
Top Practical Everyday Carry Items You Need

Here is my normal carry which does not include woods or wilderness excursions. I did forget to include my pen, my notebook, and my phone. It did not occur to me to include my phone or credential case. Money is just in a money clip. Watch is either a Submariner or a Seiko PADI solar diver. Sorry for not including them in the picture. I also did not include the AAA member card or the credit card that would eliminate the need for all of those tools. 😁 I do have a major level first aid kit which is set up for gunshots and knife wounds in the car, along with several extra sets of handcuffs and a combat shotgun (Illinois legal) There is also an ASP baton in the car as well.

My rotation changed when I switched out one 9mm for the Hellcat and I dropped the Seecamp .380 from routine carry.

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Here is my normal carry which does not include woods or wilderness excursions. I did forget to include my pen, my notebook, and my phone. It did not occur to me to include my phone or credential case. Money is just in a money clip. Watch is either a Submariner or a Seiko PADI solar diver. Sorry for not including them in the picture. I also did not include the AAA member card or the credit card that would eliminate the need for all of those tools. 😁 I do have a major level first aid kit which is set up for gunshots and knife wounds in the car, along with several extra sets of handcuffs and a combat shotgun (Illinois legal) There is also an ASP baton in the car as well.

My rotation changed when I switched out one 9mm for the Hellcat and I dropped the Seecamp .380 from routine carry.

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You certainly seem ready for anything, ChanceMcCall. One of my coworkers used to pull out his Visa card and say, “This here’s my toolbox.”

EDC that I use every day, pocketknife, pipe, Zippo, tobacco pouch, reading glasses. Extra crap, gun, watch, wallet. When I'm let out alone someone always makes me take a bleeping phone. (ya I know because they care and worry, but how in the hell did I ever manage to survive before without "being connected" 24/7/365 :rolleyes:) I'm too lazy to carry more.
Plyers, drivers, flashlight, axe, shovel, 1st aid kit, kitchen sink, are in the car.
I carried one when we went to the field for training. I didn’t smoke but I always had several packs of smokes in my rucksack just in case my troops ran out.
You’ve got to take care of your soldiers 🪖🇺🇸👍
It always amazed me the number of smokers who always ran out. Also the number that would ask bum a smoke and then refuse when you offered them a Camel short. One of the reasons I'm a pipe smoker. After the first week or two cigarettes are stove all to dog snot, not much you can do to a pouch or five of tobacco. ;) RYO sounds like an alternative, but not so much. Cold, stiff, wet, shaking hands play hell with a Zig Zag or Tops papers.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
It always amazed me the number of smokers who always ran out. Also the number that would ask bum a smoke and then refuse when you offered them a Camel short. One of the reasons I'm a pipe smoker. After the first week or two cigarettes are stove all to dog snot, not much you can do to a pouch or five of tobacco. ;) RYO sounds like an alternative, but not so much. Cold, stiff, wet, shaking hands play hell with a Zig Zag or Tops papers.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Yep. When I did Pre-Combat Checks I made it a point to physically see how much tobacco products and “Licky-Chewies” the troops had on their person and in their rucks. It never failed that someone would run out half way through the field exercise.
I dipped Copenhagen at the time so I usually had 2 logs worth in a waterproof bag in my rucksack.
Even our Brigade Commander knew I always had Cope and would bum a dip from me.
Ever since these phones started taking dictation, I rarely feel the need to take written notes, except on someone else's business card when they hand it to me.
I don't take many field notes since I retired. It seems like where the notebook shines the most is when I'm on the phone with the VA and I need to copy some information or when I'm in a class at the VA and I want to copy something down
It always amazed me the number of smokers who always ran out. Also the number that would ask bum a smoke and then refuse when you offered them a Camel short. One of the reasons I'm a pipe smoker. After the first week or two cigarettes are stove all to dog snot, not much you can do to a pouch or five of tobacco. ;) RYO sounds like an alternative, but not so much. Cold, stiff, wet, shaking hands play hell with a Zig Zag or Tops papers.:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I quit smoking two years ago when altitudes began to bother me after smoking since 1955 and mostly 3 1/2 packs of unfiltered Pall Malls a day. I would never normally run out and would leave rations behind to have enough room for smokes. Once however, I did cut and dry grape vines to smoke when I ran out. o_O

Now besides breathing problems above 6.000 feet I have a solid gold Zippo that some gal gave me years ago to compete with a solid gold Dunhill lighter and cigarette case my first wife gave me as a wedding gift. :giggle:
I carried one when we went to the field for training. I didn’t smoke but I always had several packs of smokes in my rucksack just in case my troops ran out.
You’ve got to take care of your soldiers 🪖🇺🇸👍
I didn't smoke or dip, but I carried smokes and dip with me whenever I went to the field. There were aways guys running out after about week three in the field. But my stash wasn't free! lol It would cost ya!
I didn't smoke or dip, but I carried smokes and dip with me whenever I went to the field. There were aways guys running out after about week three in the field. But my stash wasn't free! lol It would cost ya!
One of my platoon sergeants used to bring cartons of cigarettes to the field and sell them to the troops for 5 bucks a pack when they were selling at the Shopette for about 2 bucks a pack