
What are you doing right now??

Nah they fixt a torn mitro....eh i cant spell it. Lol
The reason I ask is I had torn my ligaments in my knee chasing the new pup I was about 58 then the doctor who did it was wonderful . I don’t limp no pain I still can jump off my truck doesn’t look so hot but what the hell


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Just got back from picking up our Beagle, Maggie Marie, from getting her teeth cleaned. She's glad to be home.
Somehow Maggie found & ate an Almond Joy candy bar. Called our he vet advised us to bring her in. They gave her hydrogen peroxide to make her throw up. He thinks she will be ok as she threw up everything that was in her stomach.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about her. Vet said she should be ok, just keep an eye on her.
Somehow Maggie found & ate an Almond Joy candy bar. Called our he vet advised us to bring her in. They gave her hydrogen peroxide to make her throw up. He thinks she will be ok as she threw up everything that was in her stomach.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about her. Vet said she should be ok, just keep an eye on her.
Years ago our one cat Simon ate all the silk petals off one of my wife’s flower projects, called vet up like you did, told us the same to use peroxide to make him throw up, he to threw everything up, counted all the missing petals to make sure. Animals do the weirdest things, glad you dog is ok
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Years ago our one cat Simon ate all the silk petals off one of my wife’s flower projects, called vet up like you did, told us the same to use peroxide to make him throw up, he to threw everything up, counted all the missing petals to make sure. Animals do the weirdest things, glad you doc is ok
Thanks. My wife & I love our babies and try hard to take care of them. We still can't figure out how she got the candy bar.
Somehow Maggie found & ate an Almond Joy candy bar. Called our he vet advised us to bring her in. They gave her hydrogen peroxide to make her throw up. He thinks she will be ok as she threw up everything that was in her stomach.
I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried about her. Vet said she should be ok, just keep an eye on her.

I have to wonder about the seriousness of the whole feeding dogs chocolate debate. Mostly because growing up my dad always bred, raised and trained English Pointers and later Brittany Spaniels. When we were hunting or running them he would give them a piece of a chocolate bar about halfway through the day. He did this for years and never had any issues with any of the dogs.

In any case I'm glad Maggie is ok. :)
I have to wonder about the seriousness of the whole feeding dogs chocolate debate. Mostly because growing up my dad always bred, raised and trained English Pointers and later Brittany Spaniels. When we were hunting or running them he would give them a piece of a chocolate bar about halfway through the day. He did this for years and never had any issues with any of the dogs.

In any case I'm glad Maggie is ok. :)
Thanks. Although the vet said chocolate was bad, he added the almond nuts were worse. I had no idea any kind of nuts were bad for pets.
Pretty expensive day at the Vet. Teeth cleaning & visit for eating candy bar come up to $450.00. There goes my getting the Kel-Tec KS7 shotgun for at least another month. It was worth it though.
I feel ya. I spent $2500 on my cat Jeff a couple months back and now I have to buy special cat food that costs about $75 every 6 weeks. And I now have to feed my two cats separately and make damn sure Jeff never gets any of Phoebe's regular cat food. No trip to the vet is cheap.

Then the wife's appendix decides it wants to move out and there's another $2500, even with allegedly good insurance. Then she tells me today she needs brakes and rotors on her car so there's $300 and a day I don't really have underneath it in the garage. And right after she failed to be at home when my new knife that had to be signed for was to be delivered. A knife which I had to pay for with money I made on the side. I guess it's a good thing I no longer take days off work. Apparently I need the money. :rolleyes:
I feel ya. I spent $2500 on my cat Jeff a couple months back and now I have to buy special cat food that costs about $75 every 6 weeks. And I now have to feed my two cats separately and make damn sure Jeff never gets any of Phoebe's regular cat food. No trip to the vet is cheap.

Then the wife's appendix decides it wants to move out and there's another $2500, even with allegedly good insurance. Then she tells me today she needs brakes and rotors on her car so there's $300 and a day I don't really have underneath it in the garage. And right after she failed to be at home when my new knife that had to be signed for was to be delivered. A knife which I had to pay for with money I made on the side. I guess it's a good thing I no longer take days off work. Apparently I need the money. :rolleyes:
Damn, I thought $450.00 was bad. I guess all the overtime you've been getting will really come in handy. I'd be up poop creek without a paddle, would be a savings hit.