
What are you doing right now??

Lowes or Homedepot sell ethanol free gas by the gallon but it is pretty pricey but it can last for years in the machine and needs no stabilizer. I use it all year here but I have a small yard. Since using 92 octane fuel I have had no issues with small engines, none whatsoever.
Lowes or Homedepot sell ethanol free gas by the gallon but it is pretty pricey but it can last for years in the machine and needs no stabilizer. I use it all year here but I have a small yard. Since using 92 octane fuel I have had no issues with small engines, none whatsoever.
i use the highest octane gasoline as well, but so many sell it with that ethanol added to it, so i have to search and when i find a station with none, i fill up my gas cans.
i cannot recall the name of the ethanol product, but i got it at either Auto Zone, or Advanced Auto, it was in the ..fuel additives section. the one i bought was blue in color, in a clear bottle

most likely any "jets" in the carb is/are plugged up, since basically you are bypassing them as you spray into the carb, and could even be a stuck float, maybe the float pin fell out, or if equipped, needle valve....i think some may even have a diaphragm valve, that could be torn, or eaten thru by the ethanol

that one may have to be rebuilt, or of course, if really bad...replaced. but dang tiny carbs are expensive too.

most if not all ignition systems are "electronic"/magneto, but i did have a snow thrower that i had to change out the points/condenser.....that was a great machine

i haven't changed spark plugs in years, i bought those E3 plugs...at Lowes,
The plug in the snowblower is fine. It has an electric start. It just wouldn't fire. Gotta be fuel I think.
I need to get a new phone. Holy crap they are expensive! Now i'm starting to second guess how long I can make the old one last. It is 6 years old and will not be supported by Apple soon. I'm having battery issues with it now.
I'm the king of running iPhones until the very last useful moment. Not too damn long ago I had an iPhone 3. What normally happens is my daughter buys the newest, latest and greatest version, my wife inherits her old phone and I in turn inherit my wife's old phone. The last new phone I bought was a Motorola Bag Phone ( which was completely bad ass by the way).
At least around my part of Texas we can get ethanol free gas. That's all I use in my zero turn mowers and weed eaters. The last couple of months I haven't been able to drive my diesel pickup so much because of my knee surgery. I've been using my wife's suv to get around, so I've been the one fueling it up. It gets 4 mpg better using ethanol free gasoline.
Retirement party was pretty good. The new retiree was a guy we met at Happy Hour. We finally learned their names. :rolleyes: Free beer and food and it was going into the evening. We left so we could see a lame NFL game. Got home and turned on a murder show until the night's game. Match tomorrow, so looking forward to blasting targets and having fun. My new gun hasn't shipped yet, so it will turn up at some point. Anyway, have fun and enjoy your day.
But is it ethanol free?
Here in NE Florida, a generator is pretty important during hurricane season. I inherited this machine 5 years ago when my father passed. He was a stickler for maintenance with everything. The generator was 12 years old when he passed (see pics). Today at 17 years old it looks the same and starts every time you bump the key.
The protocol is, only run non-ethanol fuel, run a cup or so of fuel every 3 months (keeps battery up). Run completely out of fuel EVERY time. Regularly change crank case oil and air filter. Wash and wax once a year.
Stays in garage under factory cover when not in use.
He treated everything from a rod and real, outboard motor to automobile the same. Guess that explains why I clean my guns after every range trip even if I am going back the next day. Even safe queens stripped and cleaned every three months fired or not. It is both a blessing and a curse to be that way.


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Just watched for the first time in 2 yrs. the first 10 min of my former fav NFL team playing a Division competitor.

I see the NFL has neutered the kickoff with some silly idea that both teams face off at mid-field while the kicker & a receiver are at both ends. WTF did that come about?

I've seen flag-football games more exciting to whatever the NFL has turned into.

The NFL is dead to me, I'll stick with college ball.
Second night fighting this he77 of a head cold, Tylenol and Musinex…..
I do vitamin C & D3 plus calcium citrate with magnesium with zinc and an adult vitamin. When feeling somewhat congested, I do Mucinex (tabs). I get them in big bottles at Costco. I haven't been sick in forever, but we don't work and are not exposed to children or a crapload of strangers. I hate feeling sick and don't want to be that way if I can help it. So sorry.