
What are you doing right now??

I just picked up my Inglis P-35B from the LGS. I thought about getting new grips, but I kinda like the ones that came with it. Perfect condition, crowned barrel, fiber optic sight, black serrated rear sight, checkered walnut grips. two mags, brush, manual, lock and empty chamber thingee. No mag safety, ambi safety and locking plastic case.
Good looking firearm! Good luck with it.
came back from grocery shopping at wally's world emporium, and the larger east coast brand store.

wife gave me a list, of what to get at each store.

still no eggs for us, we both are refusing to pay at least $5.00 for even "home brand" of white eggs, let alone the nearly $9.00 for a dozen of "the big named shite".

some guy at the larger store, swore at the clerk who was actually stocking eggs, by saying the "F" word a couple of times.

he did apologize to her, and since i was there and heard it, to me as well.

so much to blame on so many for the high cost of everything, especially for a food that was/is so abundant, but not to a lowly young lady stocking the shelves.

then too, i gassed up the car, and it was snowing, very lightly too, and has stopped now...

so this time that prediction of "a dusting to an inch"........was spot on....
There’s about 8” of new snow since yesterday. Just trudged out to the shop and refilled the suet feeders and seed feeders. There’s probably 30 cardinals, 20 juncos and a handful of hairy woodpeckers outside my back doors right now. And some squirrels.
Have a pot of great northerns pressure cookin.
