
What are you doing right now??


Which is all good and fine except it's every. single. day.

Enter job 2. Dig up a pigtail. $800,000 house. Meter set looks like a 6 year old put it up. Hanging off the wall by a stupid ass flex pipe because the bracket broke. Very dangerous. Extra trac pipe running down the exterior wall to a 25 year old heat pump as big as my car. Today is a prep day for tomorrow. So Bob knows jack shite about a heat pump. Why you ask ? Because Bob is not a F'ing service tech, he's a copper truck foreman. So Bob talks to the customer who has been told nothing by workload planning other than we would be doing some work outside. She is unaware that I will be shutting her service down and will need her to be home so I have access to re-light when I'm done. Just perfect. So Bob emails workload planning and tells them he needs a service tech to do the rebuild/relight. Bob gets a phone call from an admin at WLP who got hired after Bob did, knows less about the work and in a strange bout of justice makes less money than Bob. Admin tells Bob that since it's him ( Bob) he ( Steve) is going to make sure a tech is there to do the rebuild at 10 AM, but Bob is not to tell anyone else because they don't want us thinking we can get a service tech on a Saturday. Note that nobody is working on Saturdays and Sundays who can schedule anything or handle anything other than emergencies. Excellent system they got right ?

So Bob listens to the spiel about how since Bob refused to go management he is unaware of all the variables, so while they know Bob is a man who should be listened to and who has been mandated from several rungs above them to be given what Bob asks for at all times, they don't want anyone else being given this super special treatment. "But Steve, this is a Saturday job. Bob rolls at least a day ahead at all times. What if he had shown up to this house for the first time at 7 AM Saturday and realized he wasn't able to complete the work due to the specific circumstances of this service ( you know, the kind of shite the site inspectors they hired would have noticed had they actually, you know, inspected the site instead of merely calling the customers to schedule the work from the comfort of their homes). What then Steve ?" "Do we tell the customer " Sorry, but we are so F'ing stupid we scheduled work with you not having a clue whether or not we would actually be able to do it and now we ( by we I mean me) are going to have to reschedule this work for some other day ?" "Or do we ( again I mean me) spend 4 hours on Google trying to figure out how a 25 year old heat pump works so we can safely fire the unit up because in your infinite wisdom you c**k $u**ers decided that main/service installation guys, after about 4 hours of training, were now magically qualified to do SAID work that you make service techs train for 2 years on before turning them loose on the world ?"

By the way, after having set up a beautiful program, on my own, for sliding though entire neighborhoods doing pigtails, without inconveniencing customers, without destroying their yards and without missing a single house, via actually being on the ground, knocking on every door, talking to every customer, explaining the work, assessing the parameters of each job and scheduling hundreds of jobs with customers without ever having to have someone take a day off work, Bob was badgered repeatedly to go management and head up WLP. They made Bob an offer. Rather than negotiate Bob stated plainly that he would only take the job if they A) met his salary requirements and B) gave him complete autonomy over this department. They agreed to neither. Then they took Bob's beautiful program and ruined it, yet repeatedly rely on Bob to solve their problems. Bob is feeling like he's getting the high hard one here if you know what I mean.

Jesus. I need a day off. :ROFLMAO:

Two things come to mind.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Never let your boss know that you're competent. You will end up doing his job and a couple of others' as well.

You're a good man.

Thank you for your indulgence,


Two things come to mind.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Never let your boss know that you're competent. You will end up doing his job and a couple of others' as well.

You're a good man.

Thank you for your indulgence,

Unfortunately I don't have it in me to be a slacker. And really the only people who would suffer by me just being like everyone else there are the customers. Before I got this job 12 years ago I owned a construction company for 20 plus years. In all those years guess how many unhappy customers I had. If you guessed zero you are correct. I say this to point out that the world's biggest oxymoron is that Bob knows exactly how to interact with people and exceed their expectations. This surprises people who know me outside of professional life. Because I am the first person to tell you you're a piece of crap and the first person to punch you in the face. Ironically this is one of the reasons I won't go into management. I'd almost certainly end up going off on the wrong person. Probably on the first day. And I'd end up living in a van by the river smoking doobies. As it is my immediate supervisors avoid confrontation with me at all costs. Unfortunately for them I am smarter than they are and I have done an excellent job at insulating myself from them in the event of all but the most extreme transgressions or acts of insubordination.
Loading up my tools to go put metal roof on my daughter's RV barn


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i gotta set up the vacuum, long reach brushes, and fridges, to do the bi-annual under the fridge cooling coils cleaning.

then after that, i might go outside and do another sweeping of the sidewalk and curbing, that dam rain pushed all the neighbors dirt in front of my house.

gonna be sunny only for a few short hours today, then more rain
1) all fridges vacuumed

2) 1 snowthrower emptied of gasoline, and stored away

3) 3 trash cans washed

i couldn't do any sweeping, puddles every where.

now having an apple turnover, and hot tea.

i had help. one of my sons came over, wife musta called him.

but he didn't get my apple turnovers or tea......he had to leave, to do his stuff.

this means an extra nap.
At this precise moment we are driving home after meeting up with good friends attending the 16th Annual Frazee Fire Department Relief Association Fundraiser. We probably dumped over $100 on gun raffle tickets (didn’t win any). But we did win a very nice framed picture of wolves in the wild, and this camping package at the live auction…
