
What are you doing right now??

oh..... what m i doing
wellllllll its a long story, day 8
truck is STILL at ford getting re-wired...it started with 7 harnesses and now has evolved to almost all of the under hood harnesses because rodent took a nibble out of chaff strips and or pvc covers and clips

funny part was last night my ford pass app that tells you where the cars are etc... and locked or unlocked all the neat stuff
at 10 pm ish i got an alert the truck was ON....yes ON and running
i was thinking well if it sets the service area on fire..i guess i get a new truck

called this morning and truck was not ON as its harnesses are unplugged and batteries disconnected

i may add, yesterday the dealer called me and asked if they could swap out the loaner expedition becasue they had a buyer, they asked how far i was from them and i told them right at 1.5 hrs
the guy said ok, will you be home for a while
i said yes...well to my surprise a get a call from front gate about 2hrs later...dude was there to deliver a new loner car 24 expedition max and pick up the one i had been using.

shocked was I
i have never ever ever had that happen from any dealer
oh..... what m i doing
wellllllll its a long story, day 8
truck is STILL at ford getting re-wired...it started with 7 harnesses and now has evolved to almost all of the under hood harnesses because rodent took a nibble out of chaff strips and or pvc covers and clips

funny part was last night my ford pass app that tells you where the cars are etc... and locked or unlocked all the neat stuff
at 10 pm ish i got an alert the truck was ON....yes ON and running
i was thinking well if it sets the service area on fire..i guess i get a new truck

called this morning and truck was not ON as its harnesses are unplugged and batteries disconnected

i may add, yesterday the dealer called me and asked if they could swap out the loaner expedition becasue they had a buyer, they asked how far i was from them and i told them right at 1.5 hrs
the guy said ok, will you be home for a while
i said yes...well to my surprise a get a call from front gate about 2hrs later...dude was there to deliver a new loner car 24 expedition max and pick up the one i had been using.

shocked was I
i have never ever ever had that happen from any dealer
Why? Because they were on time?
Why? Because they were on time?
no because that is so far out of the norm... dealers around here are limited to maybe 2 loaners and its normally takes days to get one, much less get one for over a week to use.
most get a porter to run you home and your on your own to get back unless you go get a RENTAL

these guys have been burning the oil to get the parts and get it fixed like it was when it left the factory
they delivered a damaged vehicle and are stepppping up to make sure it goes smooth

i fully expected them to call back and have me drive over to swap out vehicles...service like this is not the NORM
its weird but most appreciated.
This morning, I went into work after being on sick leave for the last three months and turned in paperwork to apply for disability retirement. With all my old injuries from over the years, and all the upcoming surgeries and medical procedures I need done, I just can't physically do my job anymore. By doing this, I save myself from possible termination. Under the rules I fall under, my agency has to look for a suitable position for me that I am qualified for and can physically do. Without loss of pay or rank. If they can't find me a job within my own agency, then they have to look at all other federal agencies for a suitable position for me. And then if that can't be found, I can take disability retirement. But I honestly hope something can be found for me, as I would like to work for 3-5 more years. I'm 59 now. I've been blue-collar all my life. Hopefully something blue-collar can be found for me that I physically can do. I dread the thought of some white-collar office position.
I drove home in sporadic white out conditions. As soon as you get out of Fargo-Moorhead....white. But it goes in waves or squalls. The wind switched from south east to northwest and this grey blob followed me home (pics don't do it justice...)


That's more than we've had all winter (so far...), but ours comes in sideways so no one ever REALLY knows how much we get. ;)
Snow melted enough today to make slush and now it is freezing again making ice on the roads. Interstate 10 is closed. The military bases, schools, and local government offices and businesses are closed due to hazardous driving conditions. We have a couple more days of this. Folks just need to stay home. Power was down for about 8 hours today. We are fortunate to have whole house standby generator but some folks got pretty cold with the power out. Florida is just not geared for this.
Just got off the phone with credit card company. Someone charged credit of 290 from dicks sporting goods and i would never buy anything from them. Anyway bank took care of it and cancelled the card. I get text on stuff i purchase online. This has happened to me before. Getting where its not safe to buy online anymore
Snow melted enough today to make slush and now it is freezing again making ice on the roads. Interstate 10 is closed. The military bases, schools, and local government offices and businesses are closed due to hazardous driving conditions. We have a couple more days of this. Folks just need to stay home. Power was down for about 8 hours today. We are fortunate to have whole house standby generator but some folks got pretty cold with the power out. Florida is just not geared for this.
Yep. Stay home. Your communities don't have a snow clearing/removal budget, not to mention the skills (yes, most people know that it takes skill to drive in adverse conditions) required to drive safely in it (excepting maybe the snowbirds ;)). Heck, some people up here lose their minds after the first snow. I think that's called denial. 🤣
Yep. Stay home. Your communities don't have a snow clearing/removal budget, not to mention the skills (yes, most people know that it takes skill to drive in adverse conditions) required to drive safely in it (excepting maybe the snowbirds ;)). Heck, some people up here lose their minds after the first snow. I think that's called denial. 🤣
Your pics remind me of Alaska. I really didn't mind the weather plus I was a lot younger back then.
They just need to bring in experts in archeology and have like 10 universities from around the world help with the dig as a history research project. Put that show out of its misery
My daughter bought me like the first 6 seasons on that on dvd that was in a set. i got through two seasons and gave it up. show the same scenes over and over and we find more stuff when we go metal detecting than them. lol. i remember one show the guy found a coin and not an old one and was so excited. i'm like really? i did skim through it some later and still they found nothing. i didn't think they were still on.