
What are you doing right now??

Took my other Excel arms to shoot, had to resight it again as the other one, difference in ammo i guess. This was armscor stuff. it was hitting high. had to move it down some as you can see by the target on the right. was shot at 50 yards on a bipod

Ran outta armscor and switched to winchester, it was hitting high and kinda everywhere. also this stuff was really weak you could hear the difference and it would not cycle the bolt. i thought the first one was a squib. i check the bore before i shot it again. done it twice before i figured this stuff is loaded weak. i didn't even bother moving the sight again

Then broke out the Neos, the top right square was me trying to make a cheap dot work that had been on it and working good. it finally gave up the ghost and i took it off and chunk it in the back of the 8000 pound range bag. then to the iron sights which on this gun really sucks. front sight is a horrible wide black blade. it absolutely sucks. it will have another dot on it before i shoot it again. The sun was in my face and on the center one i could not even see the bullseye cause of the black background and black target. The neos is a cool looking gun but that's where it ends. the safety is in a horrible position, the bolt hold open will let the bolt pinch your fingers if yer not careful. Grip is kinda small. i can deal with all of it except that front sight. Also the trigger ain't that good either.

Just finished cutting the dead grass in the backyard. It was 103 outside. It's supposed to get cooler sometime this week, I hope! Went to gravel pit this morning and the M&P worked great. Put 150 rounds thru it. Then took the wife and dog went up to the mountains and took a walk. It was in the 70's up there. The husky had a great time! Even the wife said she enjoyed herself. Cooling off inside with a cool water and watching a football game. Hope you all had a great day.
just finished watching recording of a movie i started to watch last night,


sorta of a horror story.

i just now had to look up who played the "robotic doll", that goes on a killing spree.

wife says i'll have nightmares now....hardly, i'll take a nap before bedtime.

i say towards the end, it got silly.

the usual way some horror stories come just before the ending.

cute girls played the robotic doll....one from Plano, TX, one from New Zealand

now for my shower, dinner, and tv.....