
What are you doing right now??

all of a sudden I have a strong desire for corned beef or pastrami sandwiches... :sneaky:
OldGrunt thinks he's a lazy bum sleeping in till 3 something AM, make me feel like a sloth :ROFLMAO:. I fell asleep at 9 last night after discussing politics with the husband who actually made it home yesterday. Slept 11 hours and I feel like I've been hit by an express train. Very thankful for my old heating pad to loosen the back muscles back up!

Just finished my coffee, catching up on the forum, and making the list of stuff I have to do in Fargo today. I really wanted to go to the range today to shoot the Echelon, but the screws for the optic won't arrive until tomorrow - and I DO NOT do the range on the weekends. I don't mind it being peoply, it's just that there are too many that are idiots, so I'd just as soon avoid the irritation.
Just got the S&W M&P .45 back from the gunsmith. The mag release was sticky and difficult to press even using my support hand thumb, so I had him swap it over to lefty. My M&P 9mm was a LE trade in I got for a great price, and the mag release on that was lefty, and I use my middle finger to press it (I have very small hands an extremely short thumbs :(). My gunsmith swapped it and did something to make it a little easier to press and it's perfect now. I wanted to shoot that as well, but...whatever.

It's going to be in the 80s here today, and we have to clean up the apples in the yard. The one full of bugs and bees that have hit the ground and those still on the trees. We had a bumper crop this year and I must have given away a few bushels easily.
Better get my butt in gear and get'er done. The day waits for no one. :):cool:
just finished a long hot shower.

i just cannot jump into the shower after working, i have to cool down first.

earlier, when i got home from my errands,

i swept the front sidewalk, and street gutter, and pulled weeds. then i cut down many more plants, to bed them down for winter...when they are all cut back, then i arrange the flower pots in a square, and cover with thick plastic.....still a few more to go yet, as they are flowering

then i washed our 2 cars.......

no polishing until late october/mid november...that way, it'll get us through winter
I having my second cup fist got back from harbor freight bought two new tarps to replace the one for my wheelbarrow and patio chairs fall is coming
i use thier large tarps and bungee cords, to cover our cars in the winter, when an ice storm, or snow storm is coming....

saves me from all that scraping of the ice.........of course, they are a PITA to fold on cold windy days.
i never could understand, why they are putting fries or chips of any sort onto a sandwich........i do like them, but "on the side"

otherwise, i hope the sandwich was good..???

or did YOU put them on..????
No they come that way I wanted to try it like that they are kinda famous for that it was surprisingly good gave it a crunch you don’t taste it much lots of meat and barbecue sauce it’s a messy one
I'm just sitting at home, wondering how much more dire the next report from U.S. Drought agency will be for south central Ohio. From June first to today's date, we're nearly nine and one quarter inches below normal. Also, there is no chance for precipitation here in the next eight days. Zero opportunity. None. Well, it shall remain on our prayer list!