
We are in trouble


Master Class
DJT didn't do himself or his campaign any favors among undecided voters. He sounded as though he was so concerned about getting his arguments out that he sounded incoherent in the first 30 minutes or so. The sad part is that his arguments are powerful when presented in a coherent manner. He managed to jump between issues in a fashion confusing to people marginally familiar with the issues.

She didn't say much of substance, but she at least managed to appear reasoned. Her vague "policy" hints offered little true insight into her true agenda, but, then again, that is their strategy. As long as she remains a blank slate people can project their desires onto she remains a dangerous threat to our Republic.

It's likely this debate will do little to alter opinions of either candidate among their supporters. There may very well be a few who are influenced by the event. The inevitable spin of the Democrat propaganda machine in the commercial media poses a far greater danger than what happened tonight. Low information voters will be led to believe she wiped the floor with Mr. Trump.

If this is the only head to head interaction among the candidates, it's going to be tough sledding for Trump. He needs another debate to right the ship (like Obama did after Romney got the better of him). Doubtful the Harris campaign will agree, as their goal is only to win at any cost. Her suggestions that she cares about the American people are but empty rhetoric when her actions and policies are honestly investigated.

The only trouble is that most people won't realize that DJT was debating three people on that stage tonight. He was not at his best. ABC's bias was showing in abundance. Harris had been well-coached for a week, doing mock debates. The questions were meant to keep DJT on the defensive. Why would David Muir "fact check" DJT and not Harris? Hopefully the more well informed citizens will see through this circus.

Thank you for your indulgence,


The only trouble is that most people won't realize that DJT was debating three people on that stage tonight. He was not at his best. ABC's bias was showing in abundance. Harris had been well-coached for a week, doing mock debates. The questions were meant to keep DJT on the defensive. Why would David Muir "fact check" DJT and not Harris? Hopefully the more well informed citizens will see through this circus.

Thank you for your indulgence,

I agree with your assessment. My concern comes from the fact that there are a LOT of marginally informed voters.

I applaud Mr. Trump for accepting this debate knowing full well the deck was stacked. He has a preponderance of the issues on his side, but failed to exploit this advantage.

Unfortunately, his opponent was able to get him off track. She seemed to be able to press a few of his buttons with success. Her comments about Trump campaign rallies appeared to divert his attention from the task at hand. The fact that he chose to address this before he dealt with the question posed him let her know this tactic was working. Expect to see more of this moving forward.
It doesn’t matter. Our election system is broken. Until it is in person, one vote, one day, one ID i will never believe that the election is valid. We are a nation in decline and we will not being going back “to the way it used to be.” This is our new normal and it is not good.
Every man for them self.
I’ve never been happy about choosing the lesser of two evils.

At any rate, no one was surprised by Trump’s performance. The dude just can’t help himself. I don’t think the debate changed anyone’s mind though. You still have the same two choices you did before the debate. A far left president and 4 more years of what you just went through or another Trump term.
Yeah he sure didn’t do well articulating a case. While I can’t stand her she did what a typical seasoned Prosecutor does I’ll give her that. She baited the defendant into trying to defend himself and watching while he came out talking all jibberish.

Watching doors keep opening for KH is like seeing that inept lignut at at your job that keeps getting promoted and assignment like it is a prophecy in the scripture. Unreal

I don’t think it’s gonna make a real change in real numbers but it was horrible to watch!
Almost forgot. I also thought the couple of times he told her to “go down to DC and wake up her boss at 4 in the afternoon to get him to sign something” was pretty good too…of course he kept saying bill when he meant Executive Order which distracted from the point.

Post #10 by Bassbob nails it…vote for continuing all the problems Biden/Harris have brought us or vote for Trump (who at least tries to help the US/US citizens) and to stop the ridiculous wealth redistribution through Democrats tax policies.
I’ve never been happy about choosing the lesser of two evils.

At any rate, no one was surprised by Trump’s performance. The dude just can’t help himself. I don’t think the debate changed anyone’s mind though. You still have the same two choices you did before the debate. A far left president and 4 more years of what you just went through or another Trump term.
if she wins in november, we have to consider she will will again in 2028 as well...

so in theory, 12 more years of this crappola.

better to put Trump back in now, giving the cackling hen time to screw up out of office, than in.

even though Trump's performance was not all that good, at the very least, he was not an embarrassment as Brandon was...
He had to debate three people, The activists moderators were horribly one sided. he should NEVER do another debate there. They fact checked everything he said and 0 times for the knob gobbler. She lied every time she opened that hole on her face and not one fact check on her. he didn't have a chance. But democrats lie, especially this new breed of weirdos. If she wins we are looking at communism and gun confiscation and i can't believe gun owners here are voting for that BS.
He looked exhausted because the underlying issue is that he is old. That is one of the problems. The other issue is that she is a liar. This is what it comes down to. At this point I don't want to vote for either one of them and probably excuse myself from this election cycle. I can already see the writing on the wall.
Agree, it was 3 against 1 last night, she rattled him and let her get under his skin, didn’t change my view on them, nor did it change the way I’ll vote, but does it matter??? This election will be rigged like the last one was, I feel sorry for how this country may be heading……