
What are you doing right now??

Good morning and Merry Christmas everyone! Hope Santa visited everyone last night. He must have gotten lost because he missed me last night. Guess i'll have to be good for another year and see what happens. Having my morning coffee with a light breakfast. Husky still sleeping but Santa left her some treats and new chew toys. Maggie will be happy when she wakes up today. Have a great holiday!
The prime rib and roasted chickens turned out great, Mrs Greener's sides were wonderful, family crowded around the dinner table with much laughter and love. Gift exchange after dinner, everybody carried away loot. The dogs got some scraps and think we should eat like this every day. Mrs Greener and I were exhausted but feeling blessed. We'll be doing dishes for 3 days but nothing planned for Christmas Day other than reflection and old movies. Merry Christmas y'all!
Had a friend over for drinks, had some fun after he left and watched Black Sails until bedtime. Having coffee w/IC perusing the news and forums. We'll head over to the family's for a late Christmas dinner. Driving will definitely suck, but I'm pretty good at defensive driving after riding a motorcycle for decades.
Merry Christmas all. Right now relaxing in hot tub with a hot chocolate. Wife is still sleeping. Today will be relaxed we had Christmas Sat with the daughters family. Today will be Chinese with my mother and nephew. We will watch our many versions of Christmas Carol today, I think we are up to 6. It's our favorite Christmas movie.
Happy Christmas!

I'll be loading up the truck so we can head over to see the kids and grandkids soon.

I know this is not the best time of year for many but remember, this time of year we celebrate the reason for having our best eternity. For unto us a Savior is born, unto us a Child is given. May He bring love, hope, peace, and joy to all.

Thank you for your indulgence,

The annual Christmas lighting of the burn barrel! Thus, the season ends! Thank goodness! lol
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The annual Christmas lighting of the burn barrel! Thus, the season ends! Thank goodness! lol
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I did this one year one morning, oh probably 50 years ago or more. Then my mother discovered her deceased mothers cameo ring was missing, she was wearing it that morning. After a long search dad and I had to go out pour water on the ashes and dig thru the barrel. All we found was a melted globe of gold. Not mothers best Christmas.