, they aren’t going to be any bigger than 2-3”…if I needed precision, I’d switch to those.
They’ll do, but…if you are concerned with overpenetration, slugs are the poster child.

Personally? I don’t see the practicality at “repel boarders!” ranges, particularly with how tight Flite Control patterns out of my shotguns…at any realistic distance inside my house, they aren’t going to be any bigger than 2-3”…if I needed precision, I’d switch to those.
I would never load a house gun with slugs.
I prefer #4 buckshot. I witnessed two different felons rehabilitated with that load and it made me a believer. Of course the 00 would have done the same job. Now reaching out to touch someone at distance is a slug job.

I hear ya. I don't use them for that, I use them for training because birdshot is, well, anti-climactic. They are well suited to that I know.
I hear ya. I don't use them for that, I use them for training because birdshot is, well, anti-climactic. They are well suited to that I know.
So, birdshot 12 ga- out & stay w/ the 00B & don’t have slugs rn. Thx 4 the input - not a new shooter, just tapping into the more BTDT resource avail thx. “Opinions are like ***€073$, everyone’s got one” but some are cleaner than others I think.
So sabots or any slugs is a good call for typical HD scenarios ? Haven’t done any research on that - curious what y’all think of slugs in an unrifled shotgun under 50 ft for HD .. for ‘conversation’ w/ the uninvited.
No Sabot's unless you want to take out your neighbor. Slugs are nasty but will go thru the intruder unless you hit something hard. Birdshot not recommended as they can survive unless closer than 6 feet. 00 buck is maybe the best for HD. First two out of my mag fed are 00 buck, then comes the slugs. I use a very short barreled RIA VR80 I built. Runs flawlessly w/1200 FPS loads, which I consider a minimum for HD.
I’m in the sticks-closet house is 300 yards + away through a dense woods. The resident long gun is a 1301 Beretta tactical with Winchester PDX. Very similar to the old Confederate “buck and ball” but a good bit faster. Certainly adequate for and Goblins 2 or 4 legged that decide to cause a fuss. It handily sent a very large and quite aggressive ‘yote to the happy huntin’ ground at 60 yards a few years ago😊. Made a Big hole, plus some nice smaller ones.. because of ranges at which they’re used I don’t see the need for an SD rifle, but if I did, it’d be a 92 Winchester in .357 for out to 150 and an ‘06 Garand beyond that
For household long gun use I'm much more oriented toward shotguns, preferably my 870P or a cut down Winchester Model 12. My only AR is a Colt 6920 with an Aimpoint T1 and a Streamlight weapon light -just a very basic set up.