I recently finished "Overlord" by Kurt Schlichter. This is Book 8 in his Kelly Turnbull/People's Republic series.
The premise is that in the near future the split between liberals and conservatives finally reaches the point of Civil War. The Northeast across to Illinois and the entire west coast Split from the U.S. to become the ultra-liberal Peoples Republic. The Midwest and South remain the United States.
In the People's Republic liberalism has run wild. You can be whatever gender, race, sexual orientation, religion (other than christian) that you chose. But it ain't working as dreamed. The rich live in guarded, walled communities and have all the privileges of rank. There is very little middle class left. The average citizen struggles day to day just to survive.
Kelly Turnbull, our hero, is a retired SOCOM operator in the U.S. who takes on various missions that require he sneak into the PR.
Excellent action/adventures and Schlitcher (retired Army Colonel) knows his weapons and writes battle scenes in an captivating style.
While the descriptions of the PR do go overboard at times, this could actually happen.
I've read all the books and highly recommend them.