
What a idiot

The Apple clearly didn’t fall far from the tree. Good riddance to the whole family. There are certain people who are simply not redeemable and have earned the distinction of not being valued or judged to the same standard the rest of us enjoy. Sadly, a vast many of these people spend their entire life being a drain on society and causing misery to everyone that comes into contact with them. Occasionally one of them is stupid enough to bring a gun into the mix and expand their reach of depravity. And then for reasons that defy explanation, people rationalize this charade because now the government’s gonna come and take our guns. 2A be damned, some people have no business around guns.
All good in hindsight brother. So who are we going to make the judge of which people shouldn't be around guns ?
All good in hindsight brother. So who are we going to make the judge of which people shouldn't be around guns ?
I know it’s extreme brother, but my wife works with adolescents in a state mental hospital and experiences the results of depraved family members who cross lines, over and over again. Lines that you, me and hopefully everyone on here knows you just don’t cross. And the result is generations who have a completely distorted moral compass of fundamental right and wrong.
my question (and if someone already mentioned this, i did not see it)..

"is this considered a straw purchase?"

which if i do believe, is a federal offense..???

i dunno, just asking, i DO KNOW that all U.S. states treat gun purchasing differently.

anyways.......i was actually believing a parent would be found liable.

it was only a matter of time.
Again, that may be true. I'll bet you money right now though that the next time a kid shoots up a school with a gun his parent's bought him and showed zero signs of being mentally disturbed beforehand, those parents are still charged. That's the slippery slope and now it's a thing.
I’d say that won’t happen (outside of someplace like NY etc)

The issue with the Crumbly parents was they were on video taking the kid to the range and basically facilitating his crime by proxy.

When additional facts come out in the Georgia case I’m willing to bet there are similar occurrences. They knew the kid was mentally messed up, (family statements from several even Gramdparents paint that and these statements were made before the shooting)

The FBI and GBI didn’t make an arrest last year because there wasn’t OC to do it as the Father seemed to shrug the sims behavior off

When the rest of the facts come out I am willing to bet this was a case of parent not taking bad behaviors seriously.

Everyone says there’s not enough accountability anymore where here we are!

Both the Michigan and Georgia shooter parents while they didn’t stir the water up it looks like they had a stick in the muddy water so they are partially responsible
my question (and if someone already mentioned this, i did not see it)..

"is this considered a straw purchase?"

which if i do believe, is a federal offense..???

i dunno, just asking, i DO KNOW that all U.S. states treat gun purchasing differently.

anyways.......i was actually believing a parent would be found liable.

it was only a matter of time.
It isn’t a straw purchase. You can gift someone a gun.

A straw is where you are buying a gun for someone else usually when they are a prohibited person

Typical example Hone Girl comes in with felon boyfriend gang banger and she’s pointing at different guns and Himie say no, no yeah that one she asks to see it handles it is clueless and then buys or try’s to but.

Seen that anti. If times in the store and we always refuse the sale
Well your last point is ridiculous. If you can vote, sign a legal contract, get married, move out of your parent's house, etc. at 18 then the law says you are an adult at 18. If that age is going to change to 21 then it needs to change for all that other stuff too.

I seem to recall ( as someone else here mentioned) when I was growing up it was standard thought that parents were responsible for their minor children. However that has never been the case in practice. Unless some sort of negligence can be proved. Failing to keep my guns under lock and key at all times other than while I'm using them is not negligence.
In New Mexico if a kid kills someone and gun wasn't locked up properly parents are also responsible. Let's face it, gun safety starts at home. You just can't leave guns out and about un secured if you have minors around--common sense.
I’d say that won’t happen (outside of someplace like NY etc)

The issue with the Crumbly parents was they were on video taking the kid to the range and basically facilitating his crime by proxy.

When additional facts come out in the Georgia case I’m willing to bet there are similar occurrences. They knew the kid was mentally messed up, (family statements from several even Gramdparents paint that and these statements were made before the shooting)

The FBI and GBI didn’t make an arrest last year because there wasn’t OC to do it as the Father seemed to shrug the sims behavior off

When the rest of the facts come out I am willing to bet this was a case of parent not taking bad behaviors seriously.

Everyone says there’s not enough accountability anymore where here we are!

Both the Michigan and Georgia shooter parents while they didn’t stir the water up it looks like they had a stick in the muddy water so they are partially responsible

So how long is it before a father taking his son to firearm classes and training sessions on the range result in him being responsible for his adult child's behavior ? " Parents raised children to become killers" might be a headline.
When I was in Highschool, if it was dove season, my junker pickup as well as most others in the student parking lot, had a shotgun hanging on yellow plastic rack in the back window. 1 or 2 boxes of shells on the seat. Ready for that afternoon hunt. How did we end up at the place we are now? Sad indeed.
So many have lost their moral compass. Irresponsible, self gratifying parents do not produce responsible, stable, moral children. That kid was screwed up and needed mental health treatment, and so did his parents. So many things went wrong here and serious intervention was needed.
Like it or not, agree with it or not, that genie has been let out of the bottle. Going forward, in my opinion it is just not going to be socially, and legally, acceptable for a minor to have unrestricted firearms access. And when things go sideways, like this, parents are going to be held liable. I just do not see it going back to "the good old days". I suppose this will eventually create less firearm owner when there is less exposure, they will eventually win by default possibly.

What goes this mean for things like hunting. In Michigan 10 to 16 year old can hunt on your own property with no supervision, and 17 on public property. Take this away and Hunting might just slowly go away, it already has been slowly.

What a brave new world we are entering. Glad I grew up when I did.
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Florida law requires firearms be secured, or in your immediate control, so that a child under 16 cannot have unsupervised access. If someone is harmed, the penalty is enhanced. I saw tragedy involving young children and guns, and my first thought was, why the f... did the kid have access to the gun? Parents should know better but stupidity is rampant.

As I have reported here before, I researched many mass shootings for my training courses on active shooters. In almost every case, the active shooter signaled their violent intent in advance. But in most of those cases, people around them didn't recognize the signs, or failed to report it, or failed to act to intervene. In this case it appears the reporting mechanism worked, but the response was impotent. That kid was a bomb waiting to go off. An opportunity to intervene was missed, and then his dumbass father armed him with a deadly weapon. The Sandy Hook shooters mother did the same thing. The degree of stupidity here is astounding.
So how long is it before a father taking his son to firearm classes and training sessions on the range result in him being responsible for his adult child's behavior ? " Parents raised children to become killers" might be a headline.
Respectfully your throwing mud in the wall.

When you have a mental issue kid that makes threats is investigated about those threats and you buy a firearm for the kid and allow him to possess it to the point he takes it and dies so thing is what got this father and the Michigan shooters parents charged.

We are not talking about a 18 plus criminal having it getting parents charged.

This case is more than some Karen calling the the police and a non due process Red Flag item

Had Fad just bought the gun and kept it secured and not a gift for a “mental” kid and the kid had to take it without Dads k iwledge or despite the parents attempt to secure it the parent getting charged would not be a discussion

People just get emotionally or politically involved from both sides of the issue because a firearm was involved