i cannot recall the name of the ethanol product, but i got it at either Auto Zone, or Advanced Auto, it was in the ..fuel additives section. the one i bought was blue in color, in a clear bottle
most likely any "jets" in the carb is/are plugged up, since basically you are bypassing them as you spray into the carb, and could even be a stuck float, maybe the float pin fell out, or if equipped, needle valve....i think some may even have a diaphragm valve, that could be torn, or eaten thru by the ethanol
that one may have to be rebuilt, or of course, if really bad...replaced. but dang tiny carbs are expensive too.
most if not all ignition systems are "electronic"/magneto, but i did have a snow thrower that i had to change out the points/condenser.....that was a great machine
i haven't changed spark plugs in years, i bought those E3 plugs...at Lowes,