Excellent review Hans. The Sterling v Truball was a completely expected and infinitely repeatable outcome. I do have a pile of Sterling, but it is inaccurate at anything further than 10 yards or so and not minutely accurate even then. The Sterling buck is better, but I don't load any Sterling or Rio or any of that other crap in a defense shotgun other than at the range. I wouldn't use it for course work either. Truball is good
, I like the 1650 FPS stuff though.
A few years ago on two separate occasions I bought piles of Fiocchi and it ran like
. The A5 didn't like it and the KSG25 didn't like it. And yes I know KSGs are known to be finnicky, but mine isn't and never was. I didn't have to do any fluff and buff or any of that other crap to it. The only time it ever had an issue was when the selector switch rattled it's way a little loose and it started intermittently failing to feed. The switch should really have a shoulder as it cannot be tightened too much or it won't move ( obviously) but too loose and it won't feed properly. I degreased the screw and put a drop of the dreaded blue loctite on the screw and tightened it properly and have had no issues since. I chalk it up to an inferior design.
I was never overly impressed with Hornady shotshells either. Or the Black Aces stuff.
I know you said the Truball shot straight, did you pay attention to the pattern on the Flite Control, the Remington and the Winchester defender buck ? It do okay?
A few years ago on two separate occasions I bought piles of Fiocchi and it ran like
I was never overly impressed with Hornady shotshells either. Or the Black Aces stuff.
I know you said the Truball shot straight, did you pay attention to the pattern on the Flite Control, the Remington and the Winchester defender buck ? It do okay?